The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2585
  • @kathy I haven't been to Cathay Center in a couple years, was over at Pathetic last Sunday night, needed a couple beers and some food. Off to sleep now can't make any progress on challenge, no matter what I do I can't even get over 90k. Oh Well
  • Oh...the rites of passage. I passed my 1st stone yesterday. Ouch!
  • The Broncos defense was all over Brady this afternoon.

    Night Ma
  • @rat Aging isn't for wimps!
  • ha ha ha ha ha
  • I deserve a Whhiiiinnneee just for the heck of it!! I was doing o.k on PD 5-12 but now i can't bit a thing of ya paid me: ( not a good night: (
    OB I'd like a nice warm cocoa with a shot of Baileys please , thank you so much:)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Well, I better get back home and put more wood on the fire to keep the house warm and cozy.

    Have a great flinging MONDAY everyone!

  • @sweetp I broke into the pound a couple days ago and took Spike home :)
  • Happy Monday to everyone :D
    @jlz666 it was nice to see you pop in a couple of days ago, & win a puppy to boot!
    Don't know if you'll drop in today at all but can't let the day go by without a wee bit of the "Address to a Haggis".

    Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face
    Great chieftain o' the pudding- race!
    Aboon them a' yet tak your place,
    Painch, tripe, or thairm..

    Maybe I should include the translation as I can't understand any of it. Happy Robert Burns Day to you and anyone else across the pond who's celebrating!
    Enjoy your dinner tonight :)
  • @karen68 we tried haggis, neeps and tatties last Burns Night. It was tasty but mushy. We had a nice Italian dish tonight. Any Scots will be calling me, a fellow Celt, a darned traitor.

    Yikes @rat

    Puppies up for grabs @gumby @puppyhunters
    As usual, I'm the closest without a cuddly bundle of puppiness :-(
  • Translation for those who really want to know what's in the haggis (don't read if of a sensitive disposition)
    Fair and full is your honest, jolly face,
    Great chieftain of the sausage race!
    Above them all you take your place,
    Stomach, tripe, or intestines

  • Haahaa! Jeez who would eat that? Well me :D Have a couple of friends around for dinner so please excuse my hasty post. Yep @hunnybunny it can be a bit like baby food if you go "full traditional". I always have it stuffed in chicken breast,wrapped in bacon and served with whisky cream sauce and roast tattoos,like this evenings meal. Very yummy!
    @karen68 Thank you for the ode. You always remember! Don't worry,I can hardly understand a damn word of it either!
    Sorry I popped in and out on Saturday but thanks for all the kind words. @catsnbirds I'm sorry to hear your family had a rough time. Yeah it sucks big time,especially at Christmas. Hope things are better? X
    Must go.
    Have a great evening everyone.
  • @JLZ666 Thanks for your concern. The Nest, and especially the BP, is such a great place to escape to for support and a bit of a break from "real" life. All is good now; things change, you adjust and move on. Life! Hope things get better quickly for you too. Enjoy your dinner!!!
  • @catnbirds @jlz666 hope things are better for you both
    @jlz666 that sounds yummy, might try next year
    Off to the puppy chase...
  • Thanks for the empathy @catsnbirds, @SweetP, and Mrs. Bunny. I can't remember the last time something forced me to visit an Emergency Room. It's interesting that only women consoled me. I don't think men want to acknowledge the existence of those little stones.

    Sorry @hunnybunny. Always a bridesmaid. *ruff ruff*
  • Speaking of fun doctor visits, how are the new teeth @Ma?
  • @hunnybunny Ive given it some flings but haven't gotten over 103k yet. maybe with some luck :)
  • @jlz666 that makes haggis actually sound yummy. Of course everything is better with bacon :)

    @rat I totally missed your comment about that nasty stone.. I hear the pain from one of those little buggers rivals the pain of being in labour. So ouch indeed. I hope it's your first & last experience with one.
  • Hey everyone, @catsnbirds I'm sorry, I missed what we going on with you, or I've fogortten, (that's happened to me a lot these days, the forgetfulness:(
    Hope all is improving!
    @sweetp no worries about the earplugs, I appreciate real life can get busy!
    @Pa the teeth still temporary, gotta go back next month to do bottoms, they are really hard to get used to:( Hope your feeling better? Didn't realize you went to the emergency room:(
    And yuck @hunnybunny @jlz666 I for one wouldn't eat that Haggis lol
    But Happy Robert Burns Day :)
  • It was't too bad @Karen68. I was only in labor for about twelve hours and it was a natural delivery. he he

    Sorry Ma. I thought you had done the lowers by now. Maybe you should try the mushy haggis. Easy to eat.
  • *places baskets of earplugs on the bar, and all booths, for tommorw, a basket on the table by the door*
    I sent the blues out to look for some new ones and they flew home with these:)
  • Nope no Haggis for me Pa, still oatmeal, pasta and potatoes:(
    You'd think I'd be gaining wait , but nooo:(
  • Oooh and mac n' cheese
  • @gumby lol Whassssup wit you ¿ I'm up for about another 20 minute:/felt like crap all day, late night last night lol, i hate it when that happens! Did you get a new puppy?
  • Heat wave tommorow ,supposed to be almost 50° :D
  • Kk I'm whining a bit early, but hey it's Tuesday somewhere right¿
    Trying for the extra points in Pig Days 5-12 :( put in your earplugs! Fair warning:)
  • Wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeeeee......
  • Wonder where @knichy has been ¿ haven't seen him since the storm:/
  • @kathy @knichy is probably shoveling still and no only got to 104k in my NyQuil stupor but OB wouldn't cooperate
  • @kathy maybe if I get this one unlocked I can get one :P
  • Ooohhh @gumby I never cared for mooncake festival:( good luck:(
    Pooor @knichyc:(
  • I gotta get some sleep, night @gumby
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡ Hopen ya feEl better :)
  • @kathy ok sleep well I just took more NyQuil so Ill be in lala land soon
  • Oh...I felt much better right after the delivery Ma.

    Nite nite Ma

  • @kathy I see why ya don't like Mooncake Festival. MATILDA
  • Snow's so much better when it's idealized!

    The Piano Guys (Frozen/Vivaldi "Winter"):

  • Wow its quiet in here
  • @hunnybunny I been watching you creep up the challenge leader board today keep going :)
  • @gumby a couple of flings here, a couple there, between doing real life stuff. The chances of anyone beating Moonsabre are slim. A great flinger. I believe he gave up after serious mental health problems. There's been a few who came in, flung, went mad and left. Only us idiots left ;-(
  • @hunnybunny this was probably the level that gave everyone mental health problems
  • Sure is quiet!
    @hunnybunny I'm sorry to hear that about Moonsabre, he was/is an excellent flinger and always helpful in sharing strats:(
  • @hunnybunny I though you meant mental from the game, hope your friend is alright :(
  • @gumby he wasn't a friend. He left AB long before I started flinging. It was in news article somewhere on this site that mentioned his mental health. I can't find it, but he was a very great flinger. Look at scores in early Seasons episodes. Unless they qualify as "ones that got easier" I challenge anyone to beat him.

    How's the snow? It's blown across the Atlantic and turned up here as rain. Nasty, wet, windy, heavy, rain. Yuk :-(
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