Ahh, we get into a variety of materials and birds as we go on. We get 66020 with just two birds in the video below.
We first send blue in a low arc, splitting before apogee and taking down the nearest glass structure.
Then Bomb takes the high road, landing smack dab in the middle of that wood and stone bunker, blasting debris both ways and killing the remaining pigs within. Watch the video for the slow roll of the rectangular block as it ever so gently sends the last pig into that dark night.
Feel free to leave comments below, but don’t just post your scores – that’s what the leaderboards are for.
@swanz I think you typed this score in the wrong level 201,960 doesn’t seem possible for this level
Youre right ! I make a mistake wirh 2 followning levels . The numbering was/ is also not correct 0-1 etc 1-1 . Thanks ,i changed it before i read your comment. And i will make my excuses here in the comments and … see your text.?
@swanz I figured it had to be a simple mistake. thanks for correcting your score/scores.
With .. following?
34490 was 2 star and 35500 was 3 stars. @admins
Thanks @hoy49
This level has me puzzled with the higher scores. It seems two birds and flinging like the video are the keys to playing. Using any more than two does not produce enough points. Was able to obtain 14660 with the blues but could not pick up the remainder of points to get past 70030 with bomb bird when hitting dead center of the structure.
Interesting level, tried different placements of the birds but they produced lower scores.
I must be missing something or the changed the level with the last update.
@wrw01, I don’t think you are missing anything, unless I am too. I have gotten 72K with the video strat. I have been trying variations though. For example, at first I tried to destroy all of the glass and managed to do so once or twice for over 15K. I got all but one block many times. However, I am now not so sure total destruction of the glass is the way to go. It might be better to take the roof off the structure and let the blue birds hit the column of wood blocks. This may weaken them enough for more of them to be destroyed by the BB explosion. I’ve tried this and many other variations, but can’t seem to get much past 72K.
Thank you for the tips. Will have to give it a try later today. I too was trying to destroy all the glass.