The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 13
  • @AA Happy Birdday my friend! Hope you get lots of presents with an Angry in it somewhere... Angry t-shirt, Angry Flipflops, Angry bedcover, Angry...

    @ Sunshine I love to come and sing, but I can't figure out how the timezones work at the other side of the world. I think it early in the morning for you people, but I am almost finished with work (boss is of to a meeting hahaha) and I can go home in 2 hours. Its 3:33 PM here.
    In about how much time is it lunch time? I hope I can make it to come and sing for AA :)
  • I will have some crispy pig, just to get that afternoon rumble in my stomach at ease.
    And please can I have a Russian Earl Grey cup of hot tea with this. Don't drink alcohol on the job ;)
  • E-Star I think EST is 6 hours minus from us. That means at 6pm here, it's 12pm EST.
  • It is 9:40a.m. here!!
  • @E-Star, coming up!! :)
  • Good morning everyone! feeling much better today. Looking forward to the LOD, starting today at 141k, so lots of room for improvement! Did you know that yesterday we moved the average score on the leadreboards up by over 100 points on the level of the day? There must be a lot of folks playing along with us! Have a great day all, and Happy Birthday to @AA!
  • @burbman, glad you are feeling better!!! :) wow, that's a big jump!! :D good luck today, I have improved!!
  • Thank Tris! I guess you are right, sunshine comment saying it is 9:40 has 3:39 next to it. So you are bang on.

    @Sunshine: what time is lunch?
  • Morning everyone!! Happy Birthday AA!! Two birthdays in one week here. That's cool. Starting LOTD at 155,110. Congrats to @trishohara!!
  • @E-Star, 12:00p.m. is safe! :)
    @rd, may I get you anything?
  • Hi RD, Good morning to you to (except I'm already finishing the workday in a hour) :)

    @ Sunshine, I hope I can make it... that usually the time I come home, but my husband likes it when I talk to him first when I come home LOL
  • I haven't got time to play the LOTD, but because it is very quiet here at work and the boss is gone, Maybe I can join in the fun. I'm starting at 159,720, hope I can improve !
  • @E-Star, I'm up to 161K, and started at 150k, hope we see you! :)
  • @AA Happy Birthday! Wishing you a top score as a present.
  • @all...Thank You all so VERY MUCH!!! You have made my day!!! I can't wait to see everyone who can attend at lunch time for cake and ice cream!!! Yes..AB stuff and/or top score would be an awesome present!!! Again thanks for making me feel special on my BDay ;-)
  • @all Morning everybody! :)

    @AA Happy Birdday to you! :)
  • @Kartflyer, welcome!! Good to see this moring! :)
    My I get you a cappuccine? I hope you stay to sing to AA, and have cake and ice cream!! :D
  • @sunshine Glad to see you today! I would like one, thank you very much! When would said celebrating take place? :)
  • @everyone its so busy here today:) That's cool we forced the average up yesterday! means a lot of folks with us:) @sunshine. what time are we singiing? hmm..I gotta go look at the menu ill be back:)
  • 12:00p.m. sound like a safe time!! :) our friends on the other side of the pond, will be into dinner time.
  • @kartflyer, one cappuccino coming! :)
  • @sunshine noon sounds good! Ill have the grilled ham and cheese, and a bud light. see u all at. noon :)
  • * Set * Room filled with balloons, signs (with Happy Birthday AA) Giant card that everyone has signed with messages to AA, Food, drinks, cake and ice cream. Room packed with friends!! :D

    *singing* Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear, AA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! :D

    * applause and cheers!!! :D*
  • Again Happy BD AA! Good thing I get to sing virtually!
  • HAPPY BIRDDAY to you.... Happy birdday to youwoooo happy birdday... Happy birdday dear AngryAdvisor happy Birdday to YOUwooowooo! *cats start to miauw with me overhere*
  • @AA "Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday @lesleyg happy birthday to you!"
  • Cheers AA! *takes a zip and takes a piece of cake made by Sunshine*
    looks good Sunshine, love the picture of AA you put on top of it
  • "woo hooo! *loud whistle" yaaaaY!
  • mmmm.this cake is scrumptious @sunshine :) ty
  • I think the birthday girl has duck away from al are beautifull voices hahaha
  • I just love to throw a party!!! :D
  • Sorry AA, but it's diner time overhere, so I have to go. Have a great party!
  • Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear @aa, happy birthday to you!
    Sorry, I'm a bit late. Is still some left from the cake?
  • @trishohara, lots! I made a super big cake!!! :)
  • Happy birdday AA! From all of us at ABN to you :)

    @all I guess I was a bit late too, any cake left? :P
  • Happy Birthday AA! @kartflyer I think we might have to lick up some crumbs, lol! :)
  • Welcome, welcome, lots of cake!!!! Eat, drink, and be merry!!! :D
  • @sunshine awesome! *gets a big slice of cake with much ice-cream on top* That's finger licking good!
  • Cake for me too! Missed the singing, but I heard that it was great! A little early for lunch out here on the left coast, but I will stash it away for later.
  • @All...YEAH!!!! Thank you all so VERY much!!! *I'm blushiung*...The room looks amazing and the cake turned out perfect. It's so wonderful sharing my Birdday with all of my friends. I can't thank you all enough...I can't believe how many friends showed up for me;-) My cheeks hurt from smiling so much! Also you all sing so beautifully...something to be said for a virtual B-Day Party. lol...A special thanks to @sunshine for the delicious cake!!! ;-);-);-)
  • @AA Happy birdday to you, happy birdday to you, happy birdday dear AA, happy birdday to you!!! :)

    I missed out on the singing :P
  • Happy birdday @AngryAdvisor! I hope your day is a very special one for you. Thank you for all your help and support.
  • Thanks guys!!! I was here and listening to all the beautiful singing but my post didn't go through until 12:42? My laptop was freezing up when I hit the "post" button but that's ok...because this way I didn't have to interrupt anyone's beautiful voice and that's what counts ;-) You All Rock!!!
  • Happy Birthday @LesleyG ! I missed the party, too, but you had fun? :)

    Any tips for YotD 1-14? Just trying to get above average.
  • wohoo, I improved my score in lotd with 800 points.
  • @all -- Need your help with glossary (in forum) before it becomes permanent. I made a bunch of edits today that were lost when site went down; don't have the heart to redo them today. Added (and lost) all suggestions to date as well as Bloated Pig, LOD, and Sling Town. My feeling is that Bloated-Pig specific terms are defined here, so not necessary to include all in glossary. Let me know if you feel strongly about including more (or if there are some not defined here that I missed).
  • thank goodness! were back
    @mvnla2 not sure how I can help? but ill try..just guide me where to go and what to do! but first things first
    OB Please can I have my after work pig killer! been waiting sooo long lol...ty
  • @sunshine are we closed? noone told me:( I feel so alone lol..since the site came back up I haven't got any response to comments made..maybe the comments aren't working?
  • The comments are working, I was just relaxing and watching tv in the corner.
  • @E-Star does this mean I don't need to send you names?
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