The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2840
  • Lol @hunnybunny Can't reply to that on this site!
    Thought he was going to fight back. Shame,especially at this stage.
  • Sorry again @kathy I'll stop blabbering ;) Managed 3 page headers in one day.
  • @hunnybunny @jlz666 @karen68 No ESPN (i. e. Wimbledon coverage) until tomorrow afternoon for me. Really sorry to hear Stan is out, one of my favs too!

    Feel like we've traveled back in time, so great to hear from everyone and to see all of the page changes.
  • I saw the pics @jlz666 you looked extremely happy.
    The records have subsided a bit. I have turned my focus to other things now. I still listen occasionally, if the wife and kids are away.
  • Wow, a reunion! What a great idea. I've got lots of catching up to do. Thank you @sunshine for inviting me back to the BP (Big Party) and a big ALOHA to everyone.
  • Guys,

    Message from @Kathy:

    not nice, my eye is inflamed since Saturday,, can't put contract lens in, can't drive and it hurts, can do nothing. today is the worst so far.

    That was a few hours ago, just received this message

    Thank you. Just got back from the eye doctor,, she said it's an infection that keeps coming back, she gave me a prescription for eye drops ,2 drops every half hour today then 2 drops every two hours tomorrow, return Wednesday morning for check up

    She apologizes for not being here.
  • @bernersenn thanks! @kathy feel better! We love you!! :D
  • @kathy you never know, typing with one eye make might more sense than you normal Hoo Doo Voo Doo or whatever Kimmie calls it...
  • @surfcow if there's one thing that cheers me up on an old difficult level, it's your totally mad posts! Love them Hope the cows are well ( well I think you farm cows in Kansas or some where)
  • @surfcow WOW I don't think since I have been around here that I have ever seen you in the BP. I have seen lots of your very humorous comments in the walk thru pages thou LOL you are a funny person. Nice to have a sense of humor :)
  • Mumsie peers around the door, not sure whether she's got the right day, or even the right pub it's been so long. OB flies over and drags her in and does a quick run down of everyone who has been in!
    AMAZING!!! What a great idea to have a reunion – So many Old friends! (No @hunnybunny that's not a dig at you heading towards 60! I hurtled past six years ago! It's still fun to be on the right side of the grass!)
    @jlz666, @kimmiecv, how positively splendiferous to see you chatting like way back when! @sunshine - thanks for the personal invite! @rdnzlrips82 (Kids are so grown up!), @kathy (hope your eye is better today) @surfcow, @hunnybunny, @tompuss, @karen68 (happy Canada 150 celebrations), and EVERYONE else - so good to see you all again - OB more Cristal please!!! And @rat get well soon.
    Decided to look back to when I first visited the Bloated Pig - September 2012! So many great times - seeing the gorgeous kilted man reminded me of my mad trip north!! pp1214/5 of the Bloated Pig - didn't there used to be an easy way to get back to specific pages???
    So great to see everyone- no- one who knows me will be the least bit surprised to hear I was playing golf today - and again tomorrow - and on Thursday!!

    Gosh it's good to be here! Mumsie settles into her rocking chair and beams at everyone over her champagne glass! xxx
  • @gumby hello green person, are you still flying up the leaderboards? Or did eight million points go totally to your head?
    Where is @mumsie42 we need dusters...
  • Mumsie is here!
  • Mumsie asks the blues to go and pick up the box from just outside the door and take it to B&R she has been knitting dusters since the invite came in!
  • @mumsie42 did OB give you the basket of yarn? The badges are getting so dusty in the nest! Please help! :D
  • @mumsie42 hello
    @hunnybunny those 8 million points did go to my head. BUT the puppythat I just got along with what should remain the trophy score forever went too my head even worse. There wasnt a single piece of debris remaining.
  • Should have pressed refresh
    @mumsie so lovely to see you again ((hug)) Knit a huge duster for @gumby he scored eight million (yes eight million!) on the Ham Dunk Challenge
    This is a great reunion, to see such lovely people again.
    But sorry, I'm off
    Keep on partying xx
  • @gumby puppy? Will check out. I had no luck...
  • Mumsie immediately starts to knit an extra large duster just for @gumby!
  • @hunnybunny keep on flinging, lets make this a puppy parade.
  • @mumsie42 Thanks for extra large duster. Just one question. Whats a duster?
  • Its definitely very nice to see so many people hanging out in the BP. I wonder if anybody has a way to contact our shining @estar, she would love this.
  • Oh @gumby that question makes me chuckle! So many people asked the exact same question when I first started to knit them and hand them out! Here in the UK a duster is a soft cloth used to remove dust from furniture or to polish trophies and keep them shiny!

  • @mumsie42 I was thinking of the dusting mop type thing my mom used to use.
  • @kathy is not going to get to see the 4th of July Fireworks :(
  • @Gumby, I just sent a message/invite to @estar so maybe she will drop by (its around midnight in Netherlands) Aloha to @mumsie, @hunnybunny and @catsnbirds - thanks for saying hello.
  • Oh thanks @gumby for the reminder -

    Happy 4th July to all US BP patrons xxxx
  • @surfcow thanks, ester has been away for some time. Every now and then she pops in.
    @mumsie42 thanks, I think just doing dinner with friends and no fireworks this year. TOO many people at the Hatch Shell in Boston. ( link to follow )

  • Mumsie rubs her eyes puts her knitting away neatly - gives OB a hug and sets wearily off to bed - golfing in 9 hours! This old lady needs her beauty sleep!
  • @mumsie42 this is a small percentage of the people at the Hatch Shell
  • Exactly thats why I am not going this year. Its way too crowded. Although it is a great time.
  • @sunshine I think I have forgotten to say hello to you today. HELLO and sorry theres just been so many people around today.
  • Sorry to post and poof but my eye can't handle this screen!!:(
    I hope to see everyone soon.. well i hope to actually See in general soon:(
  • So many familiar faces!
    Nice to see everyone @mumsie42, @surfcow @ripsy hello strangers!

    @kathy your poor eye - give it some rest! Hooe it's better soon.

    Great tennis today although I missed a lot of it. (Sorry have to bring the tennis talk in a bit.) Nice to see Murray start strong.@catsnbirds enjoy tomorrow's matches.

    Can't stay, it's one of those days. Catch up later!
  • Hmmm..... Looks like I came in at a quiet time. So nice to see all the updates and so many avatar faces/names. I spent the day helping my son move in to his new school for the summer. Sipping some wine & contemplating the empty nest. Cheers!
    The fireworks show should be set & ready by tomorrow.
  • @kathy I hope your eye heals quick and you feel better soon. I know a scratched cornea hurts enough to make me cry endlessly. I can't imagine your pain. Heal soon.
  • Oh my, so many old friends passed through already. I'm sorry I'm afraid if I try to call all of you out I'll miss too many. I'll blame the wine. Cheers! & sleep well. I'll check back in earlier tomorrow.
  • Thanks @ABCrazy sorry j couldn't be here:(
  • @ABcrazy we all love the cute BMD's

    @ALL HAPPY 4th of July- Enjoy and be safe
  • Thanks Everyone for joining the reunion
    feeling a liitle better just woke up. Going back to sleep
    Nighty night all.
  • @kathy I am surprised that you are still awake. Must be because of vacation mode.
  • Nighty Night @Pa
  • Just woke up @Gumby lol..Dave Having a fire with his freinds. I'm so bummed outI missed erything;(
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