The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3055
  • Im here lutking, internet issues on so I'm lutking on my phone, but going to dreamland ..ZZzzzz....
    @HunnyBunny I totally get it lol!! Sent you a note..
    Nighty Night Birdie Freinds ♡♡♡
  • And The Princess Takes a Bow as she Places the Crown upon her head.. :D
    And No @BrianN I didn't count posts, And I don't Cheat ;~)
  • I think the value of the crown is somewhat diminished when lurkers can just walk in and steal it. Anyone seen Tom Hanks?
  • @kathy welcome back oh rightful princess. Now put your foot down and restore some order back here.
  • Free drinks for all! (except @ixan57-I shall call you Princess Wingman)

    Feeling woozy after work today. Was cleaning windows on an estate where the oxygen to ganja fumes ratio was about 50:50.Not a good idea to get high when you're high.
  • Elton John buys his rabbit a treadmill
    It’s a little fit bunny...
  • I nick my jokes from a friend on Facebook
    Sometimes I make them better, this one made me laugh out loud, no changes needed
  • I had to work on that one a bit @hunnybunny. It helps if you say it out loud.
  • Heehee @HunnyBunny That one had me laughing out loud Bit Funny lol!!
    @DesperateDan Good News You can have your Avatar in the Nest and Also in The BP.. how did you think the rest of us did it? Magic? You just never asked, and my apologies We never asked you either, what a crappy hostess I am?? I used to be the best Hostess Evan!! Even used to say so on page 1!
  • Oohh How you ask? I think?? I gotta check, you need to sign in with wordpress but it's wicked easy , if @Gumby can do it .. well then that's all..
  • that's the site.. just make up an account and a Pw and you are good to go :D
  • Yeah @DesperateDan @HunnyBunny It Does help if you say it out loud heehee, I actually just got it!! Remembered the song:)
    @BrianN sorry I lost you in the mix there, you say you got high , isn't that your job? ;)
    Seriously hope you feel better, I can't stand the smell of that stuff anymore, actually never could Woozy describes it pretty well!
  • You always miss me in the mix @kathy. Good job I'm thick... er I mean thick skinned. Thanks for the avatar tip. Everyone happy now?
  • Looks like we can add anton249 to the Eddie is innocent campaign.based on today's challenge walk through page.
  • Nah, guilty as charged.
  • Lol, avatars
  • What about raven?
  • Has this gravitar malarkey worked?
  • Well beat me on the bottom with a Woman's Weekly it has! But I am not sure I want it everywhere outside the world of the BP.
  • Now come on @brianN, fess up. How come the only time your score appears on the Challenge it is at the top? Are you seriously claiming you never fall short. Just give me one chance to say how rubbish you are. Please.
  • Glad you like it @hunnybunny. Combining the two great loves of my life.
    The wife and kids are gutted.
  • Truthfully @desperatedan. I have hardly even looked at the challenge in recent times as my spare AB time is being used on a fruitless attempt at ultra Sharpshooter badge. Didn't want to go down the obvious Mirror World route but the route I've gone down is a cul-de-sac due to glitches etc. Occasionally I do look at the challenge and if I think a puppy is on I'll have a pop.
    I wouldn't put down a score after just a rew minutes of flinging but if I give it a few hours I will. Decided today's was a no no. Feel free to put this response in your pipe and smoke it.
  • Ps Think there's an edit function in Gravatar where you can exempt certain sites from said avatar?
  • Ah, a fair weather puppy chaser. Can't say I blame you.

    As for raven, looks like he blew a pup by reloading his top score on a level that came up in the Challenge just 2 weeks later. Guilty as charged.
  • Gotta say I like Raven's attitude.
    "Every time admin take my score down I put it right back up!"
    Heh heh. Go Raven.
  • Yes,but not a fairweather ultra Sharpshooter badge chaser.
  • Shoo doobie doobie do wah wah. Doo doobie doobie doo doobie doobie.
    Or how about... Doobie doobie doo, doobie doobie, doobie doobie doooo.
    Yes, they don't write like that anymore. Nor this...

    My introduction to The Fall. A truly jaw dropping musical moment. I'm sure the rest of you will agree, though for different reasons.
  • Yay!! Avatars work :D happy to help!!
    Now what's about this challenge walkthrough?? I love a controversy heehee..
  • There's No F'n way that Raven dude has almost 4k above @comex666 !! I haven't even read the comments yet? I'm assuming @Sweetp hasn't either??
  • John Peel's favourite band.
  • Oh hello @kathy, did you get any of that bad weather?
  • Storm in a teacup.
    Hate it when commentators say "That's a penalty all day long".
    What they mean is, at that instant of time the ref(or VAR) has awarded a penalty. Idiots.

    My favourite band of all time. May Mark E Smith's liver rest in peace.
  • That was boring lol..
  • @DesperateDan I'm sorry ,I thought Brian was asking, you guys must have superspeed guys speed. By the time I got send your typed 5 more posts lol..
    we just got heavy rain and high winds , Uhmmm so yeah , but nothing compared to what Louisiana had.. very sad!
  • Hey @kathy, read Manu malins comments. 100k possible. I might just have a go. You got me riled up. It would need the triangle to break and perfect demolition but I think that score of Raven's is possible(have I bended his gender?)
  • @DesperateDan What Are you talking about? I guess I'll assume Tennis?
    And btw Both of you Please WHO The Frig Is Eddie??? I see no reason to Associate Eddie with Raven ??
  • @BrianN I'll have another peek, I'll admit I didn't read the whole walkthrough, just the bottom where anyone and Raven commented. Manu Malin I believe is a mythical flinger who somehow joined the Nest the day it was created and was long gone by the time I joined a year later. But I guess he was real.. according to Slim and Birdleader ohh the Greats had all the perks back then! Glitches Galore is been told in FolkLore ..
  • What was boring @kathy. You'll have to be specific. We had some steady drizzle today. It was terrible. Yawn, I'm boring myself to sleep.
  • Guys don't tell @kathy about Eddie. Make her read the last two pages properly. Let her do the hard yards. We have to!
  • Those Guys used to have their own secret society club, where they shared all their strats.. Rockland's , manu Malin Ernor63 (otherwise known as Ernor Ignorant) look at his profile if it's still there? Rude but good flinger, x there was a group of them..
    Sorry I'm boring you @BrianN , you must take into consideration the time difference. You babble all day whilst I'm at work, so such as I do with I get home ;)
  • I Did read All anyone said was Eddie is Innocent!!
  • You haven't read back far enough. I never babble, I speak eloquently.
  • Manu le Malin is a French DJ. Maybe he used angry birds as a front for his hard core electronica?
  • It's also an anagram of UN mailman. Conspiracy theorists are already on it.
  • I sense you have an issue with ernor63. Was he another flinger you upset out of the nest?
  • I think @kathy & @hunnybunny would agree that Ernor the Arrogant left the Nest because we all weren’t good enough to associate with him.
  • Love you all. Nite. Work tomorrow. Did I ever say I hate...
  • I've forgotten who Eddie is now. But I can tell you one thing. He never dunnit!
  • Hi @karen68. Enjoying the tennis? Yer man Dennis is doing OK and maybe you are watching Felix now. I was wrong about GB singles involvement not persisting. Evans into last 16 and Raducanu could well do same. Have you seen her? She's the real deal (adjusts fez).
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