The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2583
  • Hmmm ,look in my album @gumby for a pic of a slingshot , can't understand why is showing for me and not you?
    @anyone else can you see it?
  • Arghhh Darn Princess!
  • @Pa you getting snow?
    @gumby where'd ya go?
    Ob looks like I'm all alone, uhmm guess I'll have a Pigkiller, ya i know i should be more creative but...'meh
  • @kathy Im flinging like a madman trying for another puppy
  • OB I'll have a tied up Penguin on the rocks plz
  • Ohh o.k good luck @gumby
    Uhmm OB will not serve you any type of bird!! And penguins Are kinda birds!!
    Oh boy you are on thin Ice now!!
  • , penguins are classified as birds (Aves) in zoological terms. They are black and white flightless seabirds of the family Spheniscidae which are found in the southern hemisphere, chiefly in the Antarctic (although several species live in more temperate regions).
  • @kathy this challenge almost impossible to play on the phone, what tail feathers on the bird? Cant see any if I tried.
  • Is it still the Rio trophy one @gumby?
    Keep flinging, take your time, you can do it!! Go get that puppy:)
  • I'll look
  • @kathy yea its that Rio trophy one
  • Sorry @gumby I suck at using that blu bird:( go slow as @ jlz666 says and adjust your bird on the sling accordingly, one flingers eye on the tail feathers probably differ depending on platform:(
    Good luck
  • @kathy this stinkin bird doesn't have any tail feathers on my phone
  • Which bird @gumby? Hold on keeping flinging while i look, I'm on my phine now
  • @gumby you got the first shot down right ? Bouncing blue of the stump into the vertical cement plank ?
    2nd blue line up blues head a little bit back from the ground in front of the sling like the video, you want it ti go high and dive down in between the dead tree and the (treehouse) all the way to the bottom then i think you have to tap to call the flock, and also on the first shot, i don't think it counts as a pu in this level
  • @kathy I am in 35th overall with 236k so far
  • You only need 3k @gumby keep flinging!! Practice the distance of blues head or butt whatever end of is from the sling, i found a liitle bit away from the bottom of the sling works best.. For the second bird sorry:(
  • @kathy didn't make it but did bump up to 237k
  • Oohhh @knichy hope you charged up your devices? Looks bad there: ( Be safe!
  • off to sleep, catch ya later thx for listen to my whiiiiiinnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee about challenge
  • Nighty night @gumby looks like we are gonna wake up to a winter wonderland: ( 3-6 they are saying, be careful driving..
  • @Pa you o.k are you getting hit with the storm?
    I hope all is well:/
  • No snow for me Ma.
    Nite nite.

    Edit: We did get a dusting of snow. Less than an inch. Sure is pretty.
  • Got 12+ here waiting on more. Back to sleep, resting up to shovel some more.
  • Hmmmmmmm. Posted that at 0530 forgot to hit post. I am sitting in the "eye" right now, noe more snow but 50 mph winds. Only expecting Another six inches or so down here. Where u @ Rat?
  • South Carolina @knichy. Across the river from the Masters golf tournament.
  • OMGiraffe @knichy that's a lot of snow!! I see NYC is also shut down:/ we got nothing
  • It is quite windy here though hope we don't lose power: (
  • Good morning,afternoon and evening to everyone.
    In fact.....Happy belated birthdays,Christmas & New Year!
    I won't explain my absence but I'm finally finding my way back.
    I've obviously missed a ridiculous amount over the past couple of months and hope you'll forgive me for not even attempting to read back!
    Oh gosh there's so many thanks I want to give to the peeps who have kept me sane recently but they know who they are so once again "Thank You"
    As for flinging??? Well it went to the bottom of the pile. I didn't open or play advent in December. I eventually took the leap and tried it 2 weeks ago. Hmmmm,not great IMO. Very wild varied scores with the same shot,on many levels. Very frustrating. Kudos to those that stuck with it! I've put my poor wee scores in but the ones I'm behind on average are the levels I've just mentioned. Maybe I'll do another run one day but def no time soon!
    Yep @hunnybunny you did see me playing with the Penguins! Someone was being kind to me yesterday with a lovely score on that level and a puppy on challenge to boot!
    I also wanted to say "stay safe" to everyone in the winter wonderhell. My Mum,for those who don't know,lives in Philly and is at 3ft already. She's sent some incredible photos. although when I emailed my concern last night she replied "The snow blower is fuled and the wine rack is full!" Sorted :D
    I can't promise to be back permanently,definitely not right now but I needed to show face and say Hi and thank you. The nest is always on my mind but real life is more important. Nothing else matters...........cue James;)
    Hope everyone has a great & safe Saturday night.
    Love to all
  • (((((Hugs)))) back atcha @jlz666 :D
    Lovely to see your smiling face here, thanks for popping in!
    It's just started snowing here, but i don't think it will amount to much, *fingers crossed*
    Can't believe your Mum has 3' of snow already!! And Nyc too! Poor @knichy is also buried in D.C. it's a crazy storm, very windy here 50mph of wind gusts: (
  • Just realised that my smiling face still has a Santa hat on @kathy.....Woooopsie! I'll sort it in the morning.
    IKR? I just love the amount of snow you guys get! Surely if my Mum & NYC have it then you'll be getting it soon? I know it would have to move north but it's a big ass storm right? I'm not wishing that on you BTW!!
    Sorry @knichy I didn't catch that you were in DC. Has is finally stopped?
  • Lol @jlz666 I had noticed you still have your Santa hat on, but given is only January I figured it was still in style:) I must admit the snow does look pretty, and is really no bother for me as i don't shovel lol! I only wish it came during the work week so i could have a day off, even though I only live 2.75 miles from my work , is still a valid excuse, hee hee
  • Well OB looks like everyone is hunkered down for the storm, I'll have a hot chocolate with a shot of Bailey's Irish Creme' please:)
  • I didn't have a Christmas @kathy so Santa is seriously overdue! Believe it or not I bought a stupid amount of Christmas baking goodies in the sales today. Ridiculous I know but who cares? I'm already planning Xmas 2016!
    Honestly Kathy if you saw the pathetic amount of snow that brings the UK to a standstill you'd be shocked. We are useless here. Yes we do get bad winters,especially Scotland,Wales and northern England but hells bells........not like you guys! Our towns and cities would be paralysed. No joke.
    I'll join you in a mug of hot chocolate with Bailey's,marshmallows and what I call "scooshie" cream (that's aerosol cream!)
  • Mmmm that 'scooshie' sounds yummy @jlz666 sounds like what we call' Reddi-Whip' of course that's the brand name basically an aerosol whipped cream:)
    I can totally understand why your planning Xmas 2016 now as hectic as things have been, and its actually smart of you, so when it comes around you aren't rushing around last minute as i always do!

    I think i would miss the snow a little tiny bit, maybe 'meh' I'd rather have it 80° and no humidity year round, would be perfect for me:)

    Not a very good one, but the best i could find . i just went outside to smoke and saw one brown leaf blowing across the snow, this song came to mind:/
  • Watching Rio :)
    Ob @Mumsie42 Rocker is beutifully polished ,she'll be back don't you worry; )
    In the meantime you can fix me another hot cocoa with a shot of Baileys and top it with scooshie; )
  • @jlz666 if I ever get stuck in a snow storm, I hope I'm in your mother's house! She's my type of lady
    Lovely to see you crashing through those icy blocks, even if you had to kill a penguin or two on the way ( @kathy they are innocent! I know it. Captured by wicked pigs, tied up, and those wicked porkers just waited till we blew them up, drowned them, decapitated them. Wicked pigs, wicked, wicked)
    But I did like the "evil" penguin someone posted @gumby I suspect. Would make a really good gravatar
    I'm off on the pointless puppy hunt. @rat rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. I thought that was Seasons not Space!
  • Holey Crap! ! Just went out for a smoke, it's snowing pretty hard, Already 3" and it doesn't show signs of stopping! I think our weather forecasters goofed on this one!
  • Your right @hunnybunny Cosmic Crystal is R&R pointless ,has anyone come close to adopting a puppy?
  • Two or three close @kathy but no puppies today
    Any snow for you?
    We saw about half an inch in little dips when walking last week, all we've had here, although I love snow, we just can't cope with it here. Although Mr Bunny has a new 4x4 so he's possibly waiting for snow, just to test it out.
  • Yep @hunnybunny it started to snow lightly about an hour ago ,now is coming down fast and furious in small flakes, about 3" so far and windy!
    See my you tube link above; )
  • Yikes @kathy replied to you when saw your post on email, didn't see your previous post. Hope you are like jkz666 mum. Sit back and relax, drink some wine, fling xx
  • Here's one for @kathy and the rest of us who want sun
  • Yeppers @hunnybunny sitting back relaxing, snow blower ready, fridge full of food and beer;)
    Football game tommorow, Pajama Day :D
  • @kathy That hot chocolate sounded so good that I ordered one too! The Redi-Whip/scooshie is just the right crowning touch.
    I'm in Michigan, my youngest sister in Maine. We are so used to snow, we love snow. But after the last two winters I am extremely happy that we aren't included in the storm that has been slowly moving up the east coast.
    @JLZ666 Nice to see you here! Sorry you have had such a trying time. My family missed Christmas 2015, know what you mean. This year I still have the lights outside and turned on, and I'm not the only house on the street so decorated. Adds some color to the white of the season!
  • Ouch @catsnbirds I don't know much about Michigan other than its North lol, but Maine yes, Had an Aunt that lived in Ogunquit, not that far North but far enough to get clobbered with snow, being on the coast and High wind gusts, !! I'm pretty sure this one is supposed to blow out to sea before it hits your sister :) Happy to hear you were spared on this one:)
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