The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 12
  • @burbman...hope you are feeling better.
    @kathy I'll have whatever youre's been a long day and I'm off to try and master the lod ;-)
    @rdnzlrips82 hope you are enjoying your vaca!!!
  • @burbman...hope you are feeling better.
    @kathy I'll have whatever youre's been a long day and I'm off to try and master the lod ;-)
    @rdnzlrips82 hope you are enjoying your vaca!!!
  • Good morning everyone
  • @laurence that is soooo cool:) thanks for sharing:)
    @Harrystar good morning:)
    @ everyone I just figured out if you click on a persons name fro
    here it brings you directly to that persons.last comment in forum!!
  • 101,110 so far on LOTD.
  • @rdnzlrips82 Wtg! not me still at it..let me buy you a drink:)
  • @everyone The WiFi here is barely registering on my mobile. My Data Network barely works @ my location. And the bathrooms make me feel like I'm going to wakeup in an icy bathtub, missing vital organs. My children have not napped all day. I need a lot of drinks! Line 'em up & keep 'em coming.
  • O.B. I would like to buy @rdnzlrips82 a strong whateverhes drinking! pronto! srry to rush ya but...
  • @rd Went through internet withdrawal on my vacation also. Hope yours is interesting enough that you don't really notice. I think the Bloated Pig is in good hands, so enjoy your vacation. Where are you that you're worrying about the bathtub?
  • @mvnla2 I am staying in a major city in the mid-west that I naturally despise due to their arrogant baseball team. This hotel is only making my feelings of dislike more amplified.
  • OB another pig killer for @rdnzlrips82 please..on me:)
  • Thanks @kathy. The boys are finally asleep, so that helps. OB? I will be having White Russians the rest of the evening. Thank you. I only wish I had my laptop here. I have so many ideas going around in my head. The opening chapter/section of this story is getting very good.
  • @rdnzlripz82..darn I was gonna order you a white russian! well next one:) anyway glad your at rest now!
    and my good news l I finally beat the lotd..good choice

    I ended with.89340..wwell above previous score and average:).
    now ill have a pig killer! I know..I know but victory tastes sweet:)
  • now I gotta jump in the shower..wash all that battle dust off;) if I don't see ya..will see ya tomorrow. or when you get with everything;) keep in touch if possible:)@rdnzlrips82 :)
  • Thanks @kathy. You are awesome. Congrats on the score. I'll warn you, tomorrow's LOTD is gonna be a tough one, too.
    Congrats to @AA on your new rank.
    Good morning @harrystar! How's Australia today?
  • Well it looks like it's just me in here. In that case *walks over to jukebox* Radiohead it is! *Plays Idioteque* That's much better. :) Bliss.
  • Thanks @rdnzlrips82! Hope you are enjoying your vaca...not to worry, kathy and sunshine can handle things 'til you get back...btw, I keep meaning to tell you how much I like the bios and story thus far ;-)
  • Thanks @AA. I am fine now that I have "me" time. Thanks for the compliments on the bios. The story is going to be awesome. I wanted to let you know that I flagged your post on the top of page 12. It appears you double posted. I hope you aren't offended by that action. :\ Are you a Radiohead fan?
  • I'm honestly glad I finally get to talk to you. We've missed each other every day, I believe. *finishes White Russian* Another please, OB. And please set @AA up with a drink. Thanks, OB.
  • @rdnzlrips82.. glad you have some "me" time for yourself:) I am not really familiar with radiohead..I'm sure if you mentioned a particular song I might recognize it..but either way..if it makes you happy, it makes me happy.:)
    OB another white russian for. rd and whatever AA is drinking on me:)
  • @kathy Creep was the only Top 40 "hit" they had. They are mostly a critical success. Every album is different. They are one of the few bands that continue to evolve without abandoning their personal roots. They were commercially successful at first but have transcended all of that BS. Now they are using modern music technology to their advantage. Their music and lyrics allow me to believe I'm not the only one that is a little weird sometimes.
  • @rd srry not a clue..if I heard something I might recognize. I'm gonna have to go on youtube curiosity is peaked;) I am so bad at putting music to band and vic e versa...anyway I sent you good news in pm..will try to copy exact email and send it when I figure out how;)
  • I was kind of wanting to FWD the PM I received to you guys, but I can't do it from my mobile. I got your PM, and judging by yours and mine together, we are in great shape. Have you let the other two know about the PM you sent and received?
  • @harrystar How's the flinging going?
    @kathy Youtube Little by Little or Morning Mr. Magpie. Idioteque is amazing, too. Make sure you find a live version of that one though.
  • about the one to slim? no but I will right now :) wanted to run it by you first:)
  • Yes, the one to slim. It's fine that you tell the other two what is going on. They should be made aware of anything regarding this thread and future developments. Especially of this magnitude. There is a way to send a PM to more than one person without copy & paste techniques.
  • seems I am alone..oh well good nite all..leaving door ipen everyone is truztworthy..just in case our freinds from overseas drop in. while were gone OB is here(dontt worry he gets plenty of sleep in quiet times). I just stoppedback in to ask if anyone noticed anything wrong with white vail today?suddenly in 18-8she refuses to drop eggs?
    oh well good night all;00''*yawn*
  • Just woke up for school, only to read that our first lesson is cancelled. So instead of going to school at 8.15AM, it starts at 9.45AM. I could have sleeped!

    Oh well, maybe I play YotD.
  • @Mikkor I would go back to sleep lol:) nite I gotta b up in 5 hours from now :(
  • The LOTD and menu are updated.
  • Morning.
    I could need some breakfast. @sunshine can you surprise me? I'm too nervous to choose. I have an important appointment later this morning.
    @rd enjoy your vacation despite the creepy hotel.
  • Hmm, seasons again - I think I'll have to re-install it and hope my progress can be restored. Have to wait until later though! Yesterday''s LotD was good though - a 13k increase in the end! :)
  • I like today's LotD level. It's a fun one and bb has so much more destroying power than in yesterday's level.
    I wonder if it is possible to get an one-birder if you reverse Marc's strategy.
  • Good Mornining:)
    @trishohara good luck with your appointment! don't drink too much coffee;)
    @laurence I also lost progress in seasons but its fun to try to catch up to the lotd:)
    @sunshine I sent you a pm last night, ill have the bacon egg and cheese please..and a strong coffee :) ty
  • Oh my... It's a GE getter.
  • @justadoo444 morning ..glad u can join us:) gl with today's level :)
  • Good morning to everyone!!! Breakfast is on the way!!! :) lots of stronge coffee!! :)
  • @all Good morning! @sunshine the menu looks great. I'll have the the bacon, "egg" and cheese on an english muffin please with an iced coffee.
  • @kathy and rd, thank you for the drinks last night..Maybe I should have a bloody mary instead, lol.
    @rdnzlrips82, yes glad we finally caught up with each other, if only for a brief time. Yes I am a fan of Radiohead and funny what you wrote about their lyrics...agreed ;-) btw my laptop was freezing up yesterday and I kept hitting "post" so I guess it posted twice...weird..completely NOT offended.
    @trishohara...good luck with your scary appointment!
  • lotd is a fun one! I started with 150K+ and so far have improved my score to 164050!!! I haven't entered in any of my Ham'O'Ween scores yet so maybe I can try and do that too ;-)
  • @Kathy, @AngryAdvisor thanks. It went very well :-) Contract gets extended for a year.
    Drinks are on me today.

    @AngryAdvisor what was your strategy to get 164k? I'm stuck at 162k, which I think I got back when Hamoween got released at first try
  • BTW, it's my Birthday!!! Any chance you have cake and ice cream here? I would really love a piece of Chocolate lava cake served with hot fudge and vanilla ice cream this afternoon perhaps?
  • @AA, Happy Birthday!!!! :)
    Yes, I am on the project as we speack!!! For you, anything! :)
    @trishohara, congrats!! Anything you want, it's on me!! :)
  • @trishoara. I posted it in the walkthrough but I aimed the first bomb bird to come in at the pumpkin just left of the top pumkin and the top most pumkin itself. Pretty much right through both of them and it slides down to the bottom center and got top pig and the three latern pumpkins to the right and the whole center caved in. You have to get all three laterns for high score. Then second bird to pass just over the stone triangle and land at the bottom of the two vertical thick stone planks. GL
  • @sunshine...Thanks so much...yummy!!! can't wait.
    @trishoara...congrats on contract!!!
  • @sunshine ty :-) I'm still at work so it has to be non-alcoholic. Maybe a huge glass of Apple Juice? And some crispy ears.

    @AA Happy Birthday!
  • @trishohara congrats!:
    @AA Happy Birthday! That cake sounds yummy..I will join you later :)
  • @trishohara, on it's way!!

    @everyone, don't forget to show up at lunch time (EST) to sing happy birthday to AA, and have cake and ice cream!!!! :)
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