The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2246
  • @kelani @seasonsking it was a combined flight MH 0017 and KL 4103. Most of the airlines use alliances to combine flights from different alliances into one airplane.

    For what it's worth right now, got 200k with the comments in #9. Still trying @fenikus method
  • On a lighter note as well: Hidden Harbor is great, too. It is a continuation of the High Dive, but feels like the "Best Of" HD -- no more chasing those humongous explosions with the bomb bird. First 5 levels, at least.
  • This is now an almighty diplomatic incident. I can't believe what I'm hearing on the news........The families involved in this will just want their loved ones back but I see a huge mountain in front of them. They will be pawns in this sick game :(
  • @fenikus Once you enter the Harbor, it's hard to leave. :)
  • @Hunnybunny, an "easy" high-scoring 1-birder on TT 9? Now you sound like someone we both know.
  • @fenikus I'm no rodent, but occasionally it just "clicks"
    Just wish more levels clicked for me.........
  • @fenikus try #6 130k+ on its way!
  • @hunnybunny I just took a few washed-out veggie garden pix for you. :P
  • @kelani can't wait. Seeing as your iPad is missing, nothing much else to do?
  • Hello @everyone!
    In celebration of my recent top score, I'd like to treat everyone to a round of drinks.
    OB, please bring out that bottle of Crown and a few shot glasses. Anyone want a kick-in-the-marmoset jolt, grab a glass and join me! *clink*
  • @hunnybunny Nope, just that and trying to boot @Rat outta my Beak2 spot.
  • @Hunnubunny, 130K+ on TT 6??? WTG!

    But this means you'll spoil @SweetP's party ;-)

    Edit: She's buying drinks so don't post your score yet!
  • Go Kel Go!
    Thanks @sweetp not sure what Crown is, but I'll try a shot
  • So sorry to spoil the party but 154 Dutch,6 Brits & many others inc Aussies,Indonesians,Malaysians,Germans and Canadian passengers have lost their lives. Forgive me for lowering the flinging mood....
  • @jlz666 same here, no need for flinging for me today. Perhaps tomorrow. @sweetp hope that your offering drinks can wait till tomorrow.
    We're talking a out real pigs here, this is unbelievable.
  • oh my, sooo sorry!!! I didn't hear about it until just now. ok, never mind.

    Bye @all.
  • Good night to you all
  • Wow, that is…horrible, absolutely horrible. My thoughts and prayers are with families and friends who lost the loved ones, I hope none of our Dutch and Brit friends were affected directly.
  • It's a huge thing for a small country. We "only" lost 6 but it's heartbreaking for Holland. I keep thinking "154 English" or "154 Scots" or "154 welsh" killed in air crash.....I'm so sad but soooooo bloody angry. Sincere condolences @estar & @bernersenn
  • Add in Gaza, and all in all, not a great day for humanity.
  • @kelani well said, no matter where, or whom.....
  • @JLZ666 I was surprised you didn't include @Burpie. And let's not forget all our Pigineering friends in Malaysia.
  • @Rat and our frequent flinging competition: @swanz, @josm, @crivit, @josephine. @HXian, @Seasonsking, @Pjng,
  • Wtf Happened ??? I was not paying attention for the first time i years!! I came to say hello. .
  • @Kathy bad stuffs. check CNN or your favorite news channel. How'd your casino day go?
  • Another Malaysia plane crash!! Wierd how the first was 377 and this one 777..I just turned on news.I am on vacation and now i just sad:( and scared
  • Thanks for reply @kelani :/ this is bad
  • @jlz666 @estar @bernersenn I'm so sorry this meesed up world cause these losses of lives for your countries:(
  • @Kathy The first was 370. This one's 17. For me, the weird thing is today was the 18th anniversary of TWA 800 that crashed off NY in 1996.
  • Ye @kelani that is strange. I thought i heard that flight 777 out of Malaysia was downed earlier but that was hours ago.I may have heard wrong. .either way is heartbreaking and unnecessary:(
  • @Kathy What you heard was the plane's a Boeing 777. Lotsa confusing numbers flying around.

    Oh, and Israel invaded Gaza, too. Pretty crappy world day. Hope yours was better?
  • Ya @kelani its confusing a lot of bad bad stuff going on..too bad I'm at a hotel and now fixated in my room on the news.m:(
    Wish i could hide my head in the sand :(
    I can't say all i want to say so i gotta go before i get in trouble..
  • @Kathy s'ok, I feel the same.
  • Night @Kelani (((((hugs)))))
  • I'm going back to the casino. I came to ask @Pa for luck but now I don't feel
  • @Kathy well, luck++ if you play. Nighty night
  • Omg I was so upset from the news I just got on the wrong shuttle! No ideav were is taking me..
  • I sent you all the luck I have Ma. I'm not using it. No flinging today. I see dollar signs in your future. That is if you ever find the casino. ha ha
  • Trip arund Ct. Hi @fenikus. .
  • @Kathy do you have to take the trip, or can you get back where you're sposed to be?
  • We had to take the trip @kelani..haha but we made it.. I'm off to win some $$$
    See you all later. .♡♡
  • Go get 'em @Kathy :) See ya tomorrow.
  • To @all affected by this most horrible World event:

    @bernersenn - I'm so sorry!!!
  • Let our Prayers and Hearts go out to each and EVERY person affected by this horrific event...whether directly or indirectly!!!
  • A quick pop in from me, shocked by the news and I can not believe why people do the things they do, so horrible and sad to know so many families are affected by this. Sorry I didn't have time to pop in yesterday to let you all know that me and all the loved ones are okay, no one I know was on that plane. Thank you for those who reached out, it really warms by heart to see so much love and compassion from all over the world... AB and ABN seems to either attract the best and most caring people in the world, or the game and talking in the nest makes us all more understanding of each other. I think it is the first, but just in case of the latter Can we make playing angry birds and participate in the Nest a mandatory thing for everyone in the world?

    I am sorry I can not reply to each PM and comment directly, have had a busy week and have to work today, but know that I really appreciate it and will try to catch up later tonight. Much love to all, I think the world can use it right now!
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