The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2108
  • @fenikus resentment is just admiration in a biker jacket :P
  • @kelani while your busy chatting the rest of us are busy flinging
  • crap I can't make it into a pic:(
  • never mind:/ I'll fix it tomorrow; )
  • @Kathy you can use that link, but there's a part you have to remove at the end, where it says width="100" height="100"

    get rid of that. and I am flinging. :)
  • @kelani -- @happyshake is traveling the world far from internet connections. Last I heard he was in deepest, darkest Africa. He might come back some day, or not.
  • @Kathy, I did mean #3. It is being handled, but it might take a little while. A bit of a sensitive issue right now, but don't worry, the wheels are in motion.

    @Kelani, I don't see how the RR (reverse remi) could work in #16. Can't get the right angle to get boomerang bird low enough to hit that bottom horizontal plank. I used just a straight shot, and it works fine. Good luck!
  • @Mvnla2 @HappyShake will be back later this summer. And his retirement will be over. Nothing to look forward to but work. But he had a good run for five years seeing the world while he was young enough to enjoy it.
  • @sweetP Yeah, since we were barred by treaty from playing in the creek today, I asked the question before remembering I could just look at the walkthrough. oopsy.
  • Those 1700 points are proving to be a PITA. I've got potential on several levels, but they've all been PC-unfriendly thus far.

    aww. Drbuilder broke up our stranglehold on #10's top 5
  • Treaty? What treaty? I missed something...
  • @kelani got it I'll fix it tomorrow:)
    @Sweetp gotcha and yepi understand sent pm to ya. and yes the reverse remi will work in #16 just aim down a bit and back then release right away;) good luck
    o.k pm's done all is well
    'GoNe FliNgIN'
    OB a MMarmoset killer to go please
  • @Sweetp Pay No Attention. ...No Treaty involving us we saw nothing we just fling g;)
  • it's a guy thing hee hee..
  • @kathy, I guess so. "We don't need no stinkin' treaty" Heehee!
  • hee heee @Sweetp Nope we dont..we be peaceable gals; )
  • or marmoset hunting killers in this case lol @Sweetp no treaty can stop us!!
  • don't mind me im overtired lol;)
  • im whining I don't care a what day it is! ! Every time i get a great first shot on "17 flub the second one. .
  • *sends @Kathy some (((HUGS))) for good luck* May the AB Goddess be kind to you, and you nail that #17!
  • wow that #17 has your number @Kathy kinda like how #10 has mine.
  • it's that Stupid Stubborn WB!! Gawd she is frustrating! !
  • @rat9, are you still here?

    @kathy, zoom in all the way first. Then, pull WB back horizontal, then down until you see a bit of sunshine between the sling bands. That angle should clear the cement plank on top. Hope that works for you!
  • Thanks @Sweetp ;) yep @kelani it's a frustrating one! ! good luck with#10
  • oh my Jimmy Page is on the t.v. right niow..* slinks into corner..muttering I am old*
  • @Kathy compared to how Page and Plant look, we ALL look like babies. God they look awful.
  • Plant looks like that Nick Nolte drunk mug shot.
  • Roflmao Hahahahahahahamwwaahaha your right @kelani omg I cant Welll on second thought i guess i can believe the way that they's a tough life I guess S and Drugs and Rock and Roll ..
  • Nick Nolte looks like Death. .I used to think he was good looking..ughh what .m
  • Jimmy improved since he lost weight. bout 10 years ago he looked like a long-haired wax replica of Frosty the Snowman.

    Yup, Nick looks like death, and on the thing I saw last week, Plant looked just like him with curly hair.
  • HOLY.. In like 30 seconds it went from quiet to bigass windstorm. 40-50mph gusts outside. brb checking radar
  • I usually don't pay attention to celebrity stuff @kelani actually never but Jimmy page happened to be on the Jimmy Fallon show so that's how i saw him.
  • ohhhhhh Your going for the High Drop @SWEETP Thanks noone told me that i was trying to go straight ahead! ! no winder!@
  • @Kathy me either. I do like to know which musicians i like are still breathing, though. :)

    high arc on 17? There's an idea.
  • Could it perhaps be Cyclone Ratisbac @Kelani.
  • lol @kelani there is a website called 'dead or alive' and you just type the name and it tells ya.
    I gotta go to sleep mm i was late for work 2 days in a row. .
    night night
  • @Rat Not unless you're coming out of West Virginia :P
    Yeah dead or alive. a 'friend' pranked me and added my name to it awhile back. That went over well.
    'nighty @Kathy
  • @Kelani So all nesters speak at least two languages and have Master's degrees? Duhhh
  • @Rat I don't know about the latter, but in here, lotsa multilinguals.

    Informal poll can mean anything.
  • @Kelani That NY post article said the majority of good flingers are highly educated.
  • Remember how I said earlier storms detour around my town? This huge line of thunderstorms, moving southwest at 55mph just stopped right at the county line. The wind blast I felt was from it stopping.

    @Rat I saw the words 'based on an informal poll' somewhere. I could ask my cat a question and call it an informal poll :P
  • Oops, gotta run.....
  • @Rat they nailed the 'most are older people' one, though.
  • night Pa
  • zzzznightyallzzz
  • No, no! Not too high @Kathy. Pull back WB just slightly lower than horizontal, letting a teeny bit of sunshine through the sling bands in the middle. She'll fly low, almost straight but clear that horizontal cement plank (with the banana on top), and when you release the egg, she'll ricochet into the boxes the marmoset is sitting on.
  • Good morning east ponders!
    I'm probably talking to myself right now but whatever ;)
    @annifrid Huge congrats! A in all 4? That's fantastic news! Well done!
    Finally managed to read through the pages due to a cancellation in appointments. Time well spent huh? ;)
    @kathy I totally forgot about that article! Yep it's a pity they didn't use your photo!. That's not how a pictured moonsabre at all! If I remember correctly he was also in another online bird commune so I think that's possibly what he was talking about? I think there was a lot of bad feeling over there? Hmmm I'm not sure but something zinged the old memory banks when I read it.
    @rat I'm so sorry,I didn't know you were under the weather again. Hope things start to ease up soon. The vid did give me a laugh! Long may his enthusiasm last although I think it was a couple of years ago so his latest is probably him throwing a complete hissy fit and launching daddy's iPad across the room like a seasoned flingers lol!! You're probably in dreamland by now but I've just had a few flings in challenge and increased by a measly 900 points. It's a frustrating lots a luck level,especially the first throw. Can you remember if your top score was a one or two birdie? I'm going cross eyed doing the rinse and repeat first shot!
    @kelani That was pretty harsh what you said about us Candy Crush players! You'd lose respect for someone playing such a money grabbing crap game? I don't know anyone who has paid money to pass levels. As @hunnybunny said there are ways of progressing which aren't exactly broadcast but we all know how to do it! The people who do spend a fortune on it are grade A muppets. It's a fantastically addictive game that I tried so hard to stay away from. I finally thought I'd give it a bash as a "go to" when AB gets boring. BIG mistake! I got Kimmie and estar involved and now it's a problem. That freak @estar goes above and beyond what you have to do! @Mumsie is just as bad! I'm pretty sure if there's a poll out there of the worlds most addictive games it's be in the top 5 at least. I would advise caution and think VERY carefully about installing this game ;)
    Ok blethering over,back to work.
  • And you were worried @Annifrid? WTG

    I predict a loss of a top score for me on todays challenge. I honestly don't remember that game @JLZ666. Sorry.
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