The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2183
  • And my sister strikes again! ! Trying to Surprise my daughter and show up at her Dressage Test tomorrow. .asked my sister to find out when and where because i deactivated my Fb..soo she texts my Daughter and tell her to text me the time and place.. Surprise! !
  • @Kathy My little cousins are 23 and 27, and the younger one is worse than me. :P It's stupid how people define 'bad words'. On PG/TV-14 movies & shows, you can say 'Aw hell', but not 'go to hell'. Same rules with all the other 'mild' naughty words. OK to say, just not 'at' anyone else.

    lol, so sister is somewhat of a PITA for you? :)
  • Here we go again. Saturday night and everybody vanishes. For people who claim to have no lives, they all seem to get one at the exact same time every week :P
  • Another Saturday Night and i Aint got @kelani I think .. am pretty sure.. that most out us Saturday Night midnight we are hitting the pillow not the dance floor .. although I'd like to be hitting the dance floor. . I'll have to settle for dreaming lol
    Good night. .
    Night @Pa
  • night Ma.
  • Well, I haven't been here in a long time...
  • Wow !! Hey there @silentassassin long time indeed! Sorry you hit when noone was here. .usually it's been pretty busy. .
    I won't be in much today. .going to daughters show and then cookout
    Have a great day everyone; )
  • @kelani, your saturday night - the time you posted about vanishing - is 4:19 am. I'm not social at that time, only sleeping.
    Have a nice sunday everybody. Just played some levels in #2, they're even more fun as the first one (I think).
    @kathy about fb: no problem since I am rarely active there, due to lots of things to do: hanging around here in the BP, flinging, work, watching soccer, walking the dogs. When I read what I wrote about myself I'm trying not to get overworked. :-)
  • Hey @bernersenn -- you telling me this game is awesome or this game is boring is working great! Watched Germany vs. Ghana and wow -- what a treat. Two good teams playing attacking football from the first to last minute -- that's what's it's all about. So keep doing it my friend, but no scores!

    Edit: Btw, I do watch some games live when circumstances allow -- but the first 2 games of the day cut into work hours here (12PM and 3PM).
  • @bernersenn I know you guys are asleep at 4am :P There's usually a few people here most weeknights. They all vanish Friday afternoon and return on Monday. That makes me think they only fling while at work. :)
  • @kelani, perhaps you're right. Man, what I did see is that BI#2 needs some persistance!
  • Can I just say my little sanctuary of a garden, and a glass of white wine, in this beautiful weather is heaven. But this livened up it a lot!

    You may have to skip an ad, but well worth it.

    Where's JLZ666? One of her favourites, along with Dweezil

    What is it with those long haired guitarists? Aaaaaahhhhhh......
  • @bernersenn Some of them do. I'm still working on #34, but like I told @Kathy the total amount of time I spent on all of Beak2 is still much less than what I spent on BR 10,12 & 19. It's easy to get a good score on Beak2. Beak1 needed much more repetition.

    @hunnybunny Gotta love Dweezil. Diva's easier for me to look at, though.
  • @kelani each to their own
  • @silentassassin -- Hope you remember you don't get notifications in this forum because of the space in your name.
    Anyway, good to see you again. You've been gone so long that although I recognize your name, I can't place your "face" since you changed your avatar. : D Also I can't really tell what your avatar here is, even if I blow it up.
    How long ago were you last here? Have you just been too busy for the BP, or all of AB and ABN?
    Are you back to flinging? I was going to say for the summer, but I guess it's midwinter where you are.
  • @kelani -- I prefer to think people spend time having fun in real life on the weekend. I don't really see many people playing during work hours, unless they're retired, which a bunch of us are.
  • Hi @Mvnla2 you retired? I thought you were a professional golfer!
  • Ah, OB, talking to you and the Blues again. Never mind, the place is empty, if Mumsie doesn't mind, I'll settle down in her rocker and have a postprandial nap
  • @Hunnybunny -- It's @Mumsie who is a "professional" golfer. I retired so I can play more golf. : D
  • @hunnybunny thank you. I learned a new word today.
  • @kelani it's best use is probably "postprandial torpor"
    That's exactly why I needed a rest in Mumsie's rocker!

    And didn't you mean "learnt"? Lol
  • {British joke} Pretentious, moi?

  • @hunnybunny no, silly bunny. It's BE, so you're exempt. I'm talking about American people. You wouldn't believe how many of us just love adding those unnecessary A's and U's to their words.

    {almost over my head, until afternoon espresso kicked in}
  • Bye @kelani I'm watching a colour programme (correct spelling) on antiques. No 'offence' meant lol
  • @hunnybunny lol. Don't tell anyone I told you, but we actually prefer lots of BE spellings. Actually, I doubt most of us know the the difference. For me, axe, catalogue, disc and archaeology just look correct. ardour, artefact, baulk, diarrhoea, draught, sulphur and haemophilia look like phonetics taken from someone with a speech impediment.

    I'm looking at a list. Do all of you still use 'gaol' for jail? I thought that was only in @JLZ's part of the woods.
  • Good evening @all
    Finally had a lovely relaxing day after an exhausting week at work. Don't get me wrong,I love the beautiful,hot,sunny weather we've been having but only on days off. Trying to sleep has been a joke :( I got home from work yesterday and after hubby made dinner I passed out for a straight 10hrs! Great date Huh?;) So started today with a pot of coffee in the garden at 8am! Finally I seem to have recharged the battery.....maybe it's just caffeine,who knows ;)
    Sorry,have just tried to read back last few days so forgive me as I'll have missed loads.
    @kelani both Inverness and Edinburgh are great places to start digging the roots of the family tree is you've ever thought of doing so. G,grandparents aren't long ago at all! I agree with @mvnla,I'd hope everyone was enjoying their weekend with real life than in here! I tend to fling at work between clients or on my days off. Any free time I'll spend with hubby,friends and family so I love getting some quiet play time!
    @hunnybunny That's some great afternoon,chillin in the sun,drinking wine tunes! November rain is on the BP jukebox if you ever need a Slash fix! Awwww Dweezil *sighhhhh* wish I loved the music as much as the man lol! Haahaaaa! Poor Ripsy will be cursing me right now. He may be proud to know that I made it 20 mins into the video before I went looking for other long haired musicians ;D Ermmm slightly personal question but are you diabetic? I just know "postprandial" from my sis in law who is Type 1. It's strange hearing it outside those circumstances.
    @estar I love that photo of Jaapie! I'm trying to find the one I've got of Oscar drinking out of the tap with his lampshade on. Why must we stand and laugh our asses off,taking photos while our babies suffer? ;)
    @bernersenn @fenikus The footie has been on most nights in this house but there's only been a couple that caught our attention and yep,the 2nd half of the Germany game was one of them! Watched the Austrian GrandPrix this afternoon. Good result but amazing circuit! What a glorious position it's in. I found my eyes wandering to the hills and mountains in the background most of the time!
    Just going to make a cuppa and settle down to watch some catch up TV.
    Have a great evening
  • Strange list you picked there!
    Gaol, in this part of the UK at least, is a bit pretentious, spelling-wise
  • @JLZ666 certainly not diabetic, just bought up in the Home Counties, where us "pretentious" types learnt stupid words that you never knew you would use again ;-)
  • Off to fling!
  • @hunnybunny It's a neat list for seeing how silly your spellings can be; e.g. 'pzazz' :D Some poor teacher tried to list every UK/US/CAN word with a spelling variation. She did well, but some of the US spellings are just...wrong. I've never seen anyone (intentionally) use prolog, epilog, travelog or fileted.
  • Off to water the weeds! And get chased by bees!
  • @jlz-666, nice to see you this evening. Short comment, since I am now doing BI#2, funny games. Read that you looked grand-prix, so we do have a motorsport fan here, that's nice. This pub is filled up with really complete different colored birds. Love it. Ok, back to the soccer, little bit flinging and then off to bed. Good night to you all.OB, serve these guys what they like.
  • @bernersenn sorry to see you leave Beak #1 but give them your best in #2
    Top of both in a week? You never know ;-)
  • @hunnybunny, you're right. Since I am a man, I can only do one thing at once. removed the leaderboard from BI#1 in Safari. @rat, I will be back. Now just doing #2 for the first round, see how far it gets. So, don't be disappointed, I don't think leaving space this summer. This is fun!
  • @kelani Never written the word as "Gaol" since I was in primary school and it was a history lesson.
    @bernersenn Yep it's been a huge love since I was a little girl :)
  • Yikes @bernersenn! I hope you didn't mean "while you can"?!
  • @jlz666 no, just as like soccer you like motorsport. That's ok. It's adrenaline pure.
    Btw, at this moment wrestling with your strat in #28, that's really wow
  • I know @bernersenn! I'm just joking,it just sounded like a threat lol!
    B2-28 was a fluke I'm afraid! I'd love to see someone beat it....honestly,because I can't come close! It's nice having the trophy but it sucks knowing it was a mistake. Don't get me wrong though,it was cool to watch! We're only on week 3 and I'm done with with space so I don't expect it to stay for long.
    Ermmmm @mumsie & @mvnla are you watching the woman's US open? I'm sure I'll now get the flinging fingers reaching for the remote control but OMG how is Michelle Wie allowed to wear those shorty shorts?!!! I can't get an answer out of hubby as his eyes are locked on the bloody telly!
  • :( Sorry I am missing everyone today. . Glad to see you all here
    I am ( not) 'having fun' at a family cookout ..
    Hope you all enjoy the day. .
    @bernersenn i am with you inn Beak 2 :) let's work together and kick some piggie butt:)
    See all later.
  • @mvnla2 I think the dash problem has been fixed; )
    No need for dash so @silentassassin should get notification. .if that is his notification name
  • @kathy hey! Sorry you're not having fun :( The names with dashes are ok on new forums but still not in here. "Enjoy" what's left of your day ((hugs))
  • BTW hubby has his office draw on USA! So we're actually watching the World Cup with our hopes on the US!
  • @JLZ I spent the better part of last Tues. trying to sneak by you in #28, but failed miserably. I think your score is as secure as my #38, but we know how that thinking always turns out.

    And what channel is Michelle Wie on, again? ;D
  • Aww thanks @jlz666 I thought the dash thing was fixed inn here too.ahh well

    Enjoy your evening. .♡♡
    Great scores inn B2 btw
    Cookout winding dowm.. finally I may get some flinging time inn after all:)
  • There's some levels I just won't try again @kelani but it's because I get bored easy and I'm playing on my phone. I've left space for a while so fully expect those scores to go soon. It was a great release and I enjoyed it but when I start to play a level and find myself thinking "hmmm 10 flings,no improvement" it's time to say bye bye. I admire your dedication! Sorry but I couldn't tell you what US channel Michelle was on. I don't want to give a spoiler but she did OK so will be on most US sports channels. I was watching UK Sky Sports. She is beautiful but wow she would get thrown off most courses over here! Actually that's a lie,she'd be the pied piper ;)
    @kathy welcome home! I wish real life would trump birdie life sometimes :(
    Sorry,hubby giving me looks,better go :(
  • @hunnybunny @kelani -- Guess I never knew that "learnt" was correct BE! No offense Hunnybunny or other Brits, but I just always thought it was a sign of bad grammar.
    @Kelani -- Where did you find that list? Would be interested in looking at it.
    @JLZ666 -- Didn't watch the Women's US Open. Most of the news has been centered on that 11 yr old. In the US at least, it seems that pro golfers, women or men, can get away with wearing just about anything, even if it would get normal people booted off a public course, let alone a private club. Women more than men, I think. Even the 11 yr old was wearing a top that showed some skin when she swung. The private clubs in LA would have a fit. Shorts of any kind are not allowed on the course, and women's skirts must be no higher than 4" above the knee. All shirts must be tucked in, etc., etc.
  • Ahh @mvnla2 I agree I never knew that 'learnt' was acceptable BE. I also thought it was just poor grammar or bad spelling.. I Do however like @kelani know many people who add an unnecessary letter to common words. .like ' my cousint' or many add an A or U when it isn't needed.
    I'm finnaly alone in my room after a looooonng afternoon .. so gonna get some flinging in;)
    OB Yes an extra strong extra large PigKiller please:) and keep the blues delivering to ABsp Beak 2 :) thanks your the best♡
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