The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1652
  • @JLZ-666 I'm here!! Just finished some stuff up and can stay a wee bit too!! :)
  • Is it really going to rain the whole time? AAACK! If it was my vacay I'd be in heaven but for you two that just sucks! :(. Ahhhh but as you say the pub is (hopefully) rain free! Unless it's leaking like rats!! LOL ;)
  • Mmmmmm nothing better than stormy weather right on the beach!! Huge waves, thunder and lightening!! Whoo Hooo maybe I ought to poof over to my castle this weekend?! Hmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh :D Whataya think @JLZ-666 should I head over, is it lightening along with the rain??
  • And here's me once again talking to myself!!!! Meh what else is new??? :D
  • HaaHaa! @kimmie I'm here but going to be seriously popping! Yep rain rain and more rain with high humidity so yep,probably thunder and lightning! Just your thing! Yesssssss poof over to your castle,you'll be around 2hrs away from me! Need some "shoe" advice! I've got 4 pairs of wellies......yeah I know ;) black,grey,zebra print or leopard print....what should I take? Be boring and mix in with the locals or scare the bejeez out of the coos?!!!! Where's @birdaddict when you need her?
  • Now I'm talking to myself ;(
  • Oooh @JLZ-666 take the leopard and the zebra!!! Too fun!! That's it then I'm off to my castle this weekend to ghostie hunt!!! Whoo hooo!!! :D you can pop over too!! ;)
  • HaaHaaa no I'm not,I'm talking over you! Shut up and listen JLZ! Ok I'll startle the wildlife then! I would love to come visit my fave castle @kimmie,it'll look stunning in a storm!
  • To bad I can't give you my leopard and zebra coats to go with!! Talk about giving the erm coos something to talk about!!! :D
  • LOL I was doing the @Kathy Rthingy when I saw we were once again talking over eachother!!! Heeheee
  • Ohhhhh it's got all those headless dudes doesn't it?
  • Yeahhh love a good storm and ghostie hunt all in one go!!! Talk about heaven!!!!! :)
  • Ahhhhh! You've got a zebra print coat??? Can I borrow it? Dang.......gotta go
  • Yepper the headless dude and the lady in uhhhh I think white?! Or as it Elizabeth?! Can't remember?! But I'll ferret them out so we can have tea together! That is if the headless dude remembers to carry his head with him! If not I guess I'll have to help him find it!
  • Goooooodmorning birdiesssss!! Yeahhh Kimmie AND JLZ in here!!! How are my lovely friends doing this morning?? ermm or night?? I see the BP rolled on great yesterday, poor tas, trapped with the ladies and not even teen ladies. You held up pretty well tas, you will grow up and able to mingle in any crowed for sure! Cause look at Mister Rat, scared of the levels of estrogen and came back when the coast was clear… yup that is the way to install fear in us ladies for sure Mister Rat!
    Everyone keeps telling me I am hilarious, but I don't try to be, must be the action reaction thingy… you all make me talk like a loon, that's it and I am sticking to it!
    Ow and because Mister Rat is "it" today… not sure which clock you watched, but 12 hours?! nah my brain didn't shut off for 12 hours?! it can't, it just can't!! never happens and never will. It is wired to turn on again after 5 or 6 hours.. maybe 7 or 8 if I am really tired, but not 12… LOL the idea of shutting down for 12 hours… do you know what I would miss in all those hours?!
  • Indeed I do @JLZ-666 and I love that thing!! It's got an amazing cut to it! Very sharp!! You could for sure borrow it!! :) Off you go then! I'll be around for a bit, gunna fling but I'll listen for the ding!! :) Hope it doesn't get too "hairie" for you.......::::..WAHAHAHAAAHA ;D
  • Yeahhh JLZ is going to scare the cows!! I vote for the zebra print wellies for sure!! It has been raining here like crazy to. Guess it is moving to your direction JLZ, sorry!! but it is always a great excuse to stay inside and have a lazy and cuddly day for sure!
  • @e-star!!!!!! What's up my Sweet Dutchie Friend!!! At it again I see!! Riling up rat and making him have an accident!! LOL :D
  • I want it to come My Way!!!!! Whaaaaasaaa rain hates meeeee!!!!! :(
  • IKR Kimmie, but he is a good sport though... saw him walking in earlier with a extra set of pants... smart thinking, but to make things clear I am not funny at all... I just comment on other comments, that is all.
    Ow and Kimmie I love to send it to ya, cause it has cooled down enough for now over here, so you can have it... brb going to try and catch it for you and send it :D
  • Arghhhh! @estar how are you honey?! Kimmie,sorry I had to drop the phone lol!! These peeps have no idea really;( @estar were you scaring a rat? HaaHaa!! Kimmie the coat and wellie combo sounds fab! Nothing like blending in! At least I won't get shot by a hunter......unless some crazy thinks zebras run wild in the glens! Kimmie I'll do a rain dance for you. Oh for goodness sake :(((((( bbl
  • Indeed he's a good sport and funny as well! I'm not sure but it sounds like badges may have been given out?! I'll have to pop over and check, I hope we can actually get a real funny person (rat!) to have the truffle shuffle!! He's definantly of the natural nutter sort and will fit right in with you, Bird-addict,JLZ-666,mumsie and the like in our weird crew!! :D
    Oh what heaven if you could send that lovely rain my way E-star!! It's been months since we got any!! :/
  • Hahahaahahahahaaahahaha @JLZ-666 for cripes sake don't count on hunters to be that smart!! LOL Do Not head into the woods with a zebra combo!! They'd think they'd gotten the best hook of their lives only to be found guilty of murder!!! WAHAHAHAAAHA :D
  • Can you have a video taken of your rain dance then?! That would be a lovely momento @JLZ-666! :D for goodness sake can't those clients of yours see we are BUSY!!! LOL
  • hahahaha yeahhh JLZ can you can you??? would love to see the raindance!!
    I am fine my friend, loving life as usual :D Gonna fetch me some coffee and listen to the sound of the rain, back in a jiffy
  • Kimmie check your email in a few ;)
  • Just heard the dinger! I'm on it!! :)
  • Oooooooo I could sooo hear it @e-star!! :D I'm so jealous! Ahhh I'd be sitting on my patio (hahaa like I am right now!) and just soaking the sound and all the drops up!! Pretty pretty it makes everything!! Thank you! At least I can enjoy it by looks if not by actuality!! I'll take it!! :)
    Give Jaapie a Big kiss for me!! :)
  • Hee hee, I do love the sound of the rain as well. I am sitting behind my computer next to the open door, so while I enjoy the lovely company of the virtual world, I have the best music in my ear! Jaapie bolted, went back to bed hihi. He ran to my parents next door to see if he could score some kibble and ran back. Woosh! But I will give him a kiss for ya. He has been more cuddly as of lately, so yeahhh!
  • Sweet!! I love the sound of rain!! LOL Jaapie may hate the rain but not enough not to get wet for some kibble!! Heehee :D
    OMG I've told you how much Tig Loves his food, so tonight he's up on the counter, yes we allow him up on the counter with the sink! There's no stopping him from climbing up! He uses the trash can to climb up, anyways he's talking to me while I'm doing dishes, my Mom opens up a can of food for him and Binky and he literally flings himself around mid sentence and instead of carefully climbing down FLINGShimself so fast around he flys off the counter, lands ass backwards, picks himself up and Runs to my Mom and starts using her as a scratching post so she'll feed him faster! Oh I wish I'd gotten a video of it!! It was hilarious how quickly he reacted to the sound of the can opening!!!!!
  • Awwww thank you for giving Jaapie a kiss for me e-star!! :) He didn't look to happy but to bad!! ;) It's an Aunties prerogative to give lots of kisses especially when the baby is so cute!! :D
  • Hihihihi Well I believe that is mummys prerogative as well, so poor Jaapie LOL
    And ROTFLMAO!! Tig did what? I know how cats can go bonkers when food is in the picture would have loved to see that one!
  • Jaapie doesn't like canned food, but our previous cat Max would have done the same! Awww I miss him, he would come running even if it was a can with soup for us. Jaapie only eats dry kibble and well everything I eat he wants as well. If mommy eats it, it must be good... if daddy eats it, check first by mommy... mommy doesn't like shrimp... Jaapie... blechhhh shrimp hahahhahhaha LOL
  • Tig is the same way! He hears a can open and no matter where he is he comes hightailing it over sure it's for him!! :D He will run whoevers in the way over in his quest for food!! And yep he does the same with me, eats whatever Mommy eats! And right off my plate if I'm not fast enough!! :D Good thing I'm OK with that!! Heeheee
    That too funny he checks what your eating first!!! Love it! :D
  • Jaapie would too, often enough he is on my lap to try and eat of my plate, but because he ermmm has a sensitive system and mummy doesn't like to play the cleaner, I won't let him... but like you I am an easy going not easily to make nauseous person :D
  • Ding ding ding!!! That's all I could hear! Purleeeez ladies I'm trying to work;) should I stay here or go there? You want a vid of my rain dance do ya? I'd do it you know! Right I've got 20 mins so I'm going to run out to the deli and grab a coffee then find out if I'm talking to myself ;)
  • @JLZ66 - why not mix and match your wellies?? One Zebra one Leopard! Have a great weekend splashing through the puddles on the way to the pub!
    OB Looks exhausted ! So much chat yesterday and I missed it all! Just going to pop over to B&R to vote for @rat! Such fun - though have to say there are a few too many of his descendants running around for my liking - maybe we should import one of JLZ's garage men to come with bagpipes to lead them to a special rat garden!
    Speaking of gardens - Kimmie I have a recipe for you to deter your snails! Be right back!
    Mumsie 'poofs' to B&R
  • No I can't get a coffee I don't have time! Got to much to look at.
  • HaaHaa @mumsie, the pied mcpiper?! Loving that image! I have to look at my dingalings while I have time. OB another coffee please? Have to make do with a virtual
  • Awww JLZ sorry to make you skip your coffee break! And I will keep my fingers from typing more words for you to read, ow wait... I can't hee hee! And duhhhh of course I know you would, so I will be waiting besides my email for your rain dance hihihihi
  • Take your phone with you to get the coffee @JLZ-666!! WTH are you thinking!! How close to done for the day are you?

    E-star Tig will do whatever he can to get to food!! Even my Moms plate isn't safe! :D thank goodness neither of us has a prob sharing a plate with him!! LOL

    Hey @mumsie!! Can't wait to hear your recipe for slimy snails!! Hahaahaa you'll come up with anything to get one of JLZ-666s boys!!!! :D

    Pied mcpiper!! HAHAHAHAAA good one @JLZ-666! Can't wait to see the rain dance!!! :D
  • Well ok then that settles it,one zebra one leopard,one complete loon jumping in puddles doing a rain dance in the highlands for a girl in California,being taped by her poor long suffering husband...........yeah,just my average romantic weekend away!
    @estar it's not fair,you can fly through the keyboard on your PC while I'm stuck on this teeny screen:(
    Ohhh and this ones
  • The moons almost full and it's Huge tonight! And a beautiful yellow orange colour! Pretty!! And pooh is getting close to 4am!! :(
  • HAHAAHAAHAHAHAA hoohooohogooohooohoooo what you won't do for your girlfriends @JLZ-666!! :D just do the rain dance between the erm romance!! ;D
  • Oh for goodness sake!!! I'm trying to answer the real ringing phone and got confused and hit send!!!!!! I'm losing the plot!! Ermmm where was I? Oh this ones for @karen and Kimmie....guess who's back in the deli serving coffee for the summer? Heehee lol! Arghhh yeah I should have taken my phone down but I can't walk,type and carry hot liquid at the same time!
    Kimmie I've got 2 hrs to go!! Then home and try to avoid eye contact with the kitties :(
  • Ahahahahahahha Yeahhhh you go for it girl, your hubby must love you very much! Or loves seeing you do the loony stuff hee hee!! The computer is the way to go JLZ, really, I am running around between the walkthroughs (trying to comment in ACB with my vids), the PMs, email and back here again. So maybe I would be better of on a screen that would not allow me to switch that easily and I would be less running around and just relaxxxx LOL right like that would ever happen ;)
  • Recipe to deter slugs (which are after all homeless snails so hopefully will work on snails too!)
    1. Stick a yucca leaf in a food processor, process, then mix with water, fill up your spray gun and blast your plants - apparently slugs hate yucca
    2. Other mixtures that should work are
    Garlic in liquid paraffin,
    a mixture of boiling water, chilies, an inch of chopped horseradish root and a couple f handfuls of geranium leaves - when cool strain into spray gun ( another one - not the one with the Yucca mix!) And spray the garden!
  • ROTLMAO!! JLZ!! ya had what??? phone that rings?? huh, whats that for? LOL
    Yeahhh 2 more hours and you are home free! And stick to the plan, nothing breaks a mummys heart more than kitties knowing you are going to spend a weekend without them. But I know you have a great address for them to have a fab weekend as well!
  • Oh @kimmie noooooooo:( time zones are so unfair. The moon sounds wonderful! Yikes @mumsie what recipe books have you got in your kitchen?! That's certainly not Aunty Delias ;)
    Yeah @estar he has to love the loony behaviour cos that's all he gets......apart from last nights raving lunatic moment :) gotta keep the passion alive even if it's smashing plates lol!!!
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