The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1476
  • Yay !! All is bright and cheerful again?;)
    @angermanagement nice touch to your avatar:) for leggy:)
  • Oops sorry page change...over here * , emergency lights on full*
  • :) Really wished she would have stuck it out, look how happy, and colourful we all are now:D
  • Yeah angermanagement i wish she did also..i emailed her to let her know the cause is still moving
    BUT this is E-Star big Day so Nooo negativity
    Let's put on some music...i guess i missed Ripsy kids got the flu i guess:(
  • Where did everyone go?
  • Sorry needed to update my thread on the b/w avatars, which I did :D
    Now going to fix up Sunshine with her avy and the NO PU Sign ;D

    @Kathy, do you want the sign as well? if yes, to the current avy or the ppc one?
  • I'll take the sign.nE*. Working during your party..busy bee:)
  • Which avy you want Kathy, the one you are running now? cause it is looking mighty spring to me :D but will turn your ppc one to spring if you want :D
    You know me Kathy, always busy busy busy, but LOVIN it :D
  • @Sunshine - yes pls to recipe! Sounds fab - may even do it for my Mum's 90th in July!
    @e* me too - I'll go back to colour with a beautiful new colourful avatar
  • Looking forward to seeing these new, springy avatars:D
  • Congrats E*! Wish I could stay and party but have commitments today. Have fun all!
  • Thanks @birdleader for popping in on your busy schedule!
  • Mumsie!!!You have your new avy up!!! Glad the wait is over huh? tee hee.... you mind me putting a bigger version of the newest E* creation up in here?
  • Hey thanks @BirdLeader we will take great care of your new birdie today:)
  • I kinda like the one i have now E* it holds nostalgic does look A little fuzzy though anyway of clearing it up if not no worries:) my first springy avatar:)
  • Mumsie, yours looks low resolution in your profile, did something go wrong in Gravatar? Cause the one in your album looks bright and sharp to me... and I do love your new face if I may say so myself tee hee
  • Will take a crack at it Kathy!
  • Looks like the same thing happend to you Kathy... has Gravatar done something to yours to?? Or was the original one you uploaded there also blurry @KAthy?
  • Love, @mumsie's new avatar, great work, @estar;)
  • I think the original was a copy from an image on the nest..Mary picked it out and i think slim helped post it up..the gravatar one looks a little fuzzy I'll check it
    Head spinning now..i can imagine yours is spinning faster lol..
  • I saved it from my album to my photo stream and then uploaded it to Gravatar? Should I have done something else?
  • Woo hooo ty ty E*..nice job on Mumsie love the golf course and the 5 little eggies do they represent the grands @Mumsie?
  • @E*yes please
    @kathy - no they represent mine(2 girls & 3 boys)! I think even E* would struggle to add another 7 to represent the grands!
  • @E-star
    I changed my avatar to the Christmas one you made because this is a joyful day and one to celebrate with you.

    Maybe later you can place the red circle on my regular avatar, please. No rush later in the week when you get the time
  • @mumsie will send recipe!!!!! Give me a day or two!!!!
    @e star thanks for cleaning Kathy up, that's from over a year ago!! Lol ;)
  • And the PU reformation continues! Of course, Rovio won't do anything to right what we think was their wrong, but it's fun o have that spirit of rebellion even though there's really nothing they would do to physically hurt us anyway.
  • You are so right, Don't think Rovio will see or do anything about it, I like to portrait to everybody who sees me, I am a NO PU AB fan :D
  • :D @Sunshine Wish I have met her back than, her first face for me was the Purple Lazer bird :D
  • Lol i forgot about lazer bird:) wow only a year @sunshine i feel we've all known each other forever:)

    I just went back and reed a couple pages of when we first started BP..tears in my eyes lol
    Gosh I'm so teary eyed nostalgic today i don't know why..its a nice thing though all the past memories how we all grew into the nest together:)
  • @e-star
    You give me way to much credit. Have I ever given you the impression that I know how to get the picture from your link to my avatar...ha, ha, I am not the sharpest IT person in the room but lets give me a new minutes. Have not succeeded in placing by Christmas avatar up yet...ok stop laughing, I know...
  • Hahahaha Ohhhh my welcome too the party @wrw01:)
    Sorry not laughing AT you laughing WITH you..if not for sunshine and E*
    My avatar would be a blank lol:)
    Let's have a toast everyone raise glasses:)
  • When i see glasses raised i will make a toast:)
  • @wrw01 HAHAHAHHAHHA oops sorry.... forgot to read the last part ;)
    (here's a hint.... click on the link, tap and hold finger on the image, select "save image" from the pop up menu... it will be saved in your photo library)
  • @E-Star
    Thanks E, I got it. Had to log off and back on. Sometimes the brain goes through the file cabinet and finds the right drawer and suprisingly lands in the correct fix it file.
    I know exactly what you mean. Most of the time my file cabinet is empty...ha, ha
  • Here's to E-Star becoming an ABN admin:) All her hard work and dedication to the nest from her friendliness and helpfulness, the spirit she gives us all in our struggle to kill piggies and her dedication to keep all her friends (us) together in not only the nest but helping and encouraging us all in our personal struggles as well:) 3 cheers..k could say so much more, but it would take all night to truly show the appreciation she deserves and has earned..yay!!!
    * clink*
  • *raises glass and clink!* @Kathy awwwww You truly have a heart of gold!! snif... thanks!
  • @Kathy
    Clink, Clink, toast to E.
    It is 5:00 pm somewhere in the world
  • @Pops, 8:21PM overhere so you are good to go :D
  • greeting again @all!!
  • Clink, clink! Cheers E-Star. Well, it's past noon here, so I'll call it a champaign brunch.
  • Only 19:30 here so I'll call it a preprandial as hubby is cooking tonight
  • Hello all and thanks for the invite :-) * sends a massive kiwi congratulations to E-star on her truly wonderful promo to admin * its well deserved and i hope you keep them boys in check :-P
  • Hey @Kinkykiwi , you made it :D thanks for the cheers and I will try my best, grew up with 2 brothers, so guess it will be easy peasy ahum I hope ;)
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