Angry Birds Complete Golden Egg Star Walkthrough

If you’re having trouble passing one or more of the Golden Egg levels to unlock the star the walkthroughs below will definitely help. Just match the number on egg in the image below to the walkthrough you want to view. You might want to bookmark this page as it will be updated as more Golden Eggs are released.

Note, we don’t actively update this page anymore as we now have a single Golden Eggs walkthrough page that shows you how to find the Golden Eggs and unlock the star.

Angry Birds Golden Eggs Selection Screens with Numbers


Solutions for solving the puzzle levels:

Note, as updates come out the instructions below get a little out dated. The walkthroughs above are better way to solve the puzzles and where applicable include the same exact instructions that are written below. We’re keeping these here–for now–for archival purposes.


06/16/2011 – Added walkthroughs for v1.6.0 (Mine And Dine)
03/18/2011 – Added walkthroughs for v1.5.3
01/27/2010 – Now includes individual star walkthroughs for all of the Golden Eggs & removed the old puzzle levels.
12/23/2010 – Updated for version 1.5 (the Mighty Eagle update). The 5th and 6th Golden Egg levels are now different. The puzzle levels “Mighty Eagle’s Beak” and “Snoozing Pig” are gone and have been replaced with regular levels that are pretty easy to solve.

Comments (173)

By ryan

Any news to this yet? Im not even able to get the bird rocking! I have a Droid X

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Still waiting on the update from Rovio.

By David

Android update yesterday. New levels and the bug is fixed.

By Charlie

I’m having a problem getting the stars on Golden Egg levels 2 & 11. I’ve got the eggs to get the level, and I can complete the levels and have the “score” screen ping up showing that I’ve got the star for the level, but it doesn’t show up as being done either in the top level select screen (shows 15 out of 17 stars collected) nor on the egg level select screen. All the other levels are done, and I’ve completed pretty much all the other achievements that are possible, so this is doing my head in! Help!!!!

By Charlie

Oops! Ignore that! I just managed to “re-get” those two eggs, complete the levels, and now I have all 17 Egg levels with stars. :-)

By tfygukijlhkjh

I can tell that you did what I did. Tried transfering scores and forgot settings.lua and then this happened

By Lynne

I noticed on the walkthroughs that after all the levels of 4. the big Set Up there is 5. Ham’em High with new levels? I have checked my updates twice and can’t see how to get this new section. Help!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I’m not sure I follow exactly? Ham ‘Em High is only available on the iPad right now and you I would think you have to complete The Big Setup before it unlocks. Did that answer your question?

By Lynne

Thanks. Yes it does. I have Angry birds on both the iPhone and the iPad. have not finished the big set up on the iPad. will do that tonight!

By will

on level 17 I’ve completed all of the big set up’s with 3 stars . when I go to play level 17 I just get the big red bird on bottom of the screen and no board to place the eggs in behind it. If i click on the bird he cherps and the disappears. any suggestions?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

This is a bug in the Android version. It will be fixed in the next update. If you read through previous comments you’ll see a bunch of people have reported this issue.

By Supersonic Bird

The video solution for golden egg 18 above – there is another more fun way, zoom out and you will see lots of TNT suspended above the pigs in a line… use your yellow bird and have fun….

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Dang. I actually updated this video on another page but forgot to do it here. Good catch. The video above is updated with the easier method to pass this level.

By KooKooboy

I also opened the treasure on 12-9 by bouncing a bomb as someone else described (thanks for the idea). But here’s how I did it. The red bird starts to collapse the wood. As soon as possible (speed is of the essence) launch the first black bomb. That all will blow up everything above the bird — except the treasure.

When I did that about the twentieth time– all was clear above the red bird and I launched a SECOND black bomb at the red bird which had not disappeared yet. Sure as pretty as you please, the bomb bounced off the red bird, wend up next to the wall, exploded and the treasure went POOF- gone. And I got nothing for such an accomplishment. Bah!

By Abby

The 18th golden egg has TNTs at the top of the level,you need to zoom out.

By Chris

For the level “Soundboard”, there is a second solution:

Press group of birds, slingshot, any top bird, any block or the TNT, any bottom pig.

By Chris

For the level “Soundboard”, there is even a third solution:

Press group of birds, slingshot, any top bird, any bottom pig.

By Donna Deer

I thought I was done with EVERYTHING until I saw there was an 18th egg. Now I have a new reason to aggrivate my husband by playing Angry Birds! Ha Ha Ha!

By Benson

I have the same problem with golden egg #17 no birdboard…
When does the next update come?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

As far as I know there has been no official announcement, but I imagine soon.

By Lisa

Could someone do a walkthrough for the new egg-5? I have tried it many different ways, hitting different explosives and will sometimes have just one pig remain. I hAve not been able to get all the pigs. What am I missing? The other eggs were not that bad. Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hi, we will have walkthroughs for those levels very soon. Stay tuned (note, might want to subscribe to the comments).

By Abby

Just hit the first TNT.

By Sharif

Yes, just hit the first TNT as the bit proceeds to roll all the way to the righ, while on the left one of the pigs should Vince to the air thanks to explosive and hot the TNT on the left, causing to shoot the last pig to the right and bump to the bird.

By Focus Matters

trying to get golden egg 17. Have 3 start and the first 16 eggs complete. The red bird appears but not a spot to tap all the pigs. 1.4.2 on android sumsung galaxy s. So close but not complete….

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

There is a bug. You’ll need to wait for the 1.5 update. There is an note in the post above about this.

By janis honda

HELP!!! I got to the gold star #12 and once there, the screen froze. I cannot get back to the main screen nor any other angry bird game. Is there a patch or quick fix to this problem?

By moorey

Me too…and I haven’t seen a reply to this or a solution…anyone?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By moorey (@moorey)

Same!!!! anyone know what to do here? I’m getting the shakes not playing it for last 12 hours!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Oh, that is no good! Have you tried double-clicking the home button to see if you can close the AB app? This may be a bug that needs to be submitted to Rovio. Not sure.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By moorey (@moorey)

The screen just shows the birds from the soundbord level 12, a small sound icon and a small back arrow icon…none of which do anything :(

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I assume you’ve rebooted and that didn’t fix it?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By moorey (@moorey)

Reset my iPhone or resync? Or something that i am missing your point of entirely? :(

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By moorey (@moorey)

I let the battery run flat. When recharged, the game was fine :-)

By Abby

finally got the 1.5 solution of golden egg 6#,just shoot the bird on the slope.Might not always work.

By Sharif

Golden Eggs 6 and 7 are now levels thanks to the 1.5.0 Update. And you need to get rid of the pigs in those now, not the nostril or eagle nonsince. So you might want to update this page with new screen shots or videos for those two.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah, I noted it above, but haven’t had a chance to create the videos yet. Soon…

By tp

To get a star on golden egg #17

you need to place a pig in every blank space by tapping it. tap the red bird to start the music. scroll him all the way to the right (which speeds up the music)

you get a gold star. good for you

By jamlc1m

Hi, my level 4 Golden Egg looks completely different. In your walkthrough there’s just one big pig where you have to press it’s nostrils. However in my game I see all the bird and pig types as well as all the elements (walls, tnt etc.) pressing any of these won’t do anything. (Samsung Galaxy S)
Am I doing something wrong?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah. Look at the top of this page and in this forum post as to the reason why.

By Mitch

so I just wanna get this straight- there is still no level 13 and 14 update for the iPhone ham-um high levels?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)


By Gina fahey

Level 6-4 I cannot get the eagle high score. It’s my last one to get. Is it not letting me win because there is 2 new levels still to come?

By Jeff

I got the star on the Angry Radio but the game has locked up… The bird is still bouncing but I cannot get the game to do anything else. Any suggestions?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

What device are you on?

By Jeff


By jaylam

Just wondering why i have a 19th egg under where yoyr 19th egg is and none of the walkthroughs shown match the one i got. Android phone, it looks like another soundboard puzzle? Sont know how too describe it cause i dont know what the instrument is called, organ type thing with 5 black and white buttons and a pig in right hand bottom corner touch to open and close eyes pls help

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Is it an accordion? Are you sure it’s the 19th egg or is it slightly below the 19th egg on the selection screen?

By alex

I hope so cos need to know how to Complete the accordion level

By The Gusser

I have the iMac version from the new Mac App Store. I’ve gotten 3 Stars on all levels and 17 golden eggs with stars. Is there more?

The reason I ask is there was no celebration, not even even a screen saying “congratulations”.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I believe 17 is the magic number until you get the next update.

By jim

I am trying to get the star on a golden egg. It is the one that is a soundboard that looks like an accordion. I do not know what number egg it is but it is right below number 19 has white and black buttons to push then move the accordion in and out to play sound. How do you get the star.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I’ve seen that level, but it hasn’t been officially released yet, so we don’t have a walkthrough for it.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Headfra (@headfra)

The solution is to simply expand the accordion all the way out and hold it there for about 5 seconds or so (maybe a little more) and it will tear apart and reveal the star. There is no combination of keys or anything, just expand the accordion and hold it.

By Cc

Who knows how to get all the golden eggs?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

We do. You are currently asking the question on the the page with the answers. ;) We are aware of a couple more eggs on a beta release of some sort on the android platform but won’t be posting info on those until they are more widely available.

By Pighunter99

hey guys, its just i have an ipod touch and i dont have any of the puzzle levels. Why?

please help!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Did you get the golden eggs yet?

By sjobs

Anyone solved the new puzzle for 3-stars?

By Stuart

I need to know the answer to this one too. Any joy yet?

By Patatje

just pull on the accordion and hold it some time. If it doesn’t work, try again. You will break the instrument and the star pops out

By Jon

What you mean pull. What button need to push?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Touch the right side of the accordion and drag it to the right. The buttons are meaningless, at least as it pertains to getting the star.

By ronr

I got stars on all 22 eggs. Is that the end of the game?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

3 stars? You can always go for highscores and compete on the leaderboard. Otherwise, you just have to hang tight until the next update.

By Alexander

I still have the one with the huge eagle beak…

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

They you’re running an old version.

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