The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2814
  • And I got my crown Back ... :D
  • Lol @gumby..bbiab gonna eat
  • The Gulley Washer is back!! Going around in circles i think!!
  • I think I own a river houseboat now
  • Lol @gumby! (Oopsy) I need Oars for my car!! It's small enough to float!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Y'all got some rain, huh? lol
    Nighty night @Ma
  • Rain? Gully Washer? We have Spring. Beautiful warm, nearly hot (by UK standards of "hot") Spring. Sorry guys...
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @rat just a little rain LOL
    @hunnybunny Spring here brings rain, lots of rain
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???? Ya just a little rain lol!!
  • Luckily I'm in warm Spring!
    Nighty night wet flingers xx
  • Good weather tomorrow.
    Nighty night @Ma
  • Nighty Night @Pa
  • Hey ? OB another sloooowww day.. The pub looks great, sparkling clean, the blues flitting around in the Aviary, chirping away, Spring is in the air but still chilly out there, spark up the fireplace please.
    I need to have a talk with Matilda, she's getting stingy with her eggs again,
    In the mean time I'll have a Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a couple super seeds to munch on.
    Drinks on the house for anyone who pops in :D
  • Watching The Masters from Augusta, guessing Mr Rat can nearly hear the balls rushing through the air. Ever been Rat?
  • @kathy thanks for drinks on the house. I'll have a small whisky please
  • Very welcome @Hunnybunny :D
    And the Masters is Golf? Or Tennis?
  • Ahh Isee @Hunnybunny , i like to play golf, although it's been years, i can't stand watching it, like baseball,, and tennis .. To me not exciting like football or basketball.
    OB I'll have a refill please
  • @Gumby Waaassssuuuupppp????
  • @kathy wasssssuuuuppp
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • Mornin' @Ma

    Mrs. Bunny, I've been to practice rounds but never on a tournament day. I've been in the lottery for Master's tickets for twenty years but haven't got lucky yet. Too expensive even for me to purchase secondary market tickets. Or maybe I've just been too cheap to pay thousands of dollars to watch a little white ball go into a hole in the ground. lol

    Edit: Have you noticed they're are no pink and white flowers everywhere this year? That freeze we had a few weeks ago killed all the azalea blooms.
  • Hi folks. In looking back at the notes I saw that @kathy was going to have a Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a couple super seeds to munch on. I would love to try one but I don't know where to look ????

    In the meantime I have a question around the CHALLENGES. On occasion I have had a score that is shown and would fit in the standings but isn't in the list. Does that have anything to do with the FLAGS? I do not have any on my leaderboard for all SPACE or STAR WARS where I have entered scores. All of the others have flags. How do I go about finding out?

    Also: About a month ago I sent @sweetP pictures of my request for a badge for PATH OF THE JEDI score addict. I haven't a response from SweetP yet. I really didn't know where to enter this so I chose here because Kathy and others on this site seem to work magic {;-)
  • Lol @Patz this Is a virtual pub so OB the barkeep will serve you anything you want virtually;)
    As for challenges which list do you mean? To show up on the'improved list' you need to enter your score on the leadeboard if it's in the top 50 of 'improved' your name will appear on the list. In order to receive the underdog badge you need to take a screenshot of the final Tally screen and upload it to the walkthrough and mention @sweetp with a description of how you achieved the score, ie: "followed so & so strat" or just a quick note of you got it. Just so you know "just like the walkthrough" is usually frowned upon by others, but it's acceptable i think @Karen68 or @hunnybunny will be able to guide you better on this.
    As for your path of the jedi badge, i can't help you there but to say keep bugging @sweetp , if you have to send her a pm(private message) I'll also put a bug in her ear for ya:D
  • And I'm not understanding your question of the Flags? All of the boards have the option to flag a score you think it's wrong,. On the ones you have entered, obviously the flag isn't there because you can't today your own score? Also be aware no pu scores should be entered on the boards.
  • @PATz don't really understand your question about the daily challenge. But, if I have got it right: If you have entered your score on the normal leaderboard it should be shown on the leaderboard on the left hand side of the screen. The scores shown on the right hand side are from flingers who have flung the challenge in the 24 hours that the challenge is live. That is flingers who have improved an existing score, or not entered a score before.
    Will look at PotJ question next...
  • Hi @hunnybunny Thanks for your input , drinks on me *clink*
  • @kathy Hello
    We are talking across one another
    Watching the golf
    Mister Rat I'm like you, there's things you pay for, and things that just ain't worth the money
  • Lol @kathy you sure type quicker than me, even with the hoodoo voodoo keyboard!
  • Lol @hunnybunny i don't know how!
  • @rat no azaleas or rhododendrons. My rhododendron was magnificent a couple of weeks ago. But a passing glory. Dead headed today.
  • Golf update: looks like a European Winner is on the cards....
  • Think I'm off to bed, to watch GOLF!
    Going to bed saves me having yet another drink and cigarette
    Goodnight all xx
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny though i would opt for another drink and another ciggie lol, that is my downfall lol!!
  • Hmm @patz don't really understand either what you're asking about the challenge scores & what lists & the flags.. can you elaborate more?

    I know SweetP has been really busy in real life recently so it's possible she just hasn't got around to it.. we can remind her.
  • @kathy wasssssuuuupppp
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
  • Way to go Sergio! Always a pleasure to see someone win who enjoys it. I think he could have died a happy man today. Good luck on your next...and next...and next...

    P.S. I enjoy winning too don't I Mrs. Bunny? We make a great pair. *snicker*
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡
    @hunnybunny I see you hiding in the tall grass :)
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????
  • @kathy amazing weather today and will be about the same tomorrow
  • OmGiraffe @Gumby incredible weather, and ya tomorrow supposed to be even better!
    It must drive you crazy though , traffic is brutal! All the crazies come out lol!!
  • @kathy off today and tomorrow LOL
  • and the crazies are always out
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
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