The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2251
  • @rat fancy a little fling. Try the first release of Seasons "Pig Days" "Anniversary of Apollo" or whatever the heck they call it
    Right up your street.......
  • *waves back to @kelani* hey friend, thanks for the heads up, something to look forward too :p
  • Hurrah! Rory McIlroy won The Open!!Mumsie shoves all the dusters she's knitted into bags for the blues to carry to B&R and dashes out to go out to watch Monty Python! See you tomorrow@all!
  • lol. She is so adorable.
  • Thanks for that info, @estar. I think Rovio really wants your €1,42! ;-)

    My theory may be wrong but I'm certainly enjoying annoyance free flinging in Rio almost 2 days after I removed my payment info from the App store.
  • Hi and bye @mumsie no idea who you are talking about, but from your excitement it is the one you wanted to win the Open golf? Enjoy your Monty Python!
  • LOL @fenikus ya think hahahahahaha, well they can try all they want, but they will not get that 1,42 by form of Power up in ad buy from me.
  • WOW Mister @Rat I would love to pay your house a visit, not only would I be amazed at the size of it all and would probably get lost and retreat to the attic as that is the size I am used to ;) but I so love all the vintage/old stuff, simply stunning! Thanks for sharing them in the form of puzzles! I am no match for puzzlewizz @kelani but I enjoy looking at all the pics!
  • @rat who's the adorable cat? Next to the glasses thingy / whatsit that Kelani identified?

    Edit: Callie!
    Must read before posting
  • If you click on the photo @Hunnybunny, both your questions will be answered.

    Thanks @Estar. I'm not a collector as @Mvnla2 alluded to, but I'm sure you'd enjoy yourself looking at the dust catchers.
  • @kelani a banknote from some Asian country?
  • @Kelani, "What am I?" or "Who am I"? Out of the left field, without any research whatsoever, I am going to guess: Mr. Toyota.
  • @kelani Nostradamus! I know I accused @rat of lying about his age, but I never thought he was that old!
  • Ha ha Mrs. Bunny.
    @fenikus He's referring to an object like a computer. Using the word born is just to send you on a wild goose chase.
  • @Rat or a wild bunny chase :P I'd accept the owner of the face or the object he's on.
    @hunnybunny {lol ancient rats} How would a banknote predict the future?
    @fenikus iie! dame desu! (translation: No. And shame on you.)

    edit: hint: @Rat's birthday was June 28. For the year, ask him yourself :P
  • @rat just getting my own back, after your "have you lost weight?" comment

    PS loved Callie, once I actually looked properly at your album pic

    @kelani cheated! Never would have got that!
  • So it was created in July of 1941. And it has a picture of a man (Japanese Emperor?) in front of a Japanese Flag. Pearl Harbor was Dec 7, 1941. I think the prediction has to do with our involvement in the war. But I don't know what object predicted it.
  • @kelani I gave up a long time ago....
  • @Kelani, what language was that now? And why should I be ashamed? The picture looks like that of a Japanese Emperor -- they typically pose in front of the Rising Star. So, if I say it has to do with Japan, is that correct?
  • It might be some book that predicted Perl Harbor would happen, @Rat.
  • @fenikus well it was bad Japanese, obviously :P And you and @Rat are getting warmer.

    edit: Shame on you for Mr. Toyota. He's younger than Rat, and his grandfather died in 1930.
  • So it's not the emperor because @Kelani said he would accept the owner of the face or the object he was on.
  • @Rat pretty much :) It's more about the object than the face.
  • I give up on this one. Not very knowledgeable of Pearl Harbor, but we did have our own version of it on April 6, 1941. My mother still tells stories about it.
  • But it's not the emperor?
    Mr. Toyoda was not a bad answer in my book @Kelani. Shame on you for your shame on @fenikus. Mr. Toyoda was the founder of Toyota Motors. He was highly revered in Japan.
  • @Rat nope. @fenikus got the right answer, except for one little word.
  • @Kelani, then it was a…pamphlet made by Japanese saying we will bomb you?

    Edit: Ah, it's spelled Pearl…I wrote it how I know it from history books, it's a phonetic spelling from my native tongue.
  • Semantics @Kelani. Is that General Tojo, the government leader of Japan before and during WWII?
  • Movie reels. The ones they showed before the main movie, I reckon.
  • If that's not the leader of Japan, I give up.
  • @Rat It's Foreign Minister Matsuoka
    @fenikus well yeah, but does that photo look like film? Also, it's in color. Newsreels were B&W until the 1960s.

    edit: @Rat The object is the mystery, not the man. He's just another hint.
  • Okay, I gave up and looked up the solution. It's kinda neat that we got this close at least. Off to walk the dogs, laterz @all.
  • Hello guys, good idea @fenikus walk the dogs and into the bed. Goodnight everybody.
  • @fenikus Yeah both of you were really close.

    While hunting for the real mystery object, I just found that in a drawer. I figured everyone knows what a Time cover looks like, since it hasn't changed any.
  • {boring candy crush thing} WOO HOO 305 completed! I know @mumsie42 @jlz666 are 300 levels above me, but I was sooo stuck.........
  • @kelani -- Do you mean you actually have the Time Magazine itself? And it's worth a fortune? Of course I don't know how much magazines cost in those days??? If you actually have the mag, would be interested to know what it says about Matsuoka.
  • @mvnla2 yeah, that's an ipad snap of the magazine. I found it and a Life mag. from the same year while looking for the real mystery object. It's in perfect shape, but It's not worth much. The 1941 cover price was 15 cents, and that issue sells on ebay for around $25.
  • @kelani as if I would....
    @mvnla2 @fenikus @rat goodnight, good flinging
  • Well, there is another dead woodchuck (groundhog) in my back yard. Judging by the flies, the time of death was 24-30 hours ago. Cause of death: undetermined. However, I think my dogs are turning into silent assassins. Last time they committed marmotocide, there was a big commotion and I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary from them yesterday or today. The clue, however, is that the second carcass was laid to rest at the exact same spot as the first one a couple months back. I hope I never piss these dogs off ;-)
  • Hi everyone!

    Good news ... on Friday I passed my driving test! I never really expected to get it the first time I attempt it, but somehow, I did :D
    So feel free to have a PigKiller on me :)
  • @hunnybunny if I revived the A-C-E-T.. discussion again, hell yes, you would, and I wouldn't blame you :)

    @Annifrid congrats on passing your test! I'm sure you did well. I remember before my test, the teacher told me "As long as I'm not cursing, screaming or praying, you're doing fine." :) Are you going to get your own car, or just borrow one?

    edit @fenikus I need to rent your dogs. My yard's the latest suburb of the neighborhood's groundhog/vole explosion. Lucky me, my dog is scared of them.
  • @Kelani Just use my mother's car, I'll be living with her for at least three more years so I don't really need my own one ... yet ;)
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