The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1914
  • And now that's out there.... HI EVERYONE!! :D
  • @e-star I agree! The leaf smacking the piggies face makes me laugh too! Nice touch!! LOL
  • Hmmm looks like I'm late to the "party" and all have moved on :/ Meh just my luck I pop in smack a new page up and end up talking to myself!!!
    Nice poppy avys everyone, all of them are really pretty!
    Guess that's me done chatting with myself!
    Off to fling!!
  • Hi @KimmieCV you've never heard of poppies for veterans?
  • Ahhhh come back @KimmieCV. Come back lol!!!
  • Ok I missed the page Change gotta read back crap I hate when that happens!!
  • Ohhh cause they fought the battle in a field of poppies!!
    I never understood the connection but i know that poppies are given on veterans day.
    Poppies make you fall asleep. .so maybe a reference they they stood strong anyhow even in that field of poppies. .? ?
  • Ok now im talking to My self. ... OB a Pigkiller please I'm off to fling; )
  • Auntie Emmm Auntie emmm.come back. Ohh please don't go. ....leaves smacking, poppie fields. .err couldn't help myself. ...
  • ROFLMAO @Kathy I got lost in B&R! @mumsie42 and @Bird-addict just made alumni And certified nester!! Very exciting day!!!! :D
  • Which war was fought in poppies @Kathy? Nope never heard of the poppy/veteran thing but that makes sense, although I've never seen peeps hand out poppies to vets either? Huh where have I been?!?!
  • Ooohhh @KimmieCV thank you for head up gotta poof over. .I don't get notice from the b&r don't know why im in the group:/ brb
  • Flanders field @KimmieCV ..err in sweetp poem..
    The veterans inn cali don't hand out poppies?
    Here they do and you give a donation to them. they stand out side the grocery store. .
  • Ok heading to b&r
  • Nope never seen em handing out poppies @Kathy, roses yes poppies no.
    Ok I gotta go get dinner on! Sorry were playing tag but thank you for explaining the meaning of the poppies! :)
    Sleep well when you turn in!! Ill be back to take care of business later!! ;)
  • @kathy @kimmiecv John McRae was a Canadian soldier who fought in WWI. He wrote the poem after noticing poppys growing by the graveside of his fallen comrades - somewhere in Europe, I can't remember where exactly. Because of that poem Canada adopted the poppy as a symbol of remembrance I think back in the 1920s. Veterans & even kids in the cadet programs stand outside stores, in malls etc. acceptng donations in exchange for a poppy.
    Ok, history lesson over :)
    I'm off to bed soon, hope you ladies are having a good evening!
  • Well, I'm off for some flinging and then to bed.

    Have a good evening/morning/afternoon @all!
  • Thanks @karen68 and @SweetP :)
    I gotta some sleep..good night happy flinging:)
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth* night night Pahtnah. Good luck ((((hugs))))
  • Sorry this is such a long read, but I found info on how the poppy became the symbol of sacrifice...

    The poppy became a symbol of the sacrifice of lives in war and represented the hope that none had died in vain. The American Legion Auxiliary poppy has continued to bloom for the casualties of four wars, its petals of paper bound together for veterans by veterans, reminding America each year that the men and women who have served and died for their country deserve to be remembered.

    The poppy, as a memorial flower to the war dead, can be traced to a single individual, Moina Michael. She was so moved by Lt. Col. McCrae's poem, "In Flanders Fields," that she wrote a response:

    . . . the blood of heroes never dies
    But lends a luster to the red
    Of the flower that blooms above the dead
    In Flanders' Fields.

    On impulse, she bought a bouquet of poppies – all that New York City's Wanamaker's Department Store had – and handed them to businessmen meeting at the New York YMCA where she worked. She asked them to wear the poppy as a tribute to the fallen. That was November 1918. World War I was over, but America's sons would rest forever "in Flanders' Fields." Later she would spearhead a campaign that would result in the adoption of the poppy as the national symbol of sacrifice.
  • @Mvnla2 - It's a running joke @ pigineering that I will post (de)motivational things on Mondays and Fridays.

    That's when we pigs make excuses to reduce our workplace productivity by various means. Occasionally there will be Bad Piggies photoshopped to depict them being lazy, utterly destroying the office photocopier or musing about stealing eggs from the birds to put them for sale in Walmart for 99 cents a dozen :)

    Then there will be no posts at all over the weekend (most of the time) unless foreman pig wakes up from his eternal siesta with some fantabulous idea to create airplanes or roflcopters out of parts from the shed :)
  • Whoa, thanks @karen68 and @sweetp for the great info! Still hard to believe its not something I've ever heard of! :/ I do a lot of stuff with the USO and not even through them have I heard anything mentioned of poppies. So thank you for the breakdown of what they mean. :)
  • *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Have a good day tomorrow! Getting close to weekend! This week flew by!!!

    Off to Finally fling!! Yeah
  • Thanks for the heads up on B&R @kimmiecv. I haven't been in for a while. Great job @mumsie & @birdaddict!! Going over there now!
    BTW I've had my poppy on my coat lapel for a few weeks now. I actually thought it was a European thing! There you go,I learn something new every day in here!
  • Your welcome @JLZ-666 :) Huh guess the whole world knows about the poppy thing except me and my fam!! You do learn something new every day here!! :)
  • You rotten so and so @kimmiecv! I know you like to fly under the radar but you struck gold and didn't tell me :( Thank goodness mumsie and birdaddict got their awards or I wouldn't have found you!
    Happy flinging......or crushing....or having a screaming breakdown lol!!
  • Whaaaaa who meeeee????? Dunno whatcha speak of @JLZ-666!!! ;)
    I'm the strong silent type...........WAHAHAAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA Yep that's me!!! *Snicker*
  • Yeah......real quiet @kimmiecv! It's a paper poppy you doughnut!! Although with all the rain we've been having I'm sprouting weeds in my pockets:( I'm sorry....I'm still laughing at that last notification from you!!! You really do brighten a dreary work day honey LMAO!!!
  • Mmmmmm I'm a Krispy cream doughnut!!!! Those Boston something filled with chocolate on top ones!! Nummmmy!!!!! :D Ohhh ok the tissue type poppy got it @JLZ-666 umm in that case the poor sucker is prob toast from your erm pissing down rain problem eh!! Poor thing!!
    Whaaaa whoooo Meeeee?? Whatdidisay??? *Snicker*
  • Well, it's time for me to greet my pillow. Good night @kimmiecv and @JLZ666.

    Have a good time flinging!
  • *poofs in breathing heavily from chasing @JLZ-666 all over the nest...puff puff breeeeathhhh*
    Ohhhhhh that's a pretty one @sweetp thank you!!! :) I love poppies!! The brighter the better and how cool is it that it's our state flower!!
    Have a great pillow walk!! And thanks again for the pretty don't need to water poppy!! :)
  • Erm @sweetp if your going to bed why're you drinking coffee? Or are you like me and caffeine doesn't stop you from snoozing?!
  • Stupid dinger!! Sleep well sweetp!! Catch ya tomorrow erm later today or early tomorrow or ummm something like that!! ;)
  • Got quite worried about the heavy breathing behind my back until I realised it was you @kimmiecv ;) sorry bout running you ragged then running out on called I'm afraid.
    Sorry I missed you @SweetP Thanks for all the info on Remembrance Day. I'm going to have to find myself a poppy avy now! Sweet dreams :)
    @sunshine what a beautiful song! I had to quickly scroll down to the bottom in case there was any spoilers in it as I'm watching "Sons of Anarchy" at the moment. Fantastic series! Hope your dinger isn't driving you crazy now lol!
    @kimmie if you're not in bed I've one more runaround for you while I've got time. If you are then sweet dreams and I'll catch you later X
  • Mwahahahaahahahaaa be afeared be vewwwwy afeared I'm breeeeathing down yer neck @JLZ-666!!! Okey dokey run me ragged!!! :D
  • Helowowowowwwww Echowowow
  • Aahhemm. @KimmieCV.... was just going to say She Better be in bed @jlz666 ..
    Hhree heeee. *snatches KimmieCV flashlight. Scooot!!!
  • Good Morning everyone:) Have a Fantabulous Day:)
    *lights candles for @KimmieCV run to dreamland...
  • Unngh uh oh!!!! Buuuusted!!! :O Hallo @Kathy :D erm yeahhh it is pillow walk time isn't it!! Hey have a great day!!!! ((((Hugs))))
  • Night night @ KimmieCV :) :)((((((( hugs)))))))
    Gotta dash. .....
  • Chow babbby!!! Dinger off!! See I can be a good girl (kinda maybe sometimes for very short periods of time!!!) :D
  • @sweetp @kathy @karen68 @kimmie @jlz I'm glad you all liked the song. I found it very moving last night while watching the show!! @sweetp I love the poem as well. Nice poppies everyone! :)
  • Oooooo nooooo @sunshine :( Something bad must have happened??? No no no don't say anything! I'm a wee bit behind the US. Have it recorded on my box so we just dip in and out. I can see a "S O A" night coming up so I can see what happens. Of course now I know who's singing it my mind has gone into overdrive *gulp* :(
    Are you serving @sunshine? If not,OB a large triple shot to go please? Many thanks :)
  • @jlz the cats not out of the box!!!!! Don't worry!!!!!! Here drink this down fast, you will be okay!!!
  • Ok @sunshine Whew! Thanks for the coffee. I'm working late this evening so I'll be back for more later.
  • @jlz would like a little chocolate as well????? ;)
  • Oh what the heck..... go on then @sunshine! In fact make it an Irish coffee and my day will fly along LOL!
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