The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2578
  • The rivalry @bernersenn. You trash talked in a foreign language about me being contrary. I could tell. he he
    I beat eat you on the challenge. Take that pal.
  • @knichy What's wrong with you!?! The same thing that is wrong with all of us who hang out at the BP! Striving for above average is good, right? Certainly not a sign of OCD...
  • Hahaha @knichy Nothing wrong with you! Hrmpph If so that means there is something wrong With all of US , and that's certainly not the case
    Just because every day we endlessly fling cartoon birds at cartoon pigs and try to increase our scores , that's just everyday normal behavior isn't it?
  • @mvnla2 1 passenger is the usual amount, but could get there in style and much quicker :P
    @kathy look outside ...PSYCH I am not out there in a Lamborghini taxi lol
  • back to the challenge, if I could only eek out another 3k or so
  • Haha @gumby I'd literally pass out if I looked out my window and saw a Lamborghini with a taxi placard on top !!
    You said you drive the Blue cab right ¿ the ones that sit out in front of Quincy T station , behind the red ones ¿
    Good luck on the challenge bring me home a puppy!!
  • @kathy yea mine is blue sometimes Im at the station sometimes at Star market, depends
  • @knichy -- I can't believe you let SWDNF (at least I assume she doesn't) sign up for a GNO on the night your daughter has a sleepover, and I can't believe she'd do it either! Good Luck! At least maybe the princesses will treat you like a prince or a king.
  • 149K score entered on todays challenge it must be a typo or power up score
  • @mvnla2 both daughters. They're good, all playing Just Dance on the xbox in the basement. Have two queen blow up mattresses that sleeps 6-8. Going to parlay bonus points into HDWHS.
  • Holy Moly @knichy a dozen girls dancing in the basement!
    Btw what's GNO (girls night out)?
  • @gumby did you check the leaderboard to see how high over second place the top score is? You should report it if you think it's a PU score, did the top scorer leave a comment or strat or screenshot?
  • Well @gumby it seems to be the score to beat is 139k , 10k lower than the top score, you should leave a comment about it in the walkthrough attn @ admins specifically @ sweetp since she is on line atm
  • @kathy its gotta at least be a typo. I mentioned it to sweetp
  • @knichy -- What's HDWHS? In case you don't know, SWDNF is "she who does not fling".
    We also use HWDNF.
  • @kathy @gumby it's a new member who's enterd a number of suspicious scores... I'm sure they will be addressed soon by our wonderful admins.

    Hmm... HDWHS has me stumped too.
  • NOT having any luck breaking over 136K :( many 133 and 134k SADNESS
  • And what bonus points to parlay into HDWHS Hmmm.. HeDoesNotWantHighScore? Lol
  • Awww @gumby *pats gumby on the back* keep trying buddy you have 20 more minutes pal
    Get you ass back in there and fling!! Whadda are you a Quitter?? Go get that Puppy!! Now!!
    Just Do It!! Do Your Job!!
  • @kathy 15 mins and Im still flinging like mad
  • Thanks @karen68 good to know the team is on Puppy Patrol :)
  • lol just had a 4 birder 130k
  • Stupid error box is following me again:(
  • @kathy whats the box with the ? in it under @gumby
  • @kathy someone who doesn't want high scores? Lol he's in the wrong place if that's the case.

    @gumby keep trying. Not an easy level to score high, a lot of things have to go right.
  • :/ well @gumby we are gonna have to suspend you from the puppy parade until you get more practice in, you can't just approach a level for the very first time and expect to be able to ace it over a well seasoned flinger like @hoy49 , ya just cant
    You need to get more experience in these levels under your belt, try playing one World, ABO, Seasons, Space, SW fling for a while in just one, get used to the birds, how to control them, they all behave differently depending on which world your in..after you get used to one world then start flinging in challenges once a week on the day that worlds challenge comes up. I can let you know the rotatation , its a different world every 5 hmm or its 6 days, not sure
    @karen68 is it 5or 6 ?
    Anyway take your time Gumby you'll get some puppies
    Ask karen for some tips ,Shes the Queen of the challenges:)
    Holy Crap My Error box Just Grew like 3timex no 6 times in size it says request time Out lol
    Ohhh i forgot Rio Lol how ironic!
  • Well that's not right @Karen68 @sweetp That high scorer with the 149k just got awarded a puppy!!
  • @kathy AWWW but I like puppies :) If I had a bit more time to play I woulda got one. 12 hours working gets in the way of flinging :( 24 hours left working then I got a day off :) I think I have 5 puppies now, maybe its 4 and was top challenger the other night, bt just short of a puppy.
  • @kathy sweetp said she was gonna look into that 149k score
  • Not on my watch, @kathy! I'm working on it!

    I'm alerting the other @admins and marking his/her comments as spam. It's gonna be a long night...GRRRR!
  • @sweetp sorry for making your night long :(
  • hey wasn't Ham Dunk 5-4 a challenge very recently? Or am I losing my mind? Ya maybe losing my mind. It seems awfully familiar thou.
  • Thanks @sweetp Me too sorry for being a pita, promise I won't ding you anymore tonight♡
  • @kathy schizophrenic?
  • lol the dreaded ( . ) dot
  • Well @gumby if is familiar, then you should be able to get a puppy:D
  • No worries, @kathy. You're my "eyes" around the Nest and I appreciate everything you do for us! Love ya, sweetie ♥

    The legit underdogs are @hoy49 139,860 and @jtwade 139,370.
  • Haha!! Yep I'm trying to type on my tablet but the error box keeps coming, so i switch to my phone but my comments already there for some strange reason ,but i don't see it so i just hit post comment and it posted twice, hence the dreaded dot lol @gumby
  • @gumby hmm yup Ham Dunk 5-4 was a Challenge a couple of months ago. Minor glitch in the schedule that's all. It's a fun level to play.
    @kathy it's every 5 days :)
    @sweetp thanks for staying on top of things!
  • ;) aww shucks *blushes * thanks @sweetp
  • Oopsy now I dinged her again *doh*
  • @kathy not sure if you know Ham Dunk 5-4 but its one of those pain in the bird feather levels. lots luck with debris needed 235k my best on it from last time. Long way to go to catch miss bonney
  • @gumby, we have never had Ham Dunk 5-4 as a challenge level. The only ones were back on Sept 22, 2015 level 1-10 and May 14, 2015 level 1-15.

    edit: dang, I stand corrected as @karen68 mentioned above! I'm losing my marbles!
  • @karen68 is there a list of previous challenges and their dates somewhere, it might be interesting to see?
  • @sweetp thats odd why would I have played it, Im not much of a seasons player yet, but have done some challenges. Maybe I just found it by accident and thought it was a fun level.
  • Same for Rio, mostly just play for challenges so far.
  • *screeches to a halt *
    *wipes brow*
    Whew all this poofing is making me thirsty! !
    OB a round of drinks for all :) I'll have a very strong Pigkiller and cheers to the Puppy Patrol:)
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