The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2152
  • IKR @hunnybunny those US people are laughing their butts off, but like you said it is fun, me and hubby always can talk to each other without having to raise our voice... Heck my parents live two doors down and I grew up in that house, WITh my two brothers, lots of creative thinking but we managed pretty well the 5 off us on 65 square meters...
  • LOL again on the wood, metal and tools... We collect those too, in all nooks and crannies we have, always comes in handy one day. As for our garden it is fairly big for the big city I live in, 60 square meters (i think, 5 meters x 12 meters long), but it still knocks the US people of their socks. I think I remember your cosy garden @hunnybunny that counts for a stamp size indeed, but it still beats a house on the third floor with no outside any day :)
  • Yes @kelani (this time kb typed * malibu*) I did get a friend request from alyourpal.. didn't accept
  • @kathy [[[hugggss]]] no problem, I needed time to get into bed with iPad and check in one more time ;)
    Night night all!
  • Nighty night @estar hoo hoo Iove the no dash thing♡
  • Ow just one more thing, @kelani always hurts to see the garden get washed away, hope you stay dry inside and the garden will recover from it soon.
  • @hunnybunny sorry, @lumber and @old-tools make me happy. :P

    Of course it's different over there. Y'all are much more efficient in using available space. In my town, half of all the storage units are owned by people with ridiculously large mansions (5000+ sq ft / 465+ sq meters)
  • @mvnla2 not sure if it's been mentioned but Beak 2 level 38 I've got so far 369 pts without flinging a single bird. .
  • @estar technically it's my neighbor's garden now. :P Seriously, all the loose soil between the plant rows washed into my neighbor's sandbox (big sand ring around his pool). Even better, all the mulch from the front yard washed into the back yard.

    It is a big mess. :P I had a 12" deep trench in the side yard to divert water away from the the back yard while I reseed it. I was out back watching it rain and this river of mulchy/sandy water came pouring around the side of my house, so that thing was overflowing. I had to move fast to get outta the way.

    Just checked and the trench is now 16" deep :P Thank you, global warming!
  • Good night all
    Not looking forward to a rodent invasion tomorrow
  • @Kathy 9 points? I got some pre-fling destruction on a Beak 1 or eggsteroid level earlier, but can't remember which it was.
  • @kelani what do you mean 9 points?
    @hunnybunny I'll be ready tomorrow also.. almost done with the 'free fling'in beak 2
    So now the competion begins;) my money is on @rat9 and/or @bernersenn now that he's back from his travels ;) it should be fun anyway ;)
  • Ohhh lol I meant 360 @kelani ooopsy ! You know what it is I got this stupid 'Google voice Typing'in my settings and keep clicking it off.. trying to just use Samsung built inn keyboard but the Google one keeps on turning itself back on:(
  • @Kathy if you didn't spend so much time fighting with your phone, you'd have taken over the world by now :P
  • @bernersenn -- I feel the same way, but about self-destruction: Rovio has inserted a line of code that says "If player is MVnLA2, then go to xxx." Xxx of course eliminates all, or nearly all self-destruction.
    @estar -- Glad to know that you'll still do high-score videos! Was beginning to think we'd lost that perk.
    @Kathy -- Haven't heard of any self-destruction in BI yet. There must be some more than the one you mentioned, right
  • Ikr @kelani lol.. @mvnla2 that's the only one i noticed so far but I'll keep my eye out;)
  • @mvnla2 there is one more. I'll find it now.
  • @mvnla2 Found it. E-17 It's either the 2 rocks joined by a chain, or the two bubbles at far right joined by a hose. The chain/hose broke 5-10 seconds after a restart. Only happened once in over 100 tries.
  • @kelani @anyone HELP !! I dont understand level #40 !! I do exactly like the video but i don't get extra piggies coming down and popping in there own..once i did but only 3 piggies what makes them come?
  • @Kathy you have to kill the first 3 and hit that floaty switch in midair. Once they get there, I leave them alone. Killing the king blows them up usually.
  • Thanks @kelani ;)
  • np @Kathy it's a weird level. I have a secret strategy to post on that one when I get back around to it.
  • Nope @kelani that didn't work. .I hit the top switch with lil'red and the one cement pole opened.. then I hit the other switch with Terrence and the other cement pole opened then i hit tthe piggies And the floating switch And king piggies with lazer bird.. then score just added unused birds no other piggies came down:(
  • hang on @Kathy lemmel ook
  • @Kathy

    Fire red flat, go through the bottom half of the first pig UFO and float into the floating switch. That will make more show up. If you miss and one of the UFOs gets kicked out into space, they others won't come.

    edit: thanks for asking. I just boosted my score :D
  • Thanks @kelani I'll try again :)
  • @Kathy how many birds does it take you to do that level? It's 3 for me.
  • @kelani I was using 3 also. .
  • Funny how nobody's posted anything on that level yet.
  • Ikr @kelani none want to give away there secret:/
  • I don't think I've ever seen such a 'quiet'update what do you think @mvnla2?
  • Hi, back again tonight for a few minutes. @mvnla2: I've got about 100 bottles of various whites, sweet and dessert wines. Some really nice port too.
  • I just got bit by a spider! !! Accjkk ouch ouch!!
  • @Kathy: Yuck! What kind?
  • Hi @dmsral welcome back :) sorry I'm bout ready for Nighty night just having a couple more ings lol
  • I don't know @dmsral I didn't see it..:/ I just know it was and it hurts
  • Get it cleaned up fast! Don't take any chances!
  • @Kathy:
    Whatever you do, don't google pictures of spider bites!
  • I did I put some alcohol and benadryl right still hurt though right on my belly :(
  • Ooh thanks for the link @dmsral ;) I will go read it now; ) don't worry i won't be looking at any pics hee hee..
  • @Kathy ofc you know if you start sweating and get nauseous. get your butt to an ER
  • I think I just got the lowest possible score on S-21. A 1-birder no less. Yuck
  • @Kathy: That's usually something you dare someone to do. ⊙_⊙
  • O.k @kelani thanks I just took some Tylenol. .
  • My own fault I took a sweatshirt of the back of my chair in the corner and i didn't shake it .I actually put it on inside out lol.. is a zip up hoodie. .then i realized it was inside out but to late already felt the burn on my belly:/
  • @Kathy well, keep an eye on it. We don't need a sick Kathy.

    @dmsral Don't google spider bites, flesh-eating bacteria or irukandji syndrome. All very bad.
  • The benedryl was a good idea. Keep an eye on it and head to the ER if it gets bad.
  • Yep. chills, sweating, fever, nausea, muscle pain within the next half-hour or so means it's probably a brown recluse. I hate coming across those things.
  • I had some close calls with black widows but never got bite. Don't ask me about Australian jellyfish though
  • Gotta sign off for the night. Good luck @Kathy!!!
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