Here is our strategy for Angry Birds Space Beak Impact Mirror Level M8-40. This level is unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on Beak Impact Level 8-40. The strategy shown yields a score of 59,520.
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Strategy as video
I also used the video strategy. there’s seems no other way, this level is very finicky with a wide scoring range! half the time i couldn’t get even close to average even struggling to get 3 stars. then suddenly you get all these extra points without having done anything differently or seeing much difference in destruction!
all i can advise is Keep flinging till you get it.
good luck all
53K gets three stars, not sure if any lower does.
@jtwade every 1k closer to the real 3* limit is appreciated, so thanks for sharing that info! I adjusted the estimate.
Guess my low scores can be useful then. LOL
@e-star Just narrowed it down to 52k is three stars. 51k only gets two, 52k gets three.
Sweet! That covers this level, yeah :)
Thanks @jtwade !
@sweetp @karen68 @hunnybunny – I would like to apply for SharpShooter badge for Beak Impact Part 2 Mirror World episode. The screenshots are in my album.
@annach looks good, congrats!
@hunnybunny @sweetp one Sharpshooter badge please.
@annach badge awarded, congratulations!
@karen68 @hunnybunny – thank you very much! I appreciate your awarding a badge during weekend!
@sweetp @karen68 @hunnybunny – now I am applying for Ultra SharpShooter badge for the same episode (Beak Impact Part 2 Mirror World). A new set of screenshots is in my album.
@annach awesome flinging, congrats!
I’ll pass it on to the admins.
Awesome flinging pal. Congratulations @annach
@ixan57 can you check that your score is OK? It is quite high above 2nd place. Thanks.
@sglouk tablet fried a year or so back and lost all my data. Did no reload space again. Stuck with ABO and seasons. Score does look high so I’ve deleted it.
similar like all
first hit the wooden ball
second kill the two-top-pigs
third hit the bubble from the middle pig
here a video with 67k:
Same shot, only difference: the 3rd bird did not slice through but got stuck after hitting the triangle and catapulting the 2 hollow structures away. At first I thought this was a missed shot, then points went up fast and to my very surprise I got a new highscore.
Thanks @comex666 for the video!