Angry Birds Space Cosmic Crystals Bonus Level S-19 Walkthrough

Angry Birds Space Cosmic Crystals bonus level S-19 is unlocked by 3-starring levels 7-21 through 7-30 of Cosmic Crystals. One strategy is to pull the southern asteroids northward through the nearest and westernmost pigs. Wait for the remaining pig on the northern planet to swing as far north as it can, then aim the Egg between the small spacecraft and asteroid at the extreme north of the level. Finally, pull the helmet pig on the south planet into the remaining pig. The score in the video below is 58,020.

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Rank: Out of this World with 2875 points
By HappyShake (@happyshake)

There’s a crystal planet!
What dou you need to crack a crystal?
A chisel!
Where’s a chisel?
Up there in the air floats somthing that has an edge.
Where to use that chisel?
It points to a pig and a bonus crystal.
Let’s see what happens if we suck it between the two.
(BOOM! planet #1 gone)

There is two wobbly things now floating freely. Suck them into something hard killing any pigs around that are left.

Side note: It is possible to destroy both planets. I managed to do it with 4 eggs and a score of 80k. If you can do it with 3 your the new top scorer.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 74,520

@happyshake BOOM! planet #1 gone

It took a lot of tries, but that was fun!

It has another benefit. If you miss, the triangle thingy will carom around the wobbly arms taking out all but one of the piggies which usually results in a 60K range score.

Still working on getting that second planet.

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)Score: 77,850

Nice strategy. But it took several tries to break that planet.

Rank: Out of this World with 2875 points
By HappyShake (@happyshake)

My actual score was achieved by blasting both planets with 4 eggs. Who wants to see how that looks like there’s a picture of it in my album.

It is very difficult to advise a strategy for the 2-planet-bust. The first egg kills the lower planet, that is clear. 2nd egg I shot to the far right pig that in dozens of tries for me is the only one who never dies after the first shot. If you are lucky then the wobble-thing leaves you something that looks like a hammer with a ball-end. If you’re super-lucky that thing will float close to the top planets surface. Suck it and sometimes the planet busts. I had about 10 times both planets gone but scores varied only between 75 and 80k. I never imagined that a 4egg finish could yield such a high result

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 75,430

I had so much trouble with this level! I finally got a decent score with two “Eggies” ;-) I sent the first Egg up towards the floating top right pig and it’s contraption and pulled it down. It hit the bottom antenna pig along with the crystal and exploded the planet! The two pigs down there on the wobbly arms knocked into each other. One of the top boulders popped the top right pig on the wobbly arm thing. So after the first bird, only the top left wobbly arm pig remained and my score was 50K something. I wasn’t about to try anything fancy so I just flung the second Egg directly at him.
I hope if any of you are having as much trouble as I was, that perhaps this will help ;-)GL
So glad to be done with this one ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 75,430

It’s pretty ironic that I was able to explode the bottom planet twice but never did get the top big one to explode, ;-D

Rank: Sling God with 21075 points
By dasa (@dasa51)Score: 79,340

Wait a short while and the right hand pig on top planet snaps off arm and breaks up. 6370 points without flinging. If you can get craft down and bouncing right there may be a reasonable one birder. Will see how often it happens but has just done three self destructs in a row. (on my iphone 4S)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

In case anyone is wondering, my 84,660 was with one egg. I aimed to pull the satellite pig into the lower planet, between the two arms, and released when the lower right arm was almost fully extended outward. If your aiming & timing is just right, and if it’s your lucky day, the lower planet explodes and the debris takes out all remaining pigs.

For an easier 82-84k score, shoot through the bubble of the top right pig and pull the satellite into the lower planet. The lower planet should still explode but the lower right pig always survives. Use a second egg to clean up.

Obviously use HappyShake’s 4-egg strategy if you’re aiming for the top score.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

85650 with 4 birds:
1) to pig on top right antenna, slam the pig into its crystal planet (this can explode the planet, but this time it didn’t). A bit of the antenna snapped off to get the pig on the lower right antenna.
2) to pig on top left antenna, slam that one into the crystal planet, too. Top planet explodes.
3) pull the satelite into the lower planet, between the antennas. Lower planet explodes, remaining pigs gone.
4) so far my score would not have been better than my previous 84k. What netted the extra points on egg 4 was to slam two large chunks of antenna into each other.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

89,920 and there’s potential for several thousand more. I was thiiiis close to getting a 94k score.

Shot 1 is the same as above.
Shot 2 is also the same. Release when the top left pig swings right and the bottom left pig swings up. The aftermath brings the remains of three antennas very close together (top left, top right, bottom left).
Shot 3 is the old shot 4 – trigger the egg in the middle of all that antenna debris!
shot 4 is the old shot 3 – you still need to make that low percentage shot to end the level.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 96,760

@burpie I can get 85870 with two eggs, but I can’t find antenna debris that will give me more than 10k damage for shot 3.

Shot 1 egg pulls satellite into upper crystal
Shot 2 egg into middle pig on lower crystal

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

@rat9, shots 1 & 2 go to the top planet. This sets up the antenna debris and shot 3 racks up the points. Shot 4 is a tricky finish.

When you blow up the top planet on shot 1, everything gets scattered…no good.

Rank: Sling God with 29535 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)Score: 82,160

Here are the instructions @rat sent to me:

Subject: S-19

“First, don’t try to score in the 90k range. That’s for idiots like Burpie and myself challenging each other to the point of absurdity. It takes four perfect/lucky shots to get into high 80’s low 90’s. If you want to try, Burpie laid out a good strategy roadmap in the walkthrough. Good luck!

If you just want a good score there are a million ways to do it. You need to learn what will blow up the planets.

Bottom planet easiest way: Shoot egg to valley between two crystals left of the pig bubble on the planet. Activate right “after” hitting planet. This leaves stuff blocking other shots but you can use the stuff to get a decent score.

Bottom planet harder shot but more productive: Shoot egg just barely to the right of point on wooden triangle of the lone satellite pig. Activate almost immediately. Pull the satellite to the center pig on the lower planet. BTW, wait till the swinging arms are out of the way. If you’re feeling particularly lucky, you can draw the satellite through the upper swinging arm. Good points, but a one in a thousand shot.

Upper planet very repeatable: 1st shot at wood block attached to pig bubble on right arm. Shoot as soon as possible after reset. Activate just as the egg gets to the bubble. This will damage the planet, not explode it. But the damage is required for the next shot. 2nd shot at the base of left swinging arm. Shoot shortly after the arm starts traveling from left to right. Activate when the egg almost reaches the pig bubble. It should be to the right and slightly down from the bubble.

Upper planet much harder but more points: Shoot closely at left of satellite and pull it and a rock to upper planet.

Any stone or concrete debris can be used to blow the planets. Not wood or stone with wood attached in front of the stone.

With these tips I expect a score of 80k in you’re future.

Good luck”

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 96,760

Those are some mighty fine instructions you posted @TomPuss. I was able to improve my score to 96,760 and grab top score because of them.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

My score sucks, but I did find a cool possible trick for a 2-birder w/both planets blown up. Smash the bottom planet with the usual spaceship. If some of it survives send an egg over it and suck it into the top planet – between the 2 pigs on stalks. I have almost no luck blowing up the bottom planet, but when that contraption bounces off, I can almost always blast the top planet with it. Might help to send first egg through top right pig just to give a better change of getting ’em all.

If anyone’s able to pull this off, hope it works!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

@annie-leigh, @kelani, I just revisited this level myself and knocked out another three or four 90+k scores (and loads of 80+ scores) in under two hours. I don’t know why there’s currently only a dozen people with an 80+k score… this stuff is easy! Here’s my method in a more detail:

1) Directly after a restart, aim for the pig on the top right antenna, where the bubble meets the stalk. Slam that pig into the top crystal planet. This can explode the top planet but you only want to crack it. You also want a bit of the top-right antenna to snap off and hit the pig on the lower right antenna. It’s a low percentage shot but still pretty repeatable. Maybe 1 in 7 tries. If you don’t get that pig on the lower-right antenna, reset.

2) Wait for the top-left pig to swing to the right while the bottom-left pig swings up. Then aim to intercept the pig on the top-left antenna just to it’s right. My aiming line hits the surface of the top planet midway between the antennas. Slam that pig into the top planet. The top planet should explode. Repeatable 100% of the time.

The aftermath should look something like this:

3) Shot 3 goes between the floating antenna debris. After shot 3 a score of 55k is average (with 2 pigs remaining), 60k is great and 65k is exceptional.

4) Pull the satellite into the lower planet, between the antennas. The lower planet should explode.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

@burpie Question about shot #2. When you say wait for the TL Pig to swing right, do you mean when he swings all the way right, when he passes vertical, or when he changes direction from left to right? I ask because when he’s at far right, the aiming point you mention runs right through him. The other two places, his short stalk seems to absorb all the energy and he barely brushes the planet.

I can get shot #1 about 1 in 20 times, but the failures have some funny side effects, so that’s OK. Shot 4, I have a terrible record with, but I’ll deal with that when I get to it :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

Hi @kelani I’m afraid I can’t make video’s and it’s impossible to take a screenprint of this shot in action. And so… I decorated a screenprint with caveman lines:

The red arrow between the egg and the top planet is my aiming line for shot 2. The pig to the left of that aiming line is moving towards the aiming line. Where you see him is a pretty good point to release. Trigger the egg when you’re passing him by. Get really close.

The pig on the bottom of the screen should be traveling up when you release. When you smash the top planet on shot 2, a shard of the crystal planet will snap that antenna and result in my previous screenprint after shot 2:

Shot 4… yes, the odds are against you smashing the bottom planet. But if you had a good shot 3 you’re looking at 80+k if shot 4 doesn’t work out and 90+k f you DO get the bottom planet!

Good luck!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 96,760

Why you little stinker, @Burpie! I sure wish @Kelani hadn’t asked you that question. He brought you back to a level that I thought we’d resolved. You’re just too good when you put your mind to it. I don’t think we can get much higher. Great four bird flinging score.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

Well, it was my strategy. What’s bugging me is that I know 100k is possible… please, please have something better to do ;-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

I have *nothing* better to do :) Actually, I had given up on this level until our reply, @burpie I know these aren’t easy shots, but your description sure deludes me into thinking so, and I thank you for that. It’s great strategy, So, now this one’s on my “one last try” list.

@rat9 just a FYI, any Space level where I’m not in the top 100, feel free to consider unresolved on my part (excluding a few I despise, or can’t improve due to damage-nerfing updates). Your lofty perch in each is probably secure, just expect sporadic “how the %$#& do you do that?” posts to appear :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 96,760

@Kelani, it’s hard to get a top score. But as @Burpie just showed you, it’s harder to keep it. Good luck in your quest.

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 80,660

WTG @kelani today’s leader, at the moment
I’m betting burpie, rat, Karen, comex666 comes in with a late score that amazes us all!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 96,760

Alas @HunnyBunny, the Rat was otherwise occupied. Great improvement in your score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

Thank you @hunnybunny :) You better believe I was watching for that to happen down to the last second. I almost had an amazing 100k+ score a few times (post below), but couldn’t bring it home. As for the others, with those scores, I’m betting they’re all violently sick of this level by now. :)

Rank: Sling God with 29535 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)Score: 82,160

@burpie Hey, thanks for the tips and info, that was very thoughtful of you. Hope it’ll bear fruit very soon.

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 80,660

@burpie your definition of “easy” is wildly different from mine!
There is NOTHING easy about this level…….

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

@burpie Well, I’m 33.3% there. Got Shot 2 down. To expand on your Fine Art Tip for anyone who needs it, fire right at the center of the W-shaped pile of three crystals, just before the pig’s stalk reaches vertical and trigger when you’re beside him.
If he runs into you = fired too late.
Doesn’t smack planet = fired too early, or aimed too far away.

I also accidentally found an alternate #2 shot for anyone who is better at timing shots than aiming ones :) The instant the pig passes vertical on his swing rightward, fire so that you’d hit his bubble at around 4:00-6:00, but trigger about a half inch before impact. This springs the pig & stalk outward and to the right, then slams them into the planet with force, usually with the same shrapnel and results as burpie’s shot.
If the pig pops or gets detached from his stalk, you triggered too close. If he doesn’t hit the planet, you either triggered too early.

So far, I can pull off shot 1 about 1/20 attempts. Shot 2, every time. Shot 3 I remember from experience was more like 1/100. If my math is right (unlikely), I’ll need ~9,600 attempts before the stars line up and I hit all three.

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 89,740

@burpie I have to agree with @hunnybunny, easy is not a word I would use for this level. Which makes it a great Challenge level, so good choice!
I think all 4 of these shots have to be perfect & I’m consistently struggling with a couple of them. I rarely get a piece of antenna to break off & hit the lower right pig, maybe 6 times in a couple of hours. Usually when something breaks off it floats away in the wrong direction. And I know I’m not making the most of shot 3, I don’t get the same grouping of debris that I see in your screenshot. And it goes without saying that I’ve never managed to explode the lower crystal planet.
However your strategy is genius & I can see the potential in it. Thanks for sharing it & also for the screenshots, they were very helpful. I’m happy to have increased my score by a few thousand & am in awe of you & @rat9 & your scores that are 20k higher. :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

I just noticed two things. First, if you do shot #2 while the lower left pig is moving downward, the debris can still detach it, and the pig will almost always pop on the boulders to the lower left. If I hit him when he’s moving upwards, a lot of the time he just drifts out of harm.

Second, I am an idiot. I was completely forgetting shot 3, instead sending it to the satellite. That sure explains some missing points.

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 80,660

@karen68 agree with everything you say, respect to @burpie and @rat9
I can do everything, even explode the bottom crystal planet, but that third shot, when all the debris disintegrates is beyond me…….
But for a Space level I’m happy with my score
Well not really, obsession has taken over……..

Rank: Pig Leader with 11700 points
By Mumsie (@mumsie42)Score: 61,420

Well I have read, re read & re read all the amazingly detailed strats and have tried to follow them in vain so have finally admitted i am completely incompetent ! Have not raised my score at all!! :(
Off to bed – new challenge tomorrow!

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 89,740

I still can’t get the 1st shot to send debris over to get the bottom right pig but I managed to tighten up the 2nd shot a bit & activate the egg closer to the pig than I was. I’ve been able to get a better grouping of debris a few times, similar to @Burpie‘s screenshot with the bases of the 2 antennae facing each other, then was able to send the egg between them for scores around 50k. When I scored 89k the pig on the lower right was hit by floating debris after the 3rd shot, & I managed to explode the lower crystal planet with the 4th.
@kelani thanks for your input on this level & congrats on your score!

Rank: Sling God with 45665 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 79,560

many thx to @burpie @kelani @annie-leigh for strat. details and pictures.
I actually never liked this level.
But I wanted to make a video of how it should work so that other players could score more points.
My 3rd bird goes to the base with Hector
here my video:

Rank: Sling God with 29535 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)Score: 82,160

@rat9, @burpie I did it at last! Thanks a million for your help and advice.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

@burpie , @rat9

Awww. I almost had a badge and both of ya! 93,550 score with a pig AND the bottom planet left, and a half-dozen 90k’s with only planet left. After the hundreds of attempts, that stupid planet only broke twice. Still, I moved up quite a bit, so many thanks again go to your strategies.

I’ve got a tiny refinement on burpie’s first shot. It’s not easier, but much more repeatable and predictable. After restart, fire at the left half of the pig’s bubble as fast as possible. I use his left eye or the bubble’s bright spot to aim, but really, you need to fire so fast, there’s about a half second window to adjust, so it’s more of a fling and pray thing.

The key is to trigger egg as close to the bubble as possible. That yanks the stalk out, springs the pig into the planet, and will fling a 3-5 segment stalk piece in one of three ways, all of which eventually kill the rightmost stalk pig. One of them also clears the jewel and pig beside it as well, making shot #4 easier.

Second shot, to get the debris pile like burpie has in his photo, you need to propel the stalky pig into the planet with as much force as possible by being as close as possible beside it when triggering. With more force, it spins faster and will almost always nestle into the other stalk’s debris, which makes shot #3 WAY more productive. That tiny subtlety makes a 15-25k difference and let me improve my top 20 score to top 5 in just 8 attempts today.

Another #2 shot note: If you fire too late, you can still save the shot. If it looks like the egg is going to hit the pig before you’re in position, just trigger early, when the egg is at the pig’s 5:00, and you’ll still get a planet busting shot.

Yet another #2 shot note: when the ‘detached’ bottom left pig flies up to the planet debris, pay attention to his attached stalk piece. If the pig is on the left, wait until a few seconds after he bumps into the debris before firing. This will bump the bottom stalk debris into the top, if they’re not already clustered. If the *stalk* segment is to the left, you have to fire just before the pig hits the debris. Aim to come between the stalk and the debris and let the egg self-detonate to give a bit of time for him to catch up. If you wait until he lands, it shields the other debris from the egg. When you trigger, all that stuff gets flung somewhere you don’t want it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 85,700

I came up with a reasonably repeatable 3-bird strategy that gives 80-85k which is along these lines.

The first two shots as @kelani describes, but the skip the third shot (too random outcome for my taste) and go directly to the shot where you break the lower planet. The first two shots are repeatable, maybe one in four, and then you “just” have to break the lower planet by dragging the satellite into it.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

@f91jsw Gotta love it. Shot #3 is the only 100% predictable shot for me, except for #4 which is also 100% predictable…but in an annoyingly bad way.

Anyone know how much that bottom planet+crystal is worth? Just curious how far over 100k that 93,550 score could have been had I gotten those two things and the last pig.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

@Kelani, the bottom planet is worth 10k. I finally managed the century with my above walkthrough (alas, several days too late for the challenge.) Higher scores are possible if the stars align but it’s up to you guys to achieve them. I’ve finally gotten this level out of my system.

When you say you had 93k with the bottom planet and a pig remaining, do you mean a potential score of 93+5+10= 118k? That would be amazing! (Unless the satellite disintegrated into the top-right antenna… which would give you a lot of points but leave nothing to destroy the bottom planet with.)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 101,640

Ugh, 93k + 5k for the pig + 10k for the planet = 108k. Not 118.
But still very impressive.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 91,970

@burpie 108,550. Dear god, what a score. Thanks for finding that out, although seeing the actual score, I kinda wish I never asked. :) Congrats on your excellent score boost. If missing the challenge lessened the joy for you, think of it this way: You sat and watched all of us fail horribly, then showed us how it’s done.

Rank: Sling God with 24925 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 103,750

My century as well:

I followed @burpie‘s strat. Third egg sent some debris toward planet, popping pig there, plus gem, for a very good total (I do not remember the exact figure, but it was fairly high). I had not much time left for last shot since pigs were gone, but I could destroy (rather inefficiently) bottom planet. Scores above 103k are therefore possible, maybe 108k as predicted by Kelani.

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