The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2153
  • Those box jellyfish scare the hell out of me. Black widows give me nightmares too. When I was a kid, I climbed through a culvert on a dare. Got in the middle, turned on a flashlight and was surrounded by hundreds of them. I dunno which muscles got me moving, but I made record time getting out of that thing.
  • @Kathy you doing all right over there? You've been quiet for awhile..
  • Im good @kelani sorry was sleepflinging lol..
    Sorry i missed ya @dmsral Nighty thanks for the good too Kenobi ;)
    Nighty night.

    Im done with my first pass #4 in beak 2 :)
    Let the games begin;) tomorrow I can't believe Its after 1 a.m I'm gonna be a hurting pup in the morning
    *places flashlight in the special safe ahh naw can't do that. .OB put this somewhere for me.. and thanks for a great job your doing:)
    Night everyone. .no time for sleepin kitty. .
    Night @Pa
  • @Kathy oh I see how it is. Here I am worrying about your spider bite and you're off flinging away :P Bad Kathy! You vanished right about the time a venomous bite would've made you keel over. Ya scared me a bit. :)

    Glad you're ok. Nighty night :)
  • Sorry @kelani thanks♡ Nighty Night..
  • I dont think we have venomous Sspiders in N.e :/ if we do don't tell me..Kk Nighty
  • night Ma
  • I couldn't help myself. I rubbed her little belly with my cursor.

    Edit: Ignore the above comment. Nothing ulterior meant by it.
  • Hi @rat9, and @kelani. I haven't been here all weekend, and so I won't be able to catch up on all the reading back 3 pages, sorry.

    Also stopped by to put out the earplugs for Whine Tuesday. A basket for each booth, two on the bar, and one next to the door.

    OB, please hand me Kathy's flashlight. And I'd like a large mug of cappuccino please, thank you.
    *takes flashlight and takes it apart, cleans the battery chamber, uses metal polish to give it an extra pretty shine, replaces the light bulb and cleans the lens, reassembles all the pieces together, replaces batteries and puts it away. Lights a candle for @kathy that safely sees her to dreamland*

    Well goodnight to anyone still awake on this side of the pond, and a good morning/afternoon to everyone else across the way! Have a good flinging day, and remember to use those earplugs!

  • @Estar, read your comment about the mentions in the old forum. I don't get notification when I am mentioned in the new forum, anything to define ?
  • hello guys, anyone noticed that @happyshake isn't joining us on this trip?
    I sent him a personal message to invite him. Remember him of the crystal episodes, he was awesome good.
  • Good morning all :) I made it through the night. .the bite still hurts but the swelling went down:)
    @bernersenn i think @happyshake is away somewhere.
    @Sweetp thanks for shining up my flashlight it looks awesome; ) ♡
    Enjoy WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday everyone
    *poofs off to work*
  • Ready to start getting serious now:) back to beak 1!
  • I just backed up both my Ipad's. You never know...
  • Watch out, @Kathy is going to use her new spider-powers!
  • @kathy -- Watching a movie last night: The Book Thief. Pretty good.
    As for the quiet update; I agree. There really don't seem to be the normal number of strats posted, but there also don't seem to be that many people posting scores. By now, anyone who still has a top score should be posting their strat. Over the last few days, there have been a lot of top-scorers who only posted strats when asked. Don't like being the chief reminder, but I really need those strats to get above average on a lot of levels.
  • @Kathy -- Hope you don't get any complications from the spider bite.
    I was bitten while I was asleep a couple of years ago, and just assumed it was a mosquito bite. A couple of days later, it suddenly started swelling (probably got infected), and I went to the Dr., who said it was a spider bite. Ended up having an allergic reaction either to the spider bite or to the antibiotic. Not fun.
  • Yea! Wabbit season is OPEN. And I've already bagged a baby bunny on level one. He was hiding in the wood pile bubble along with some delicious points. Welsh Rabbit for dinner tonight.

    Don't get in an uproar flingers. Mrs. Bunny knows there is no rabbit in the dish. I may put some tomato on it though. I've never had a Blushing Bunny.
  • @mvnla2 It seems a lot of these top scorers are not the strategy-posting kind, or at least won't without some prodding. Kinda like that unnamed crowd from the River.

    I have a few to post, I was just waiting for the 3* posts to be removed like you said, so I don't lose out on my points.
  • I should be through the second pass on BI #1 in a few days @Mvnla2. Then I'll look at the walkthroughs and post my stRATs if they aren't already posted. Patience. It's the way I've always done it. I'm just moving a lot slower this time because of my health issues.
  • Tut tut Mr Rat it's called Welsh Rarebit!
  • @Kelani -- I was bitten by the spider while on vacation in Maine.
    You won't lose your points when they remove the 3* scores, and you don't get extra points for the second post. I think this is true even if your first post was a 3* score. @AMSlimfordy???
  • @Rat Oooh. shame on you. it's Welsh Rarebit :p

    edit: whoops. Didn't see @hunnybunny already chastise you. I was just thinking, "if she was around, she'd be all over that one."
  • Actually @Hunnybunny, it was called Welsh Rabbit long before people started calling it Rarebit. And Welsh Rabbit is still considered the more correct in some circles.
  • Mrs. Bunny, I did my homework on that one before I posted. I had never heard of a Blushing Bunny before.
  • @mvnla2 okay, still could be the same spider. Like my previous comment, if it had been any of the other indigenous baddies, you'd have had a rough morning.

    I'm confused. You told me 3* posts were removed after a few days, but not the points, thus allowing for more points on subsequent posts, and encouraging 3* hunting. Doesn't really matter to me.

    What I would like to see is that Posting Alt. Strategy checkbox give points. It seems silly that a "Nice shot!" post is worth the same as a detailed strategy post with screenshots or videos. Has that ever been suggested before? It seems obvious enough that someone had to request it before.
  • Beak part 2 is starting to give me headaches. I mean literal headaches, starting with level 28 and now 29. The shots I want to pull off are one or two pixels away from the edge of gravity field and it's really hard for me to "unglue" the aim from the field to where I want to be. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyway, when I try these shots it feels like someone is literally sticking needles in my brain.

    I'll try cleaning the screen to see if it helps -- if not, I'm back to Beak 1 for now.
  • @Hunnybunny or @Kelani, is it possible for you to search a username in Game Center? When I tried to register some days ago, it said "fenikus" was already taken. I'd like to know who that impostor is.
  • I know what you mean, but for different reasons @fenikus. Headaches...Yuck!!

    I have the same problem in the nest with usernames. An imposter already has AngryBirdsSpaceMaster. lol
  • @fenikus do you understand now why Space has permanent sling scope? :P Imagine your headaches without it. You'd need to use a ruler to figure out some of those long trajectories.

    I'm ipadless til late tonight. Can't check GC. I wouldn't worry about it. Kelani was also taken. So many games with so many millions of people are on there, it's unlikely any username is unique.
  • @kelani -- You only get comments for your first post on a page. If you are posting 3* mins, you may well post on more pages than you would otherwise comment on, plus you might get that shiny score gatherer badge. I had hoped that @AMSlimfordy would clarify / confirm, but my belief is that you only get points once per page, whether or not your first comment was a 3* min that was subsequently removed. Occasionally the admins do award extra points for exceptional duty, such as score gathering.
  • Can you believe it @fenikus? Someone already had "Rat" as well.

    @Kelani I hate power-ups. But I would be lost in Space without my scope. Space had the scope long before it became a power-up in the other games.
  • @Kelani, @Rat, I can see that the "sling scope" is essential for reduced power shots.
  • @Rat Imagine that name being taken. Aren't you Rat9 on GC? I'm with ya on the scope. I wish all games had it in some form. In Space, I wish it was longer when zoomed out. There's all kinds of 'round-the-planet shots that go unexplored because they're so hard to hit at a distance.

    @mvnla2 OK, it's no big deal, although I am eager to ditch that TNT box rank soon. If they occasionally award points for just finding scores, that makes me wonder even more why good strategies are worth nothing. If a user is sick of failing at a level, an alternate strategy is probably the only thing that'll keep them playing.
  • @fenikus and long shots, backwards shots, shots with gravity interactions....
  • @Kelani, I don't find the sling scope essential for the shots you mentioned. It certainly makes things easier and I can see that if you started playing the game with the scope, removal of it would be tough. But coming from Rio, I could personally do without it, if reduced power shots were not so useful in Space.
  • @fenikus This coming from the guy with a headache from straining so hard to see where he's going. lol
  • @fenikus well, you're special :P btw, Do you have any idea how people were getting 180k+ in High Dive 11? When I played it last, there was one vague 5-birder strategy. I skipped it hoping someone would post something better. Never happened.
  • Grrr. I am getting so sick of these Chinese telemarketing scams. All week I've been picking up, saying 'remove me from your list' and hanging up. Every day they call back at least twice. I just answered one with some guy in very broken English selling "computer services". I interrupted and said:

    Kel: "I don't have a computer. I never will. Stop calling this number and remove it from your list."
    Telemarketer Guy: "You lie. We call again when you want tell truth." *click*

    They're calling using VoIP with spoofed phone numbers. You know it's them If your Caller ID says "Wireless Caller" usually lower-case, and comes from a strange area code.
  • @all hey! how are all of you doing? I was just about to send a search party as I only got 8 new notifications when I woke up O_o

    @bernersenn the settings for the notifications on the main site and new forum can be found in ones own profile.
    - Tap username in gold bar
    - select Settings
    - Tap "Email" (underneath your avatar>underneath the first menu "Activity" etc
    - There you will find all the settings for the notification system on the main site
  • @kelani Whaaaaa??? hahahaha they are very persistent now aren't they? *knock knock on wood* luckily I don't get many of those telemarketing calls, what you are telling me would drive me crazy... ow wait... already am... hmmmm okay violent than, that I am not :)
  • @estar They make me go *rawr* and kick innocent trash cans that get in my way, which I guess could be considered crazy :P I can handle the calls being completely illegal and known scams, but having some rude stranger insult me in broken English is waaaay over the line. :)

    Grr. 10 years ago, I could have snuck into their system and deleted their call list.
  • So why don't cha anymore @kelani ... did the system grow up too fast and oll Kelani couldn't keep up or does Kel really want to spend his nights in his own bed instead of on a cod in prison hahahahaha
  • @kelani -- I assume you know you only need 15 more points to get to out of this world? At 10 pts per day, that's less than 2 days. A couple of good strats on pages where you haven't commented will get you there even faster. : D
    @EStar -- I thought they gave medals to people who went to war against illegal telemarketers, especially scammers, not prison sentences?
  • Did you just tell @Kelani he'll sleep with the fishes if he messes with the telemarketers @Estar? Are you a telemarketer threatening a flinger?
  • Not sure how things are over on your side, but I always thought the legal system sucks rocks and taking illegal actions (like sneaking in their system) weren't allowed even if the other party is doing illegal stuff to... so ermmm maybe I was wrong. But my question still stands, what changed in the last 10 years @kelani ?

    Ow and ermmm Mister @rat I might, not sure have to google the real meaning. I know it is somewhere deep inside the grey matter in my head, but not clear as day ;)
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