The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2579
  • @kathy what is poofing?
  • @sweetp it was a challenge back in November - based on a comment I made it was Nov 30th.
    @gumby there's no official list but if you go to Birdleader's page & check out his activity he tweets them all so you can scroll through & see them.
    @kathy thanks for the drink! Don't hurt yourself poofing around like that! :D
  • Is it the ham dunk level for the badge maybe? @gumby ? @karen68?
  • Nope that's not it? Idk @gumby why you played it, but good you did ,now get flinging and save a puppy, I'd join ya but I have a Universe to save and is not easy, I'm only on level 13 of DS2 and I'm not liking it, need to fling
  • @kathy what badge I need more I only have underdog and pleasant company
  • @kathy Im still improving Tatooine scores and thats driving me mad
  • @gumby there's a ham dunk badge for hmm idk level 4-2 not sure ,check about on the gold bar above and click on badges&rank it will tell you how to get it:)
  • @karen68 You got so close to winning a puppy tonight. I think you should get a participation pussy-cat for your efforts.
  • And read on how you can earn more, there's plenty to be had, you need to comment more on walkthroughs, share tips and strats. .just read up on it, plus you increase your rank by earning 5pts for your first comment on any walkthrough page, but it has to be a relevant comment, not just posting your score or saying'll see
  • Uhmm @Rat9 Pa really A participation Badge. ..oh jeesh ! There's winners and there's losers
    Should all the football teams that made it to the play offs get a paticipation trophy? Hell No All or Nothing! Goooo Pats!!
    And no I'm not changing my avatar until know maybe, hopefully, possibly tomorrow :)
  • Ma Don't forget the Broncos are still in your bracket. We will be rivals next week.
  • But a kitty cat would soften the stress from getting so close to a puppy Ma. And is there really a bad time for a soft warm cuddly purring puddy tat? I don't think so. I gave myself one for beating my rival @bernersenn. Her name is "Au Contraire".
  • Good night Ma♥
  • Nighy night @Pa
  • Oh and ya Pittsburgh is hurting thanks to What's his name Vontez taking out Roethlisberger and Pittsburg wide receiver, looks like we be playing Denver, in Denver; (
    GOOO Steelers :( ah well all we can do is try our best
  • Night night all happy Friday have a great weekend
    I won't be around much tommorow, family stuff
  • Good night to you all.
  • Hey @rat Pa, the only thing that matters in the Challenge is "to puppy or not to puppy".
  • Can't wait for this day to end! ! Or At least the next few hours go by quickly:(
    Who the heck has Christmas in the middle of January:/
  • @bernersenn Au Contraire would beg to differ. ha ha
    Did you get it? My new cat questions your premise. If it was all about the puppies, I'd have more.
  • @rat switching to perfect english? Lol. Wait a sec.
    @hunnybunny @jlz666 Help !
  • @bernersenn I don't what rat is trying to say in french, it sounds to me like English "on the contrary " Like a difference of opinion?
  • @bernersenn
    Perfect English (written) means not only perfect tenses, perfect spelling; but also perfect grammar.
    I love Lynne Truss' book "Eats, shoots, and leaves"
    It's title is an English punctuation joke:
    A panda bear walks into a bar, orders a meal, eats it, gets up from the table and fires a shot into the air.
    The barman looks at him, questioning, "Why did you do that?"
    "Extraneous commas"

    But I'm still in awe of a man who speaks Dutch, German, English, a few French phrases, when the majority here speak only English.

    I expect some wit will spot a spelling or grammatical mistake, here, but I tried for perfection...
  • Lol @hunnybunny you saw that huh? I was trying to show daughter's bf how to use swype haha, didn't mean to hit post comment lol;)
    But good to hear your doing fine:D
  • I also am in awe of my friend @bernersenn. His intelligence makes me appear... Do I need to say it? And you'll rarely see perfect English out of me Mrs. Bunny.
  • You're Patriots are halfway there Ma.
  • It ain't over till it's over Pa no matter jinxies:\
    Wooot !!! Touchdown!! Oh yeah Oh Yeah !! It's up it's good:)
  • Yes!!!!! Wooot!!! Go Gronk!!!
  • Oh yeah!! Now we just gotta pray Pittsburgh beats Denver lol, fat chance but I can Dream can't I?
  • Now there halfway there Pa :)
  • @hunnybunny I don't get the Panda story(joke?) But no matter :/
    OB i need a Strong Pigkiller seems I have the place to myself so..
    I'll Also Wwwwwhhhiinneeee Death Star 2 sux!
  • The Panda joke was directed at me Ma. Mrs. Bunny was being witty about my Southern accent. To emphasize talkin slow I use more commas than are grammatically correct. She used the English teachers joke about the definition of the panda being a mammal that eats "shoots and leaves" to point out the error of my ways. Putting in an extra comma between eats and shoots totally changes the meaning of the sentence. Now you have a bear that eats, then shoots, then leaves. Git it? ha ha ha Mrs. Perfect Bunny.
  • Congratulations on your Patriots Ma. I hope Peyton can play half as well tomorrow as Tom did today. If so, we'll see you next week for the pre-Super Bowl.
  • BTW @bernersenn, you made me laugh. Perfect English? ha ha ha
    Thanks Mon ami.
  • Thanks Pa , sorry, i didn't get the notification, of your first comment, explaining the panda joke¿?, or grammatical corrections , whichever lol,
    @hunnybunny your too funny , we love ya :)
    And yeppers Pa we'll see what happens tomorrow would be nice if the steelers can upset Denver, but I'm not holding my breath, Pittsburgh has to many injuries and Denver at home? Need i say more?
  • Oohhhhh Hahahaha I Get it!! The panda joke Heeheee Eats shoots and leaves
    Or Eats, shoots, and leaves changes the Whole meaning of the sentence...
    Ya o.k I'm slow on the uptake lol:D
    But in my defense hunnybunny didn't write it like that :/
    The 'gets up from the table and fires a shot into the air kinda takes away from the whole concept?
    Nighty night
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Flings, sez Good Night Ma, and leaves
  • @kathy SNOW :( not sure how much is coming but it has started. WOOT if I can get 800 points more Ill be swinging by the pound to grab a new puppy.
  • dinner then back to the challenge :)
  • Quiet day. Aren't the games over? Is everyone either celebrating or mourning?
  • Watchung end of Pittsburgh Denver game,not looking good
  • Actually forget it:( Looks like we be going to Denver:(
    Good luck with the challenge @gumby
    Sorry was out shopping, stopped at the Tavern to have a bite and watch the second quarter, which looked good! Pittsburgh did incredibly well considering, Wth happened after the Half¿???
  • Well they still have a slight chance, onside kick ,or interception would work, but to only lose by one touchdown in Denver, with all their injuries, Pittsburgh played well!
  • @kathy thx
    @mvnla2 yea very quiet
  • I hear ya Ma. The Broncos didn't instill me with great hope for next week. If I were a betting man, I'd wager the Patriots are going to Super Bowl Fifty.
  • @rat Patriots are winning the Super Bowl :) If I were a betting man
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