The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2245
  • @fenikus lol It's crazy. In the past hour we've discussed this, I've gotten 5 more, but if y'all have been resetting when they appear, I guess I will too. Don't wanna get chased down by an angry mob trying to revoke my no-PU icon. :)

    I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten any high scores from them in TT. Trying to ignore them tends to yank me out of the zone.

    Well, look at that. I just borrowed #1 on Harbor from @Dawn. That'll last a half-hour.

    @Kathy Hidden Harbor is... Hidden. You gotta find a lock hidden on one of the levels.
  • @Kelani a lock hidden in one of the regular high dive levels?don't tell me which levels as i haven't really played through hHD yet. .just if that's where ?
  • heh. only one person playing the Challenge tonight. I imagine that'll be a ghost town for the near future.

    @Kathy no, one of the TT levels. I won't tell you which, but it's not visible. Just look for places a bird could go.
  • @Kelani, I don't know if we *all* have been resetting when getting presents, which is what sucks about it -- I'm sure many people don't even know about the extra 3K they bring. When they first started appearing there was a big discussion in some Rocket Rumble walkthroughs and general consensus of flingers who bothered to post was that it's a variant of a PU. But, IIRC, Slim said nothing could be done about it from ABN perspective. Like I said earlier, if they annoy you, you can turn off your wifi.
  • Thanks @kelani :) @fenikus I always reset when i got those stupid mac &cheese ones in BR but they kept coming..I never got points for them:/ idk now i gotta try that again!
  • I do know on level #3 I wasn't forced to use blue I was able to reset and didnt have to fling it.
  • I seriously wonder if whether these presents appear or not is a factor of whether a flinger has credit card info stored in the App store or whatever it is for android (google play?). I first started getting them after purchasing the Mighty Eagle for Rio, just about when I started playing RR. I subsequently removed my CC info from Apple Store but I honestly don't remember if it was right away or few days later (but I do know that few days later I stopped getting presents).

    When I bought Space few weeks back, I left my CC info in the store. So maybe that's why I got one today.
  • @Kathy, are you sure you never got points for them?
  • @fenikus no I'm not completley sure..I know i kept resetting and resetting then i went to airplane mode..I am gonna double check it and see what happens..I will be ashamed if I did get points:( I really dont think i did. .but i sure am going to check. .and if it seemz I did i will deduct them.
  • @Kathy, well you just said that you kept resetting when they appear so you have nothing to worry about, I think.
  • @Kathy well, I've been firing into these and they show a pink 3,000, so they definitely give points. I wish they didn't.

    @fenikus use those prodigious math skills and figure their impact on the boards. :P Assuming everyone shoots at them and gets the points, it'd artificially raise the avg. scores, but the odds of getting one on the same turnas a super high score would be pretty rare, no?
  • I have no credit card info stored.. and i don't have apple ..sooo I think I'm safe if that's true!!
  • Ohhh @kelani I Never actually Hit one! ! They are not going away when you reset?
  • @Kathy, you have to hit it and then reset the level.
  • O.k @fenikus ty I'll try it tomorrow. .right now i tried tumbler but I'm not getting any. .at all. I think it was BR I got them. .check tomorrow if I get time. I am going to Foxwoods tomorrow and staying over till friday so not sure how much flinging time i will get ;)
  • @Kathy like I said, I've always just let them be and resumed doing what I played the level for. Whenever one's survived the level, it usually reappears after a reset.
  • Timber Tumble is a mouthful. I expect many hilarious typos from it. First one I saw was Toomber Timble

    edit: GRAH Just got a 1b on TT Star2. Near total destruction and only 191k . The high score being 209k.

    edit2: I just learned ME can't destroy a PU gift. Imagine that.
  • O.k @Kelani @fenikus I just went back to the River. And now the blues P.U is there I threw all 10 of them backwards and it is now gray.I got No free tnt power drops . This was on my phone after update. I will try on my tablet tomorrow or over the weekend BEFORE update so i can see if what's up with the free tnt drops.
    And yea @kelani Tumbler Twister is gonna be quite interesting when i try to type it in lol
    Runnable terrotr hmm Ginger triangle ..Timber tumbler whoa 3 times a charm! ! Timber tumbler yeaa !!
  • mmm. I love ginger triangles. They're spicy.

    nighty awl
  • Night @Kelani hey you forget to wish me luck at the casino:/ that's it 'night awl' hrmmphh!
  • See if I SHARe my millions with the likes of you! ! Heee heee nightly night see ya .
  • Nightly night all. .
    Night Pa..
  • Night Ma

    I'm sending you all my casino luck. Don't forget to give it back after your weekend of winning.
  • Good morning guys, it will be a beautiful thursday, I can feel it.
    @kelani @fenikus good to see that I offered you some laughs about my poetic english. Remember, I do not have any idea about proverbs in english, neither have the intention to learn them. Anyway, you figured out what I meant, that's the main thing.
    @hunnybunny when you don't have a clue about a strat (#9) you can't shoot that one-birder. I got the golden tip from @Fenikus and will try this. Missed a very simple strat. Later, I will try this strat.
    About those presents, that's interesting. I ignored those things - when I hit one, it was ok, when I didn't also ok. 3K is much. In a month, as @rat always says - we're gonna fight for every 1k - so I will keep this in mind.
  • Hi @sweetp yes @fenikus did sent me a tip. Don't know if it is the golden tip, will give it a try this evening. Sent you a PM, hope that @fenikus doesn't mind
  • It sounds like flingers are keeping secrets. What happened to sharing? Are we (not me) playing cutthroat in Rio? "All for one, and all for me". tsk, tsk, tsk
  • @Rat don't be afraid. When I got it working I will share it. Tonight - let's say 4 hours from now.
  • @SweetP -- Did you at least get to keep the gear? I had TT freeze once, apparently just when I was going to get one of those boxes.
  • @Rat, no secrets. As I explained to bern-dawg, I don't want to discuss detailed TT strategies here in BP in these very early days of the episode. I'm sure there are other BP patrons like me who like to figure things out on their own first. I think in a week it will be OK to discuss though. Anyway, if my "golden tip" works, it will be posted in the walkthrough page.
  • @sweetp and anyone else interested my strat for #9 is posted. It's very repeatable....
  • @Kelani, I assume that was a rhetorical question? What, in the months you've known me, has ever suggested that I'm trying for anything but the top? ;-)
  • @fenikus you mean besides your 2.5M/2.7M Beak goals? :P

    @All add to the freaky file: I just noticed the anagram server I use to create all those lists is in Espoo, Finland; in the same part of town (and possibly the same street) as Rovio(!)
  • @Kelani, those were only milestones.
  • @DearNetherlandsMalaysiaEuropeAsiaWorldFriends
    I mourn with you and for you over this Horrific "incident".
  • @Rat It had to be another Malaysian plane. Can you believe the conspiracy nuts are already blabbing that this one was really MH-370 that'd been stolen and repainted? Some people...
  • Hello guys, here I am. All took longer as I thought. Come on #9, here I come
  • @Kelani -- Ikr!?

    Anyway, the new plane also starts with 'MH' and should have crashed in Ukraine/Russia by getting hit by a missile, how amazing is that?!

    Is the world today so interesting, that company would probably close in the next few days...
  • Just back in the house to this horrific news. I'm heart sick for these poor,poor people and their families and friends. It's the school summer holiday over here.........I cannot understand the mentality of the people making up these insensitive theories. The awful,tragic (hopefully) coincidental tragedy for that airline is beyond belief. Schiphol Airport is a huge European hub and I'm sure there will be many countries mourning this evening. My heart goes out to Holland and everyone involved :( In an already extremely volatile situation this is going to have huge ramifications.......:(
  • @all another air crash, another terrorist theory. Whether it was shot down or just crashed, someone somewhere will retaliate. The world is sometimes a very sad place
  • Sorry guys, in my car I listened radio (BNR), aweful news. One travelagency reported 19 people, the other one 15 people. Had to wait for the passengerslist of the airline. This is incredible, at once, for a short time, flinging isn't that important. A missile, against a civil aircraft. Then you have a really sick mind. My thoughts are going to all the family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances of the victims. Almost 300 people. Two hours later a new plane left Amsterdam for Kuala Lumpur - same route?
  • I was on level 5 of Hidden Harbor. Fun level but now it feels weird shooting down helicopters. Will save it for another day.
  • @all -- Today started out such a nice day. How could someone deliberately do this?
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