Our strategy for Angry Birds Space Pig Dipper level 6-27 is to send the Lazer bird over everything, redirecting it next to the Fat Pig and into the wooden planks below, releasing the underwater TNT. Use an Ice bird to blast the TNT next to the Fat Pig, then finish the level with Terence straight ahead. The score in the video below is 88,800.
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Played this level at least 50 times and unable to get same result, highest I could achieve was 86890
My strategy is:
Laser bird into underwater tnt as per video
Ice bird into water and pop just after it hits the chain, this causes the ice ball to float to the top, hit the wood & explode kiling the closest pig, debris falls down & pushes the big pig closer to the tnt.
Aim for tnt/big pig with green bird
Thanks. This is a great strategy. It seems to work just as well when the ice ball drops the two anchors but leaves the wood structure intact (fortunately, this is the more common result regardless). You can then send Terence into the tip of the left structure and through all the way to the TNT.
This is what happend in my case as well. The left wood structure did not fall after the ice bird, and I sent Terence through the top of it into the TNT. Luckily, it got the big pig too, and I ended with top score (for now at least).
I actually think you get a higher score if the ice birds does NOT topple the wood structure.
Small update to @syrus great strat: aim Ice bird just below left structure (as close as possible without touching it), wait until he almost float up to the surface and then release. It makes left structure to frozen a bit and ice ball makes the rest. Sometimes even big pig gets killed. Terence clears second TNT and right side.
91500…several days with no luck. Used your strat. 3 minutes later 3*’s. WHHOOOOOO-HHHOOOOOO!! Thanks!
Great strategy. This can actually result in a two-birder, I had one for 96k.
This made it work. Good strategy.
Much more consistent strategy. Got my best score when the iceballs failed to detonate the first tower, but had a lucky bounce from Terrance.
Thanks, great strat. Got me my 3* with 2 birds and not a bad score….
@syrus Great tip, thanks! I got lucky since the second bird did hardly any damage but I managed to toss the third and get the pig on the far left and the TNT to explode as well.
@syrus great strat! My high score 98470 came when the ice ball stayed big, and lodged itself in the left corner.
genius! pure genius. @SyRuS you are a freakin’ GENIUS!!!!
With @syrus your strategy and @liam addition I finally did it. Key was a two bird approach. The ice ball broke the left strukture, one of the three debris balls hit the TNT, killing all remaining pigs, even the big one.
Used SyRus strategy above and in 2 tries increased score by 8,000.
THANKS! 90.500 becore never more than 86.400 after several 100 tries
I’m doing it as the video shows, but the Rovio Gods are looking the other way and ignoring me completely, C’mon Odin, do your thing!!! Make me Happy.
Note: That big fat green ball of lard sure is hard.
Try SyRus strat. It works miracles!
Thank you for your recommendation @lvmh.
At last! Between @syrus and Liam’s suggested methods, I managed to get a very decent score, Thank you both for your strats.
SyRuS !!! NEVER NEVER woukd have gotten this 1 without YOU! thank you !
The laser bird will go under the first anchor, and explode the TNT in the water on the right. Sometimes for 16K to 20K points.
Then it’s like @syrus describes above.
Thanks for the under the anchor tip @liam! I had more success getting the underwater TNT using this method.
Thanks Liam! That’s a whole lot easier (especially once I figuired out a flatter trajectory than what I was using worked better) and I think there’s more points too.
Yup. Under the anchor for the first shot, as Liam says.
The ice ball did not collapse the left tower, but lucky bounce got em all.
I also uses @Liam‘s tip in addition to @SyRuS and managed a very lucky shot! Thank you both!
Note that @crazy-rider has a very helpful video of this strategy, which helped me put it all together. However, my high score was the result of two birds, which I’ve been unable to replicate yet… :(
I was letting the Ice Bird freeze on it’s own, but now I’m trying to find the right spot/timing to get the ice to break up just right to cause everything else to go so that perhaps the two-bird strat can be more reproducible.
like @rubeeinthesky a two-birder, thx to @syrus for the first bird
here a video with 103k:
It seems that the crucial bit would be the Ice Bird – have it freeze the big pig and detonate the TNT, then Terrence can bump into the leftmost structure in an angle to cause most damage to it, yet the debris will still be adequate to pop the frozen big pig.
Thanks SyRus………..I was lost and with your method I got 95,860…
Angry Birds Highscores are about X things to happen at the same time in a level, but you always get X-1 things to work.
Anyone playing the challenge today?
I hit 100k following an amalgamation of the wonderful strats posted above:
1. As in the video walkthrough. I scored 18k after this
2. Ice bird through the upper half of the chain, wait until he drifts up before activating, turning the bottom of the left structure a little icy. The ice ball split in three, flung upwards, detonating the TNT, taking out the the big piggy, and the right hand side structure. As always happens, at moments like this, disaster! The left hand structure failed to collapse (which it practically always does!) so I had to fire off Terrance
3. Into the left structure.
There are loads of points to be made with a two birder here.
Oh, and BTW, @argon that is the best description of playing angry birds I’ve ever seen!
I’ve never tried the two bird method @Hunnybunny. What power and when do you activate the “Ice Man”? If I could ever combined my good shots on one and three, look out puppy.
btw 19k-20k
target in the end of the wood
like the picture, don´t activate, big ice ball not split
in the left structure like picture
good luck and a nice evening
i played today and here my strat.
good night all
@Rat9 @Stocktoad I was playing exactly like syrus first post, first bird hitting bottom of the post, getting me between 17k / 19k, or else I restart. Then ice bird hitting the chain and floating up a bit, as described by someone else whose name escapes me (sorry) I have hit over a 100k numerous times. Two best results after flinging second bird:
1. The ice ball splits in three and takes out structures and big pig (but my attempts have not created a large amount of destruction)
2. The ice ball takes out left structure and big pig, leaving you a clear shot to the right structure, you can hit a bit higher once big pig is gone, taking out the very right side, the bit with the chains. Lots of points there
Now just to combine the two!
Rat will know I’m a Season’s girl, seldom think about the power of the shot, and this is very like a Seasons level.
Off now to try @commex666 method. He’s pretty good at this stuff, now there’s an underestimation….
Good night all, two glasses of wine tonight, I can’t fling straight…..
and here a video with 103k: