The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2254
  • @estar don't know who has right of way in the Netherlands, on a roundabout, but the French is completely opposite to the British. Arrgghhh!
    The best is in the Channel Islands "filter in turn" But can't imagine that in any metropolitan city!
  • Night night @estar
    Where's the princess? @kathy I stole one from you
  • My guess is the british are opposite to most of the countries in Europe, as we are the same as the French, Belgians, Germans, Italian, Spanish, Austrian, Swiss... driving on the right side of the road. Have to look up Channel Islands filter in turn as it doesn't ring a bell, but I will have to save that for later.
  • @Hunnybunny, I watched most of my Benny Hill while I was still living in Europe, but I'm pretty sure I've seen it here too and most people know about him. But hands down, the funniest Brit comedy show ever for me is 'Allo, 'Allo…don't think many folks here have seen it.
  • For me, Italy was the worst for driving. They're maniacs…

    Edit: Autobahn was fun but I wish I had the car I have now then. Here I was in my little Yugo going 100 mph or more (the speedometer was maxed out at 100 but I know I went faster). In the left lane, passing all those beamers and benzes…I still remember befuddled looks on those folks faces! -- how can that little box of death go that fast?!
  • @estar smart schmart :P my mom will tell you whenever I do something wrong, I always find a way to get caught. I can see it now: estar: "bye hubby, I'm off to visit the Amerikelifelon" hubby: The {censored} you are!

    There's LOTS of ways to make Mr. @Rat get his sleep. He just wouldn't enjoy most of them :P
  • I loved "Allo allo" @fenikus had to watch the reruns though, but still loved them! "It is I, leclerc" is still a phrase we use when someone asks "who's there" hahahaha
  • LOL @estar...listen to me carefully, I shall say this only once...
  • LOL @kelani my guess if you want him to rob a bank he would not want those methods you are talking about.
  • @fenikus what did you do to your YUGO? 100 Mph!
    Kelani has already craved my little Merc, it's in my album should you wish to see.
    I'll give you a race anytime if I'm ever in CT lol
  • Hahahahahaha "God Moaning," @fenikus
  • My fav
    Herr Flick: Flick the Gestapo.... No, I said *Flick*, the Gestapo
  • Still watch the reruns here too
  • @bernersenn You said on TT12 it was weird that Jan-Paul Van Toer cannot be @mentioned. I think it's because he's not a registered member. If not, then the dash and two spaces in his name probably are the problem.

    @fenikus rofl at mental picture. We've discussed Yugos before. I don't think you admitted to owning one, did you? :P

    @hunnybunny I crave food. Your car was the object of intense lust.
  • LOL just looked up some of the quotes and I can just hear it all over again!
    "Officer Crabtree: I was pissing by the door, when I heard two shats. You are holding in your hand a smoking goon; you are clearly the guilty potty." Okay enough allo allo but thanks for the flash back @fenikus
  • Just 10 minutes to go, so better hurry up, enjoy your Monday all my lovely birdie friends on the other side of the world as I sail off into tuesday! Bye!!
  • Just found this when searching, for our Dutchie friends

    Private Helga Geerhart (finding a tulip on her plate): What an interesting looking sauce.
    Herr Engelbert von Smallhausen: It is hollandaise.
    Herr Otto Flick: An unusual recipe, known only to Von Smallhausen and the inmates of the Amsterdam nuthouse.
  • @hunnybunny what model is your Kar anyway? (200,230,320,350)?

    I found a nicely-priced 230 once, but the owner was literally a little old lady who only drove it to church on Sundays. She wouldn't sell it to me because she said I looked like a speeder(!) :o(
  • Well I know what I'll be doing this weekend! I have DVDs of all 'Allo, 'Allo seasons (obtained with great difficulty and some of them I had to convert from PAL to NTSC system) so I'll be watching a few, ermmm maybe a couple dozen episodes, lol.
  • Hello everyone; )
    @mvnla2 I was 9 years old when they landed on the moon (100% sure they did) I don't remember but i imagine I was in school maybe. .I vaguely rember seeing it but I could be thinking of a replay?
    Hope everyone is having a good day;
    OB aSunUpper please; )
  • @fenikus just the "hairdresser" model, as we call it here. Small engine loads of accessories!
    But it goes like blankety blank as someone we know would say

    I had a original model 230 before, sort of Californian blue, very pretty, even more "Hairdresser"

    I love those cars (long story, but my first boss had a yellow SL, a huge diamond ring, and a sable coat. How she influenced what I considered "necessities" at the time! Got a smaller version of the car at least)

    Goodnight, all, productive flinging wishes to one and all......

    Edit: sorry @kelani you asked about the car....
  • Night @hunnybunny
    Hmm OB looks like I sent everyone away.

    *sniff sniff* I did shower today :(
  • @Kathy lol. I didn't, so maybe it's me. :P
  • Well no wonder @kelani ; P
  • @Kathy the one good thing about being Single Guy. I don't gotta impress nobody. The cat'n'dog don't care, and they're both way stinkier than I'd ever get :)
  • @Kelani, why do you call them "daminals"?
  • @fenikus it's shorter than damn animals, which they frequently are.
  • 'Allo 'Allo Ma. Listen very carefully, I shall say zis only once. Did you find Rene irresistibly handsome? What a man!
    I missed a lot of activity. A Star and a Bunny were out tonight.
    *just an observation*
    Could you two be more different. Right down to one lusting over her car, while the other could "car"less. Ha ha Sleep well.
    BTW Mrs. Bunny, Mrs. Rat says challenge accepted. Mercedes Hairdresser vs Lexus SC430. I'm not sure which of you loves their car more.
  • jeez. How are people getting 195k on TT #17?
  • @E-Star and @hunnybunny -- Stick is perfectly OK. I assume you have to pay a nominal fee for the international license; don't remember. I'm also sure it is temporary, like good for a few months, or maybe a year.
    I think the question probably is do the people in the circle or the ones trying to get in have the right of way. I absolutely loath traffic circles. Other than in Massachusetts, there aren't many traffic circles on heavily traveled routes.
    @fenikus -- Maybe those people were thinking "What kind of an idiot would drive so slowly on the autobahn?"
  • Eh' say wha' Pa allo' Rene ? Nevah 'eard a ''im ..:/
  • @mvnla2, I don't think so because I was passing *them*! With all the speeds, the only thing dangerous about Autobahn (aside from an occasional lunatic driving a Yugo at 100+ mph) is changing lanes. You have to be especially careful going into the leftmost lane as cars there are really flying.
  • Mmm. 10th to 1st in TT in 3 hours. nummy nummy. And on ipad, too.
    Thanks @fenikus for the #15 video. Just got 207k because of the bounce on your second shot.
  • Looks like there's a new dubious score on TT4. Everyone has 128-129k except one person with 134,170. Doesn't look like there's more than 130k on that level.
  • I've been doing everything I can to give you a decent head start in Timber Tumble @Kelani, including some sweet videos. Now that I have a solid lead in Hidden Harbor, I'll be coming for you.
  • @fenikus go for it! We need some familiar faces up here. But if I can hit #1 on ipad with limited fling time, I like my chances. :) If that fails, I'll go annex Fenikus Harbor into my Blossom River development :P
  • Hmmm…Blossom River. With all the recent updates coming out, I almost forgot that I'm not done there yet. Thanks for reminding me @Kelani. Don't be surprised by a hostile takeover of your "development".
  • @fenikus I'm not done either. #12 and I have unfinished business, and the people we left behind have been sniping my high scores ever since.

    So let's see.. I've got @funikus attacking on 3 fronts, and @Ratto on another. Y'all are gonna keep me busy.
  • I'm not attacking you anymore @Kelani. I'm done on BI #2.
  • @Rat even after I boot you outta the big chair again? :)
  • Hello @all
    Anyone fling in SW2? I have a *dumb* question.
  • *doo dee da dee * wanders in* just saying 'allo chaps wha's all this talk about the big not be talkin'bout mumsie rockin' chair. .hmm must read up;) ;)
  • *takes out baskets of earplugs*
    Here you go, it's WHINE TUESDAY! *places baskets in each booth, one by the door, and two on the bar*
  • No such thing as a dumb question @sweetp what's up?
  • Oooouucchhh.. wasn't ready for that! ! *grabs a set of earplugs* a little early @sweetp lol;) is all good
    Can i help..I think me and Kimmie left some good tips inn SW ? No?
  • Just want to know how does the last-chance strategy work in SWII levels? Do you have to buy the extra birds?

    edit: oops! Sorry @Kathy, I did kinda get a jump there didn't I? But, isn't it Tuesday across the pond? Didn't mean to blast your eardrums out!
  • Wow, excluding the 24M cheater, the TT #1 on gamecenter is 4,570,580. I have 3,749.630

    edit @hunnybunny gamecenter says your ABN score is missing about 10k points somewhere :)
  • @sweetp sorry:/never played Sw2 agree the character swaps are unfair advantage.
  • @SweetP you buy extra birds with coins. Not sure, but you may be able to do it multiple times per turn, too. Maybe one of the SW2 ladies will chime in. :)
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