The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2181
  • @Lyrian see? I just edited my post a record 4 times. I'm not dead...yet.
  • Oh, @kelani, did you blow up the planet on #38? I saw your new score and did a double take.
  • @kelani I'm not sure but it may be one of the glitch badges that were discontinued. Wow cant believe phone didn't Mess up that one lol..
  • lol, have any of you heard the remixed Slash AB Space theme? It's only in Pig Dipper. You go in the level and hear a drum into. Kinda hilarious
  • @kelani, you edited your post. Usually that's allowed, but a string of multiple new posts is generally frowned upon.

    *edit* I usually play with the sound off because when I hear the same darn sounds over and over as I repeat the level it starts to stress me out. *edit ends*
  • @Kathy naw, someone got anchors in March. I tried and failed again then too.
  • @Lyrian you can't win with either here. For the people who get every post emailed to them, every edit sends them a copy, but with only the changed portion, so it's just like posting multiple comments. This is more chatroom than forum, so it's OK. I've done both, nobody yelled at me.
  • Oh Dios mio, @kelani. Good thing I only get mentions emailed to me.
  • hrm, I'd say that Anchors Aweigh shot doesn't seem to work on PC anymore, but after today's events, I'm probably wrong again.

    Gonna get some soup, maybe nap. Back in a bit, or not. :P
  • Phhhthhtt @kelani Nighty night. ..
  • Huh, it appears that I can get the pig in a bubble on #27 to undergo total existence failure too. I hit the bubble with the long flat plank and the pig, bubble, and attendant parts just poofed. No credit given to the score for it either. Tonight is apparently not my night to fling.
  • @Lyrian or the night to power cycle phone :P

    @Kathy sorry, I still don't feel wonderful. My attendance will be spotty until that changes :P
  • @kelani, no kidding. I don't think I have since l got the phone, it's about time. Sorry you aren't feeling well. It's been crazy hot and humid here too and it's been sapping all my energy. And the thunderstorms in the middle of the night aren't helping, since my dogs all freak out when they happen.
  • Aww sorry @kelani I hope you feel better soon♡ are you taking antibiotics?
  • Mine either @Lyrian figure Dagnabit I finally get a night to fling and it ain't cooperating:(
    Maybe watch a movie:/
  • @kathy I might actually try to catch up on some sleep.
  • Good idea @Lyrian ya know i might actually do that myself soon
    G'night hope everyone get good rest and have a wonderful day tomorrow:)♡
  • Good night @kathy, sleep well!
  • Sweet Dreams @Lyrian ty
  • @Lyrian The heat, humidity and storms are getting old, and definitely don't help. I looked at the NOAA forecast models and none of it is going away anytime soon. The funny part, when I get sick like this, I get cold, so even in this weather, I have to wear my winter polarfleece jacket. :P Get weird looks from my neighbors.

    @Kathy Is ok. and naw, no drugs. It's not an antibiotic-solvable thing. :)
  • @Kelani Speaking of unbearable heat. Do you remember me telling you about my cooling problems at the house for the last two months? I've spent well in excess of $1000 and am still having the same problems. The repairmen keep thinking they've fixed the problem when in actuality all that happens is the weather gets cooler. The last couple of weeks have been miserable. My bedroom is 76 degrees at night until about 4am. That ain't right. Well, for only $500 more I can finally get the root of the problem fixed. All this time the return dampener was broke. They've been charging me for parts and service I didn't need all this time because they didn't do due diligence in the first place. Part on order, fix due early next week. For what I will have spent by then I could have replaced the entire system. And I still don't know it will work. WWWhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
  • Arghhhhh @Pa The Whole Time it was simply the dumb return!! Crap.. I'd get a new repair company and demand your money back! !
  • @Rat If they screwed up, make them take their overpriced parts back, and give your cash back. Surely you can intimidate a HVAC man into making it right? I sure as hell would, and I'm half yer size :P Also, when you say 'return damper broke'.. was it one of those electric ones that opens/closes to prevent overpressure? Because normally all they're capable of is Open and Closed. Nothing to break, really.

    Doesn't look like the weather will be helping you out anytime soon. I'd probably put a big tub of ice cubes in the room at bedtime and have a fan blow over it. Might drop it a few degrees.
  • *sigh * I might as well be flinging PE right now :( g figure the one night all week I've been able to find the time to fling and nuttin' phtth phttph nuttin' *sigh*
  • @Kathy flingin PE?
  • Lol @kelani Poached Eggs . That is about my flinging capability right now; /
  • It's pissin' me off I finally have a night to fling but can't hit the side off a barn!!
  • @Kathy aw, well, I give ya all my whhhhiiiinnneee rations and flinging skill (rofl) for the day :) I'm gonna attempt to sleep again . Can't keep eyes open :)

  • Night @Pa wherever you are♡♡
  • night Ma

    And yes @Kelani, It is the return overpressure dampener. And yes, it is strictly mechanical. The rod is broke and the return dampener has been closed all year. This has kept most of my air pressure circulating behind my cooling ducts. Minimal air was being circulated through the house. The poor AC was running almost nonstop to try and keep the temp low with almost no airflow. My bedroom, which is at the end of the ducting, has suffered the worst. The HVAC repairmen have been trying to convince me that the bedroom is hot because it's an afternoon sun wall. HA!
    As far as repercussions from this ordeal, let's get it fixed first. Then will have a pleasant meeting of the minds about billing. lol

    And I thought I was getting hot under the collar from the pressure you flingers have been putting on me in Beak Impact. No! It was just HOT.
    What? I don't have enough problems, it's got to cook my...
  • Anybody here watch "Twin Peaks" when it originally aired (1990)? I watched a few episodes, but just didn't have much time in those days for TV, so quickly gave up on it. The only reason I tuned in at all, was that much of the exterior shots were filmed not to far away, in North Bend, WA. A day trip to the old Snoqualmie Falls Lodge (now Salish Lodge), or known to TP viewers as "The Great Northern" was an annual event, and I frequently made stops in town on my way to or from skiing or hiking.

    I saw it was on Netflix and decided to just watch the first episode for old time sake (the area is much changed, *heavy* development. It was better than I remembered, and even though it looks grainy compared to modern HD TV, decided to watch the whole series as it was only two seasons.

    So here is the thing: I was watching the final episode when with only 30 minutes left there were a lot of loose ends to tie up, and new ones appearing right and left, and I was wondering "How in the heck are they going to end this!?". It took me 22 years to learn the silly show had been cancelled!!! CANCELLED!!! There was poor Agent Cooper, possessed by evil Bob, Leo still biting on that string holding a box of tarantulas over his thick skull, darling Donna devastated by the news she was adopted and that sneaky lizard Horne was her father, Audrey and Ted likely killed in the explosion at the bank, Big Ed and Norma's future of finally being together spoiled by Nadine's sudden recovery when a heavy bag fell on her head, James still riding his motorcycle cross country avoiding the law, many loose ends!!! Sigh...
  • Boy, I hope I didn't post any spoilers! ;)
  • ROFLMAO @BPC - no never watched it and now - thanks to you - I never will!!!!

    edit: Hey Just popped into the Challenge and you are sooooooo close to getting another puppy!
  • @Rat, read your comment about the non-repair. Lots of efforts, money, etc - all without result. That's really frustrating. Still the heath, nothing bettered. And we know it all, especially in my job - first, deep investigation to come to the root cause. Then fix this. Hope it will be repaired well in short time
  • Good evening/morning/afternoon @all!

    Hi @Mumsie42! Nice to see you sitting in your comfy chair, flinging!

    @BPC, I remember Twin Peaks. Gosh, I can't believe it was over 20 years ago! LOL Yeah, I gave up after a few episodes, as I didn't have much time to watch TV either. I heard about the show being cancelled, but never knew all of those loose ends were what was left of the whole series!
  • Cooking your "goose egg" @rat9? Hmm...sounds like you're having same issues as I do here. I use a couple of fans to help circulate the cool air a bit faster. It helps quite a bit, maybe you could do the same.

    Night-night everyone. Have a great weekend!
  • Good morning (or whatever time of day it is where you are) ladies and gentlemen of the BP! Hopefully everyone is having a lovely start to the weekend.

    @mumsie, I've been wanting to ask this for a couple days now, is the 42 is your name there because 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? (Please, please, please say yes!)

    @rat Sorry to hear your AC has been on the fritz, hopefully they finally get it all sorted out for you. They really should at least give you a bit of a break on cost, since they didn't perform an appropriate diagnostic of the problem in the first place. I'm sure you can terrify them into it if they get stubborn, my dad is a big guy like you (6'6") and all he does is stand there and look mad. People tend to cave pretty quickly when he does that.

    @all Is it just me, or is the scoring on today's challenge somewhat (ahem!) arbitrary? I've got two lonely little tower segments left on the bottom and a tiny wood box floating in the water and can't break 130k with that!
  • @Lyrian - but of course! Off to do some shopping - So long & thanks for all the fish!
  • @BPC I was hooked on Twin Peaks when it first aired. Just hearing the opening music can still transport me back to the woods.... It was a very frustrating ending!
    @lyrian and @mumsie I think it is time to pick up an old favorite and re-read it in this century. Thanks for the reminder!
  • Yay @catsnbirds another fan! I thought about rereading too, but I pretty much destroyed my copy from reading it so often. I think I will have to buy it for kindle. At least that one can't fall apart.
  • @lyrian I just put it on hold at the library. As convenient as e-books are, I really like holding an actual book.
  • @catsnbirds I was a hold out on the e-reader thing for a long time, until my mom got me one for my birthday. I like holding the actual books too, but I can be pretty hard on them. I still have my physical copy, it's just completely spine shot and sections of the book are falling out. I really do like the convenience of carrying a good portion of my library with me though, it would have been invaluable on the flight I took to hawaii. I hauled a heavy bag of books through 3 airports when I could have had a Kindle that fit in my purse.
  • @lyrian Hawaii is one of my favorite vacation spots! Which island(s) did you visit? My most recent trip was in May, we were on the Big Island.
  • @catsnbirds I was briefly on Oahu, mostly hanging around until my connecting flight to the Big Island. I went there to meet my future mother in law. (I know, tough deal right?) Hawaii is indescribably beautiful, and I would love to go back again soon. When I went I was there in may, and the sea turtles were visiting the black sand beach. But, perhaps I won't take a flight from the east coast to Honolulu. That is one crazy long time to be cooped up in a tiny seat.
  • @lyrian Wow, your future mom-in-law lives on Hawaii!?! I know, a r-e-a-l-l-y long flight. We generally fly from Detroit to LA to Kona. Not having to go through Honolulu makes it just a bit more manageable. Did you snorkel while there? We found a couple of new spots last trip, such a beautiful world undersea. Love the sea turtles! Did you try shave ice?
  • @catsnbirds actually, my fiancé lived there too, he moved here rather than me moving there. I would have moved to hawaii, but he has a sulfur allergy that makes living near an active volcano problematic. I flew rdu to atlanta to honolulu to hilo. The kona airport is about a 2 hour drive from where he lived. I didn't try any snorkeling while I was there, which is a shame, but I did visit all sorts of cool spots like the thermal pools and waipio valley.
  • @BPC @TwinPeaksPeople - I don't know where/when I saw it, but in some documentary about landmark TV series, one segment covered Twin Peaks. One of the producers said some sort of 'what would have been' piece existed somewhere on the internet. Basically a list of the next few season's plots and spoilers.

    I want a law saying any show that 's cancelled after 5+ episodes must get a finale, and any TV exec who reruns a syndicated show sans finale should be sentenced to 5 yrs watching that series, and forced to leave any movies 10 mins. before the end.

    @Rat I get the damper is the problem, but the guy did have a point. If you have a south-facing wall, especially brick/stone, and older single-glazed or double-glazed windows, that's half your problem. If you have 12"-18" thick walls filled with spray foam, double/triple-glazed Low-E windows, and 12-18" ceiling insulation, then it's no longer a factor :D

    I'll make a deal with ya. I'll come fix your rod (really no good way to say that) if you'll make a phone call and ask the spooky acft to stop buzzing my part of town. (overflights from elements of black, unmarked C-130s, and a few equally black, unmarked Kiowas circling around town every few days)
  • @bernersenn, thanks a lot for ruining my Saturday morning watching recorded World Cup games ;-) Sounds like France v Switzerland was hell of a game so I'll have to watch it in its entirety. Watching recordings can be convenient as I can quickly scan through boring games like Uruguay v England or Japan v Greece, or games I have zero interests in like Honduras v Ecuador. But for the good ones, it sucks if you know the score in advance…next time make sure to precede your posts with scores with "spoiler alert"! LOL
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