Angry Birds Space Cosmic Crystals Level 7-4 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Angry Birds Space Cosmic Crystals level 7-4 is to send two Red birds below the southernmost planet. The two can cause the main crystal to ruputre, clearing the entire level! The score in the video below is 88,070.

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Comments (37)

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 88,010

I don’t think the designers of this level had this solution in mind.

By PigSquisher

I’m sure you’re right – the TNT plunger is a bit of a giveaway!

I managed 81560 with first bird directly into bottom planet, second bird onto plunger (try to miss the pig beside it; finishes the level too soon), third bird – well, he’s a problem; I’m not really sure of a good use for him – then bomb bird into the cave with the crystals. Not a high score, but maybe more what Rovio intended.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8830 points
By Andy (@andy2510)Score: 88,500

I think I’ll call this one the SAS solution! Attack them from behind where they least expect it!

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

Looks like, walkthrough video is the only way to get 88k+ scores.
If debris could break the lower planet (which contain a crystal in it), then 92k+ scores are possible. Crystals worth 3000 points!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 80,500

1st bird knocked asteroid at 12:00 rightward into pig and claw; claw flips violently and shatters TNT and debris takes out other upper left planet pig. Second bird directly into bottom planet straight on, blows up planet.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8565 points
By lvmh (@lvmh)Score: 87,860

Has anyone managed to do more than just crack the lower planet a bit? It’s frustrating to see this purple crystal inside, glittering….

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

@lvmh See my strategy below :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8565 points
By lvmh (@lvmh)Score: 87,860

Thanks, @ibird, i will go back to it after finishing SWII!

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

I got 90150 with three birds. Top Score (for now)
First Bird – Same as video.
Second Bird – Same as video.
Third Bird – Shoot laser bird even if you kill all the piggies.
Send Laser Bird in a straight path, when he is above the lower small crystal planet, Redirect him to the ‘North Pole’ of the planet. With some luck, the planet will destroy. Consistent 88k+ scores
This strategy can give you a few extra points.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 90,960

Thanks @ibird ;-) This got me a few extra points ;))

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

Glad it worked for you @lesleyg (AA) :)

Rank: Sling God with 47335 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 89,970

@ibird, it worked, thank you

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

You’re welcome @bernersenn :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 89,780

I do this by swapping the birds. Yellow seems to have trouble destroying the planet, but fire red straight into it and he’ll bounce twice and blow it up. Plus, if he does, you can then send yellow behind the 2nd planet to finish the job of bird #1 :)

Rank: Sling God with 24475 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 89,480

Thanks @ibird, I see you haven’t been here in almost 3 weeks, but hope you’ll be back & read this.

Getting 88110 with ABN Walkthrough on Android phone was fairly easy & just another 150 points (iPad not Android) moved me 35 rungs up the ladder showing just how important finding those extra points you mentioned really is on this level. I managed 88430 per ABN, but didn’t like the rank, so I kept trying your strategy, but it just wasn’t working for me. Obviously it had to be user error as it worked well for others ….. and then I figured it out. I was directing laser bird way ….. too late.

What eventually worked for 89480 was to aim shot #3 just above (as if to skim) the gravity field & just as I was about to actually skim the gravity field, I activated the laser into the planet, at perhaps 135 degrees (haven’t had a protractor since, ah let’s see …. high school geometry & that was the early 70s, so I’m really just guessing on the angle.

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

Glad it helped @justpast40 :D

Rank: Boss Hog with 13670 points
By carman5912 (@carman5912)Score: 90,630

Thanks I got the current high score using strategy.

Rank: Sling God with 46360 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 90,750

inspired of @ibird and @justpast40
many thx
first bird in the atmosphere like the video
second same line like the video
third same line and activate over the small asteroid, target is the wood on the planet,
a litte bit right from the small round-stone (on the wood)
see the picture

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 90,960

Thank you again to @ibird for the original strat, using three birds and a Great Thanks to @comex666 for the WAY of using the third bird! It took many, many flings and I kept creeping up, but painfully just shy of what I needed to receive a Puppy Badge, but finally…I got enough points to earn one, Yippie!!!

I used the exact strat described by comex666.
Here are a few details that I hope can help those still trying to get it.
First…send Red as already described.
Second, I sent the next Red in just ever so slightly off path, but not really enough to notice, just slightly lower…the reason I did this was because of the third shot…to me, it seemed like if Red hit ever so slightly “off” from the first one, it’s still enough to break the structure but it seemed like it allowed for the chards of glass that remained, to NOT be in the way for the third shot…maybe it’s just my imagination…and again, just barely off the exact trajectory…like a 1000th of a pixel, lol ;-)
Anyway, You will see right away if the chards of glass will be in the way of Laser’s path…if so, reset…if you have a free path, then send him in the same trajectory, let him go up just about half way from the top planet which you can see in my screenshot. Tap just right of the little ball, on the wood, just like comex666 said. I found I scored higher if I did not let him fly up too high before tapping my spot. Here is my trajectory showing the path and remaining debris, which is very close to comex’s screenshot:

Again, it took many, many tries because either the bottom palnet did not break or the score was still shy of what I needed. For me, it required a lot of resets and patience! GL…I hope this helps some of you…especially those that are oh so close like I was ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 90,960

And here’s my screenshot for the “Puppy Proof” @sweetp and @kelani ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 46360 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 90,750

and here the video:

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9195 points
By sandersig (@sandersig)Score: 90,980

I used your strat and got real lucky!!!! Must have the crystal planet in the sweet spot with the Laser Bird. Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 26685 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 87,700

@sandersig, nice score! However, I’ll need your screenshot with the score please? Thank you and congrats!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9195 points
By sandersig (@sandersig)Score: 90,980

Thanks SweetP…….sorry it took so long to post picture. I posted it in my album.

Rank: Sling God with 33705 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 91,130

91130 with three birds.

Same strategy as described by @ibird. Thanks a lot :-)

However, I aimed the third bird a little higher to get two small pieces of debris before hitting the lower planet.
In this run, the small boulder was sent forcefully into the top planet after the implosion/explosion of the bottom one, adding some extra damage there.

Here is the final result.

And this is the highscore screenshot.

All the screenshots are also available in high res here in one set.


Rank: Champion with 3510 points
By Slinger (@mudslinger)Score: 90,210

thanks @ibird

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 90,150

Glad I could help @mudslinger
And Congrats on Top Score :D

Rank: Sling God with 30225 points
By löwenzahn (@liontooth)Score: 90,820

Simple 2birder for the Top Score. Guess something incredible unusal happened, but my clumsy eyes didn´t see it that early in the morning…something about 10 past 4 am.

Thanks to the nest and thx for the puppy to @sweetp

Rank: Sling God with 47335 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 89,970

@liontooth despite those clumsy eyes – did you use our little red bird twice as shown in the walkthrough?

Rank: Sling God with 30225 points
By löwenzahn (@liontooth)Score: 90,820

Exactly…haven´t seen the other strategy in the morning. Just the tow red birds from behind. Maybe some debris found its way to the lower orb for the extra points. Just guessing ^^

Rank: Sling God with 47335 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 89,970

@liontooth thanks, I Will give it a try (or more, lol)

Rank: Sling God with 47335 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 89,970

No, no, no. Lack of Skills. Thanks guys for your advices. Didn’t work

Rank: Sling God with 46445 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 90,270

@bernersenn my 90k was with 2 birds like the walkthrough, I picked up some extra points from the stone & glass planks. They get blasted up to the right & often drift off the screen intact. This time they were damaged by some flying crystal, but also the red bird collided with them, destroying all of them.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 88,320

I couple things I haven’t been able to do in my experiments.

1) Hit the small rock you zoom by on the right side of the screen as your red birds are hitting the planet from behind

2) Loop around the top planet and break out of it’s gravity to hit the large boulder in a path toward the lower planet….haven’t been able to even get out of the gravity field.

3) Destroy the lower planet with the third bird, although now I read it can be done so I will try that.

4) I’ve been trying to on the third bird hit the large asteroid that starts in the upper right of the screen…. try and hit it downward to destroy the lower planet…. usually the boulder breaks itself when it gets there on the wood pole with the stone circle flagtop looking thing. However once, I belive I hit it just right or else it bumped something just right to get it on a trajectory that looked good but missed the gravity field by microns. Other wise I think I coulda got it sucked in to destroy the planet and give a few more points which would be need to break 91k…. no luck yet tho…. maybe i get a stylus, lol :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 88,320

also I’ve tried hitting the two small asteroids that start in the upper left downward on the 3rd shot….nothing there either so far….. i think the large asteroid is the way to go tho

Rank: Sling God with 37955 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 90,210

Video for 89k/3 birds. Rinse and repeat forever to get 90k 😂 I’ll post the coordinates for all the shots when I get a moment. It’s wine time now!

Rank: Sling God with 37955 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 90,210

My best score of 90210 doesn’t even make the top 10 😳

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