The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1916
  • Well pooh!! Loaded up an awesome poppy avy only to find out @mumsie42 had the same one!! Great minds I guess!! Soooo redid it and chose my 2nd fav one!! :)
  • Evening @kimmiecv pagechanger!
    What amazing avatars everyone has! Great to see the support for Remembrance Day/Veterans Day.
  • @mvnla2 I agree it's super confusing with everyone going red! And maybe it's a Cali thing since neither of us has heard of the poppy thing until now.

    @Kathy just because poppies are the state flower doesn't mean it would automatically mean we'd have any idea why they'd be important to vets, just sayin! ;)
  • Hey @karen68 :) you started a very cool trend!!
  • @KimmieCV loovve the poppy you choose. :) and hey no least you knew your state flower I have nodda clue what Massachusetts state flower is h s ha ha I think it's a mum? No clue..
  • @kimmiecv yours is gorgeous. I wonder why the poppy is your state flower? Must be a reason it was chosen. Poppies make me think first of Remembrance Day & then of opium. And then the Wizard of Oz :)
  • Hee hee @Karen68 me too in that order. .great trend indeed would be so cool if ton of nesters do it; )
  • Hey @kathy :) Hmmm why do we think of opium before the movie?
    How goes the flinging?
  • No idea @karen68 ..
    The flinging thing going ok until now. 2-5 is awfully hard:(
  • Thanks Karen and Kathy, I like the artsy look of it but my first choice was the one Mumsie and I found what looked to be at pretty much the same time! :)
  • @KimmieCV that's interesting .. so maybe the flower being so valuable to the Indians is why.? Wonder who picks the state flow er .. bird etc..
  • I'll have to go back and have a looks at Mumsie brb.
  • Thanks @rat -- I couldn't read the second line; it was too blurry.
  • Ahhh. That's what i have for my wallpaper ... great minds indeed! ! @KimmieCV @Mumsie; )
  • Gotta go bbiam
  • And there you go @Kathy! It's a popular pic!! :)
    See ya later
  • @kimmiecv I like the other names for it - the "cup of gold". Very cool. Maybe because it grows everywhere or as Kathy said its value to the Indians.
    @Kathy 2-5 is nasty, you have to fling til you destroy enough stuff. Two days on it & I finally got lucky. Kimmie are you back in HoW or still buried in candy? :D
  • I think maybe a bit of both @karen68? Dunno for sure as that's all the info I could find.
    I've been working on 1-10, making minimal progress and once again only a very few hundred points from the goal! :/ I've played CC here and there too but mainly been trying to get through HoW, not that it's been working for me!!
  • I'm back sorry thought I heard someon e in the house:/ nobody false alarm wind
    @karen68 I just can't figure which way to fling it..seems they all bog up in the middle
    Yep @KimmieCV is a really awesome pic..
  • @KimmieCV HoW is tough can't wait till we get through it..I still got levels that frustrated me so much I had to leave them.Not even sure if I'll go back to them..:/? Will see where I end up..
  • @Kathy I'd agree with you but I know ALL of seasons is like this!! Whhhhyyyyy did we pick seasons to hit above avg??? WTH were we Thinking!!! :O
  • @KimmieCV I knnoowwww WTH were we thinking...we can change after all..? Or just plow through ooorrr..idk:(
  • @kathy @kimmiecv I know, there are a couple of levels I'm giving up on. Maybe a short revisit before leaving HoW behind. I still have a couple of updates to get through in Space & Star Wars.
    @sweetp it's wonderful you support so many causes. They do a lot of motorcycle rides up here for various causes & they're all well attended.
  • Oooh @kathy love the animation! That's the spirit :D
  • Hey @Sweetp that's really cool you show do so much. .its motorcycle runs ?
    must be many veterans in your
  • Your a freak @Kathy!! But then I'm a donut so there you go!! :D

    @karen68 are you close to done with HoW? My prob is I have horrendous scores in seasons since I wasn't part of the nest and leaderboards when I played it so All of seasons needs loads of work!! :/
  • Hahaha @Karen68 o thought hee was funny hee hee
    Im off to fling before sleepy time. . Its getting late..this tablet runs so slow...
  • Alrighty ladies it's time to get dinner started!! @karen68 and @Kathy sleep well!! Ill pop back in later but likely miss your turn in Kathy so good luck to you both in your "just one more" bed time flings!! ;)
  • @sweetp Kathy and I decided to head there after SW but we were able to con the rest of you into joining the torture!! ;) As to the "almost done" you all are snapping through but I seem to be hitting titanium force walls so nope I'm faaaar from "almost done!!!" :/

  • Roflmao KimmieCV. Donut hahaha...yes @SweetP THE E FEROCIUOS FIVE WILL PREVAIL!! :-)
  • Ok I'm off to going for real this time...see you all in HoW..
    OB a Pigkiller to go please;:)
  • @kimmiecv I'm up to 2-7. They don't get any easier :(
    @sweetp @kathy @kimmiecv my fellow ferocious flingers have a great evening all of you! I swore I would go to bed before midnight tonight so I just might make it. Probably see Kimmie & SweetP when I get up in the morning since they're vampires who stay up all night :)
    Have a good one ladies!
  • Nighty night @karen68 sweeet dreams..I should poetically go as well..but just one more lol
    See ya tomorrow ;-)
  • Nighty night & sweet dreams @karen68 and @kathy. See you tomorrow!
  • Night night @Sweetp I gotta go to sleep. .
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth. .*
    I tried Pahtnah but my eyes have a nice of there own. ..good night ;)*
    Happy Flinging ;)
  • *Snicker* yep vampire that's me @karen68!! LOL :D

    @sweetp you are the eternal optimist!! Nice!! :)

    @Kathy it's Friday!! Man this was a fast moving week!! Have a good day!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

  • And good morning to you, @Kathy

    (Just 10 hours left on the clountdown clock :-)
  • Good morning and Happy friday @Kathy to you as well!

    @Burpie good afternoon to you, looks like @kathy is up for a win :)
  • Happy Friday everyone!
    Awwww well now you see @kimmiecv & @Kathy Hubby calls me a doughnut all the time and I know he loves me so in our home it's a term of endearment :D What could be nicer than a yummy fudge glazed,creamy custard filled..........jeez I'm glad my closest Krispy Creme store is a 70 mile round trip or I'd be in trouble ;)
    Hey @estar! You look very happy lying in the field of poppies!! Very sweet :)
  • TY JLZ, yours is serene looking, very nice! :-*
  • @Estar, @jlz I love your avatars! So nice to see everyone putting up poppies!
    Like you @jlz my nearest Krispy Kreme store is a good 45 min drive away. A very good thing indeed!
    Happy weekend!
  • @JLZ666 and @E-Star -- Great avatars!
    @Kathy -- Is it just my imagination? I thought I left you a message in the Seniors' forum saying I loved the joke about the religious squirrels?
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