Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level #5 (Day 5, released on September 20th, Week 40 which began on September 16th, 2013). Our non power-up strategy is to fling Obi-Wan towards the middle structure through the first pig. Aim the Force upward to send debris up and to the right to clear the level. The score in the video below is 82,270.
This is a repeat of Level 5 from Week 14, so feel free to check out that post for additional walkthrough strategies. You’re also welcome to post new ones here.
Our Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
1st bird, like walkthrough video. Had to use 2nd bird to get 1 small pig at bottom of pile on right. No P/U’s 75K. 2 stars!
1st bird little higher and didn’t destroy the first pig. And then second to clear out remaining couple pigs and some remains. 87,540 was result.
I aimed the push of the first bird right behind the upper TNT. Pieces flew so that upper TNT exploded, dislodged the strings of pigs which fell and destroyed first two pigs and sometimes even the first TNT was blown up.
1st bird a lil bit higher over 1st pig but half-strength into the base of that big structure .. force push right-upperwards derbis should get to the top line with pigs quite easily, and on some ocasions it even gets to the upper TNT.. but the key for a good score is a cleanup with luke…
you can either load him with powerups .. or just wait for a good enought attempt when there will be only 3-4 severly damaged wooden boxes on Luke’s way approaching that huge derbis pile that is always left after Obi. He destroys 1st few blocks just by his momentum and somewhere in the middle of the derbis pile it’s time for saberuse..
my 99k was achieved without bird PU.. only cloned luke for extra 10k.. 105+ easily possible
had a good first bird ->59k all pigs gone
but desided i would give ur start a go and cloned my 2nd and fully loaded it up -> resulted in a good destruction 108.810 points
You’re welcome:) I’m glad i could help.. I wasn’t really playing hard until today this week.. I was so busy at work that each day I came back home completely exhausted and didn’t have any will to give this week’s tournaments a go..
Today I finally could spend some time on this tour and it resulted in many good scores, (mostly achieved by reading other pal’s strategy guides) so finding my own approach to some levels and sharing it is really fun.
And congrats on a nice score=]
88,980 on PC. No P/U’s – Aim Obi-Wan over to the last pig at the base of rock/ice pile, direct force to the left. Trial and error as to where to place cursor for left force.