Angry Birds Short Fuse Level 26-11 Walkthrough

One strategy for Angry Birds Short Fuse level 26-11 is to use the Blue bird to knock all three tripling potions onto the piggy below. One pig will become 27, earning massive points. Finish by blasting the rightmost pig with the Black bird. The score in the video below is 197,290.

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Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 206,330

206k, same concept as the video. Firing a little lower and releasing a little earlier, but the key is to knock all three bottles down and then clean up with the bomb bird.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5505 points
By treblig.ds (@treblig-ds)Score: 209,240

Yes. The key is to knock all potions down AND get them to land on the helmeted pig a about the same time for maximum multiplication. This can be achieved consistently by zooming all the way in and lining the bottom of the blue bird up with the bottom of the left curve of the “n” shaped pipe, fire then split at the “t” junction of the pipes. You’ll know you’ve got full multiplication if your score is at least 140k (depending whether or not you knocked down the left structure. Fire the electric bird into the triangle and detonate manually or allow to detonate on its own at that corner. Luck in score will come in based on how many crystals were destroyed also. Hope that helps anyone still struggling with this fun level. ;)

Rank: Debriefed with 1420 points
By Sophia-the-2nd (@sophia-the-2nd)Score: 192,880

Thaaaaank yoooou!! This level was driving me bonkers until I read your terrific “lining up with the pipes” description. Finally 3-starred it (barely, haha) after just a few tries. Not even going to TRY to up my score right now… Just happy to have my stars for the time being. Thanks again!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 204,850

ty for the aiming tip @treblig-ds, it was most generous of you to share it.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 209,570

209K top for now with exactly the same method. Don’t think a one bird is possible, but more debris is.

By iago

i did with a single bird, but is very hard… throw the 3 potions on the helmet pig

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 203,010

Hard is not the word!! I cannot hit all three bottles at once:(

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 209,570

I finally got a one birder, but only for 191K. I think two will score higher with the extra debris points.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5610 points
By parallel (@parallel)Score: 206,380

What birdMeister said. One bird is possible but there’s just not enough done for the score to be very high. I’ve done it once for 188k, and come within one pig on the far left of doing it a second time.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 202,140

I finally got all three blue bottles with the first bird.
Had to use the second bird to get the pig in the the bunker. 197K.

Rank: Champion with 3260 points
By nutty28 (@nutty28)Score: 204,020

Does anybody have the feather on this level? I have 57% and everything seemed to be destroyed and yet I’m still so far away. Very puzzling. It’s the only one I need to max out the feathers again on ABO.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 200,930

I do. You MUST drop all three tripling potions. Remember that points for popping pigs count toward Mighty Eagle damage.

Rank: Champion with 3260 points
By nutty28 (@nutty28)Score: 204,020

Ahhh, I see, thanks Slim. I didn’t think that would have such a big effect and had been concentrating on level destruction rather than the high score strategy. I will go back to using those tripling potions!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 206,790

Pretty much same as video. Very difficult level, even worse trying to get feather. As Slim said, get the bottles, then use electric bomb bird to clear left side debris. Use last bird to clear debris surrounding last piggy in right corner. Lastly sardine can positioned to take out the rest. Until I did this 99% was the best I could do.

Rank: Sling God with 57410 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 197,800

Same shots attempted as in video. 197k

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,290

I am loving these awesome tripling blue potion levels! What fun :D

First Bird: I sent the blues with a slightly lower trajectory and split them much sooner than the video…almost right after leaving the sling…about where the top section of the curvy pipe is in the background.
One thing I think that can get better scores is when after all three potions fall, more of the sets of pigs end up on the left side of the structure so that when they fall down, they do more damage to the left and get one or two of the left crystals. 65K -70K+ scores are good here.

Second Bird: I sent BB in a high arch so that he comes down to land about where the bottom helmet pig was. I got a much better explosion this way getting a lot more of the remaining left and right wood while still getting the right little piggy and crystal ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 208,050

The high arch gave mean extra 4k, thanks for the tip @lesleyg

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,290

Your welcome @pointdexter5 ;-) I’m glad it helped you!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 203,010

@lesleyg thank you for the breadcrumbs; ) this one was driving me crazy. .haha not that its a long drive lol;)
I really like these levels as well. .but some are sooo frustrating. Great score;) we miss you around the BP..pop in once in a while; )

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,290

@Kathy you’re welcome! Yes, the AB madness leaves us with a VERY short drive, tee hee ;-)))
I never finished the second half of this Episode! I must have ditched it for the Christmas levels, well partly that…but then I haven’t been around much at all in the past month as I have been taking care of my sick sister ;-( I miss you guys too over at the BP ;-( I’m sorry about that, real life has been brutal but hopefully I will be able to be around a little more often.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 203,010

Totally understandable @lesleyg Real life always comes first. Hope your sister is doing better ((((Hug)))))

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,290

Thank you @Kathy ;-))) I really needed that (((Hug))), right back atcha!!! I actually just popped in the BP to say “Hello” to you but…I see you were supposed to be getting in the “showa”, lol!!!

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 207,940

What’s the key to 206k+? I managed an embarrassing improvement of just under 500 points to 202600, but don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m restarting if I don’t hit the bottles to get the multiplication & that score is usually 168k-169k with only the far right corner left. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

So many levels, so little time

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 207,940

Well it took a month of on & off trying, but I did manage to come close to 206k with 205570 by video & a little lower 2nd shot aim to triangle on right. This time I let this new “electrified” black bird explode on it’s own which was after it had rolled slightly left off the triangle so that it was just about 1/2 way between “structures” that remained. Whatever works ..

Rank: Master Slinger with 5505 points
By treblig.ds (@treblig-ds)Score: 209,240

Got a funny glitche to show you…

Hope the link works. It’s my first time posting a p

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 211,110

It is funny. Unfortunately, I’ve had a tripled piggie spawn in a pipe or piece of rock so many times on this level it’s rapidly becoming less funny :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 203,010

And This level is why i quit the first time:(

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15905 points
By Ladybird (@diannas)Score: 209,980

Just got top score for now… Wow, I am jazzed! I can rarely get top score!!!!!
I was actually trying to capture my fling angles, while doing so got my top score.
I usually like to play zoomed IN so I can see the detail, but sometimes been to be zoomed out, I can better hit targets I can see.

My angle on fling is to be zoomed out (small), pull BB down to line up tail feathers directly in line with the yellow bill of the bomb bird waiting below. Aim towards the bottom half of light spot just below and to right of the pipe’s elbow turn up…
( This light spot reminded me of a knot-hole as seen on wood.)
split just as passing through bottom part of this light spot. I could hit all three bottles in about 1 in 10 shots with this angle.
Then I just kept trying over and over for higher score.
Geezzz, hard to explain with words.

Here is pic of my fling angle and split point… Also proof of top score.
I have never posted pic before, I hope this link works.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9490 points
By Irishredhead (@irishredhead)Score: 211,250

I sent my first bird the same as the video. My second bird was a high arc as described by @lesleyg. I was surprised in the difference in damage between a lob and a high arc. I had not read the tip above beforehand, but I thank you for posting it just the same.

Rank: Sling God with 33625 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 215,960

Breaking havoc…

I am flinging the two birds in quick sequence to maximize the damages.

The first one split quite early, and then as soon as possible the second bird in high arc before the sky is filled with pigs.

Just sit down and hope for the best ;-)
If a few pigs can get electrified, they might take out the crystals behind the pipe.

Here is a pic with both trajectories and the resulting damages:

And this is the highscore screenshot:

Hope it helps.

Rank: Sling God with 46265 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 213,710

many thx to @asher for the great details
here my video:

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 211,110

@asher That is ingenious. Never would have thought about using electrified piggies as an advantage. Great idea!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 211,110

What happened to the 214,390 Puppy score I saw awhile ago?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 200,930

@Kelani Was obtained using PUs.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 211,110

@AMSlimFordy Ah, thanks for the info. I was about to question my sanity.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 211,110

@baldy & @apaulling Nice scores! :) Do either of you have any idea what gives those extra 2k points?

Rank: Sling God with 70510 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 209,620

This level was fun to play because of all the multiplying pigs. It also provided a challenge because two of the shot had to “line up” and “land” perfectly to provide the higher points.

A couple of aiming tips which are based on the items in the background and the basket of the sling. I play on an iPad and each platform may be a bit different in background items but it helps for the consistency of the shot if I lined up with something in the background for each shot.

1. Zoom in and to the left of the sling there is a blue striped upside down “U” shaped pipe with a dark blue pipe coming into the flat/bottom part of the “U”. In this case the flat part would be on top.

2. Pull back the basket for the Blue Birds so there is a slight space between the basket and the bottom right corner of the dark blue pipe. Activate the birds after waiting just a moment upon release. It is like 20-25% into their flight. One may have to adjust activation. Found that if one can get the launching point consistent then activation is minor and approximately 60% of the launches will knock all three bottles over. If 160K+ was not obtained, I reset.

3. Used AA’s @lesleyg (thank you) high arc shot for the Bomb Bird. I lined up the left edge (back side) of the Bomb Bird with the left edge of the right leg of the striped “U” shape pipe. A small gap between the BB and the pipe’s left edge. This landed the BB into the small solid wood square block in the lower level of the base next to the wood triangle. Sometimes landing to the left point of the triangle produced good points depending on the remaining debris and pigs after the first shot.

Tried to use all three birds numerous times but could not get a score above 201k. Gained over 5K from my initial score. This one did provide a fun challenge.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1965 points
By Ho Chi Minh (@hochiminh)Score: 215,330

strategy as outlined above, follow up the blue bird split immediately when the black bird is ready. I aim to get it as far right as possible without hitting the wall. This particular one bundled over to the right a bit more on the back of some piggies and took out practically everything under the shelter. For the rest just lucky that some of the multiplying piggies went down and to the left to take out more debris.

Rank: Sling God with 37855 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 214,770

A different second shot got better results for me. Instead of the high arc use a low one to hit the wood in front of the small pig on the extreme right.

Rank: Sling God with 37855 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 214,770

Like this. There’s quite a few more points here as you can see.

Rank: Sling God with 37855 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 214,770

Here’s a video for 212k with the alternate second. Note that the 2nd bird hits the woodwork and then drops down into the gap before exploding. This is the money shot I think. Been very close to the top several times but can’t quite get there.

Rank: Sling God with 33625 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 215,960

215960 with two birds.

I did try @steviep147 alternate strategy and it worked like a charm. So thanks a lot :-)
Even slightly damaging the right shed is simplifying the job of the second bird a lot. It’s even better if the bird rolls to the left a little before activating.

Here is the final result.

And this is the highscore screenshot.

All the screenshots are also available in high res here in one set.


Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 216,510

I just scored 216,510 points using the same strategy as in the @steviep147 video.

Last night, after this Challenge started, I quickly grew tired of failing at the high-arc second shot. I began trying the low-arc second shot, but wasn’t have much success. Today,after seeing the @steviep147 video, I started aiming for the long horizontal wood piece of the shed, in front of the bottom right pig. It took many tries, but it finally worked.

Screen pic of Destruction & leftover debris:

@sweetp – Tally screenshot for another Puppy:

Congrats to all new Puppy owners today !!
Good luck & happy flinging to all !!!

Rank: Sling God with 29290 points
By anton249 (@anton249)Score: 215,580

Exactly like @steviep147, only the second shot a bit earlier. Thanks for the great video!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16315 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 215,960

Chemical weapons followed by a power up, I know those pigs are mean but that’s overkill.
Anyway was ready to give up on this one got so close a number of times using the high lob, but it was @steviep147 who got me over the line. Thanks for the video.Sure it can be done either way but the flat arc did it for me.
Thanks @sweetp.

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