Angry Birds Space Cosmic Crystals Bonus Level S-18 Walkthrough

Angry Birds Space Cosmic Crystals bonus level S-18 is unlocked by 3-starring levels 7-11 through 7-20 of Cosmic Crystals. One strategy is to pull the eastern TNT toward the planet, blasting the pig and its structure there. Use two more Eggs on each of the remaining pigs on the west side, crushing gems where you can. The score in the video below is 64,200.

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Rank: Out of this World with 2875 points
By HappyShake (@happyshake)

1. Start with the pig in the middle. Aim to the little ball on the end of the chain. Iginite when you hit that ball on the north side. Pig, ball and chain do a sommersault into planet on the right killing everything there. The ball eventually will get the yellow crystal. If ball, chain or pig gets damaged before they land on planet it won’t work. Very rarely the planet busts – congratulations, you are on the way to a top score – you’ll have 40-45k then! But 28-30k points are OK at this point.

2. Now pull the TNT to the planet on the left. 55-60k points now
3. Usually the pig on top left survives. Finish it. 75-80k points

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18415 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 90,360

@happyshake thanks for the great strategy!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 83,090

Thank you so much @HappyShake – I was really struggling on this!! Now above average folling your strat!!

Rank: Champion with 3510 points
By Slinger (@mudslinger)Score: 100,650

first bird to the right of bottom right crystal astroid should be able to suck 2 rocks and TNT and chain into planet for about
50K 2nd bird suck left pig chain and rock into big planet to destroy it last pig will die when planet explodes , if small planet
does not go with first bird use @happyshake first shot as your secoud and then work on big planet

Rank: Out of this World with 2875 points
By HappyShake (@happyshake)

@mudslinger – can you explain how you do the “suck TNT, 2 rocks and chain and bust planet”?

I could only pull that one off once, and that was insane lucky.

My current score happened when the sommersault pig and chain busted the planet. That happens rarely, but still more often than I can do the first shot you mention. Second shot was as you describe.
To the left upper chain aiming halfway between the lowest point of the chain and the atmosphere and activate when egg crosses the line between pig and blue crystal.

Rank: Champion with 3510 points
By Slinger (@mudslinger)Score: 100,650

@happyshake her is a screen shot of the TNT before it enters gravity field the planet will
also blow if rock hits weak side of planet and TNT blows chain into planet , a high score can also be had if planet is cracked or chain is left open for your first shot

Rank: Out of this World with 2875 points
By HappyShake (@happyshake)

yeah, that’s exctly the shot I’ve been trying so many times. I was hoping you had another idea. I just can’t do it. I’m done with this level.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 105,550

That’s exactly the shot I did on my initial pass at this episode. But by the time they had the walkthrough up and running, I had a senior moment and forgot how. I wanted to tell everyone how I’d done it. I was busting with pride at having 10k more than everybody for days waiting for the walkthrough on this level to be activated. I just couldn’t get the brain cells to cooperate (co-operate for our friends across the pond). Thanks for the memory jolt @mudslinger.
Maybe I need to increase my caffeine level or start taking Ginkgo Biloba.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 101,710

@happyshake It’s not hard at all. There are 5 chain links. Just activate it when the egg is underneath the 2nd link from the right. If the chain hits the yellow crystal mountain ridge at far left, you waited too long.

I’m a terrible shot, but I can take out the entire left side of the screen 99% of the time.

Dunno if doing that shot between the pig and boulder first increases points, since most of that stuff is also destroyed in the next shot. Still, it’s an easily repeatable 80-90k

Now if I could just hit that stupid TNT shot.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 105,190

Thank you @mudslinger. It’s exactly as you say.

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 100,070

Thanks @mudslinger, I got 100k, It was not very easy…it’s very frustrating when the TNT does not fall into the planet or when it ignites early….

Rank: Sling God with 47305 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 106,140

@mudslinger, you’re advice gave me a highscore. A new sherriff… Thanks a lot. It tokes a gazillion retries, at the end:

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 101,710

Yeah, until I see video of two rocks AND the TNT falling into that right planet with one bird. I can’t believe it. I can get either/or but never both. Once, and only once I got 2 rocks to fall, and the TNT was gliding over there still connected to the ball and chain. Maybe with a bit more momentum, the ball could have hit the field and pulled it in, but that’s the only remotely close instance in 280 straight attempts. My luck it’s a 1 in 300 shot :P

Rank: Sling God with 25470 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 106,690

Finally gor the two birder, but unfortunately for a rather low total: 98310 vs. 96940 for my previous best three-birder. Unsure I will spend more time on this one soon.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 88,370

To get an easy > average score, just directly attack the tower on the east planet, activating just before impact and throwing the debris west into the middle piggie and western planet. fire second egg between the remaining chain and planet, sucking the piggie and chin down and finishing the level off. 78K first try, just looking for something different and east.

Rank: Sling God with 25470 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 106,690

Top score proof:

I used @mudslinger‘s 2-birder strat. It was very hard to implement on my tiny iPhone 3 screen, but after switching to my PC, it became a hard-but-doable shot, much easier than S-5, for example. I would say that if you aim correctly, you can burst planet once every 10 to 15 minutes. The critical part of the story for high scores is to have one part that travels horizontally the screen and cuts the chain holding pigs in two, so that upper part of chain gets sucked into left planet gravity field. When this part of the chain is at the planet surface, you will get more points from it as it will destroy efficiently planet debris when it explodes (after 2nd shot), and be possibly destroyed (or at least damaged) by planet debris.

If no debris breaks the chain, then you should get a two-birder in the 93k-100k range. If you get the chain into gravity field, then, score above 105k are possible. After a successful 1st shot as explained above, a typical score is 50k assuming pig on planet is stil alive and yellow gem is still there. For my top score run, I had 55k at this point because pig on planet was gone. I also got at least once 53k after first shot, with pig and gem still there, which leaves hope for scores at 109k or slightly above.

Here is a vid showing how to perform 1st shot. Note however that even if you activate at the very same spot, you will not necessarily send TNT on planet: not only activation window is extremely small (maybe two hundredth of a second), but even within this window, the odds of success are small (probably no more than 25%). You will also note that although a large part of chain lands on left planet, it does not slide down very well toward surface because of the pig that sits there, and does not participate to debris breaking after 2nd shot. Should the part of the chain have killed the pig when landing on planet, I would have probably came very close, possibly above my current top score.

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