Angry Birds Seasons Hammier Things Halloween Update Out Now!

Celebrate Halloween 2016 early with a new spooky episode in Angry Birds Seasons – Hammier Things. Oh, and let’s not forget the 6th birthday of Angry Birds Seasons. The update is out now for iOS and Android.

This update includes:

  • 24 new levels in Hammier Things. Walkthroughs are live.
  • New Golden Eggs. Two hidden in levels (no spoilers, please – some people like a challenge) and the “Spooky Shed” Golden Egg.
  • Celebrate the 6th Birthday of Angry Birds Seasons with a special gift! Available from October 21st to the 23rd.
  • More Pig Challenges!

Comments (80)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11130 points
By datguygamer (@datguygamer)

Seems like they are stuck with this formula of “levels unlocked with coins” forever.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)

@datguygamer – No need to pay coins for levels, all can be unlocked at no cost through regular game play.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11130 points
By datguygamer (@datguygamer)

I know that but ever since (I think) Marie Hamtoinette they have started putting bonus levels that are unlocked directly with coins. That’s what I was referring to. @burbman

By Margaret

I thought they opened automatically with a certain number of stars?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Yes, Stars or Feathers. No need to pay coins

Rank: Fling King with 4725 points
By This is SG (@sahil-gagrai)

But those who didn’t purchase the Mighty Eagle, have to pay for the feather levels.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1910 points
By furyslinger2000 (@furyslinger200)

That “Haunted House” Golden Egg looks small to be a Haunted House. I think it’s either a Haunted Shed or a Tombstone. I can’t really tell the object that well. But I could be wrong, it may really be a Haunted House.

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

@furyslinger200 it does look at lot like an abandoned shed, hence the shed on the loading screen

Rank: Well Traveled with 1910 points
By furyslinger2000 (@furyslinger200)

@rowdypup & @mighty-red-1 I agree. That 3-Star Golden Egg definitely looks more like an abandoned Haunted Shed than a haunted house.

Also, does anybody notice that there’s a “Psycho Piggy” in this chapter’s level failed screens?! A “Psycho Piggy”! Yikes!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1910 points
By furyslinger2000 (@furyslinger200)

And by “Psycho Piggy”, I mean a Piggy wearing a hockey mask with black eyes & white pupils.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16915 points
By Mighty Red (@mighty-red-1)

@rowdypup @furyslinger200 I’ve changed the name to “Spooky Shed”.

Rank: Deputized with 170 points
By suddeneyes (@suddeneyes)

Maybe it’s meant to be reminiscent of the Byers’ toolshed in Stranger Things? There are a lot of references to the series in the graphics “around” this level but I’ve found very few while actually playing. Just on bikes a couple of times …

Rank: Deputized with 170 points
By suddeneyes (@suddeneyes)

* kids on bikes


Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

BTW, has Bubbles’ “Piggywood Studios (Part 1)” BirdWear not been released yet, or did I just miss it? That’s one of the only costumes that I am missing to complete my colossal collection of cockamamie costumes, so I was just wondering…

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Is it correct that once you missed a unique costume, you can never get it again?

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

@chriss oh contraire- Rovio tweeted me a few weeks back and claimed that they may bring back these costumes in the future! I’m pretty pumped about this, since I am missing Bomb’s “fancy” suit, Terence’s Loch Ness Monster outfit (both are from “Marie Hamtoinette), and the aforementioned “movie” Bubbles, which will [hopefully] return in the future…..

By MommysLittlePiggy

Golden egg 2? Having trouble finding it…any help?

By joe

I was also only able to find 1 golden egg so far on level 9.

By MommysLittlePiggy

Yes! Still searching! 3stars on all levels though ;)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

16 first hill not for sure .

By Obilolo

Yes. Left side of the first hill, near the top. You can get a direct hit with the first bird.

By AuntMom

Thanks. Was making me crazy! Cannot get 3 ⭐️ on #7.

By Amy

Aim low, take out as many blocks as possible then when the “cellar” with the pumpkins is clear aim for the entrance let the orange guy hit as many pumpkins as possible before expanding him,.

By joe

Where exactly on first hill? Don’t c anything

By joe

Go it. I hit the corner of the first hill

By Silvana

Yes I need help too any clue please

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Just played the first few levels, and I like how it seems to be a bit more back to basics. Reminds me of the original Halloween episode.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10040 points
By foley200 (@foley200)

I was just about to post the same thing. Had a quick play through the first 4 levels and it’s definitely reminiscent of the older seasons levels. Lots of wood and stone etc. So far none have of the over engineered type of levels that we have become used to. I’m definitely impressed.

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

@burbman It also takes the stress of creating elaborate structures for each level off of Rovio’s shoulders. They should go easy like this for a while, for all their hard work in the more recent episodes (Piggywood Studios and Fairy Hogmother especially) until the demand of removing “boring” levels takes its toll

Rank: Champion with 3050 points
By Birdboy123 (@birdboy123)

I’m ok if they make levels like these, @rowdypup. As long as angry birds is still being enjoyed! I’m always liking classic or old school stuff or retro… I think I said enough. This is just going to be a great idea is what I am saying. Great idea, @rowdypup!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

Yes @burbman, @foley200 And also normal scores, not so extremely high as in the Piggywood Studio levels

Rank: Debriefed with 1260 points
By chirpy43 (@chirpy43)

Definitely prefer the old school levels. The newer ones often defy physics and are quite frankly just ugly.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8385 points
By Sonnykero (@sonnykero)

Finally, Rovio has released a Halloween theme episode for Seasons instead in Friends, how long has it been in Friends?

Rank: Champion with 3050 points
By Birdboy123 (@birdboy123)

We did have one last year in seasons! invasion of the egg snatchers! 2014 and 2013 we didn’t.

By Tom Boak

Crashes immediately. iOS 10 iPad Pro 9.7


Also on iPad Pro iOS 9

By Mary

Anyone found the second golden egg yet?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

I thought on the first “hill” in level 16 the second egg. Not for sure .

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Chucky (@)

I a man unable to locate the second golden egg as well, it is the only level that I haven’t completed. Can you please be more specific with level 16 as all it contains is one large curving hill that looks like a large U ….and I can find no egg on either side of the U. So please include a screenshot or explain level 16 a little better.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Chucky (@)

That was supposed to read *I am unable to locate* ^^

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Chucky (@)

Update: can confirm it is level 16. I aimed for the 2 little eyes on the left of the U with an bomb (electricity bomb or whatever you want to call it) and as I reached the eyes detonated it and the egg popped up.

By Mar

Got the egg on level 16!
sharp corner of first hill

Rank: Champion with 3050 points
By Birdboy123 (@birdboy123)

Correct name: SHOCKWAVE/ SHOCKWAVE BOMB! I guess… was it a power up? Then, it is

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)
By Kathy Garvin

You can’t see it. Just shoot into the grass there

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

Finished all levels.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Chucky (@)

Please explain the second golden egg a little clearer or include screenshots please.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Chucky (@)

Found the second egg, explanation above :)

By Cranky

Is it just me, or is Hal flying aberrantly in level 9? He goes up, I tap to boomerang him, and he more or less just falls, albeit in a slightly leftward direction. And there’s no way he will ever get high enough to get the golden egg. I’ve flown him in all direct, at all possible altitudes, bounced him off the mattress, and it’s not gonna happen. :(

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

Boomerang high to the left and then catchr the pink trampoline.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

I. Make a picture for you see my pictures the way to fly. Sorry my english is not very good.

By Mar

Got the egg on level 16!
sharp corner of first hill

Got the egg on 9. Thanks for the tip swanz

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

Nice that you got the egg Mar !

By rayyang

egg2 at level 16 sharp coner of first hill

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

whats the special gift?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

@swelld free Telebird and Electric Bomb for the weekend…
Let’s hope that the leaderborads don’t get messed up

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

@trishohara well I don’t have free anything after the update but thanks for clarifying!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

For getting it you have to click the shopping cart icon. Then a popup appears which gives you the free power birds. @swelld

By Chino

Don’t you know, It’s the 6 birdday anniversary of the Angry birds seasons celebrate, It comes with unlimited power birds that can be available for weekend only, After you claim that, There’s another special offer that contains 60x power ups & power birds like Power Potion/Allaka BAM & Telebird/Shockwave, there only be purchases of US$9.99

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

There is some instability in level 1

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)

Thanks @trishohara, you should comment in the Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels page so @mvnla2 can add it to the list.

Also, the walkthrough pages are now up and running.

Happy flinging!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

Thanks @sweetp. I now posted it there. Also at the Walkthrough page.
Great that the WT pages are now up and running. But no leaderboard?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

@sweetp @mvnla2 is no longer updating the self destruction forum .

Rank: Master Slinger with 5575 points
By bullets0000 (@bullet)

Thank god we’re out of the uncanny valley.
AB and limbs are simply a terrible mix.

By Baru

I can not open the old halloween episode… it is wierd, because other old episodes work… :-(

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

which one? Try to close the app, re open it, have wifi activated

By Baru

Both… Trick or treat and Ham’o’ween too… I put off/on wifi and app and the result is all the same… and some not downloaded episode I can not download too, but wifi works… other app and the internet works great.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

I heard somewhere that Rovio has connection/server problems. Maybe this is the reason too. Was the episode already downloaded from the cloud and did you have already at least once opened it after the download? Because else if not, it wants to connect to the server and that might not work right now.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8385 points
By Sonnykero (@sonnykero)


Rovio has confirmed that their internet servers are down..

This has been confirmed on The Facebook page of Angry Birds

By Baru

Problem solved…. enough put off/on phone ;-)

Rank: Fling King with 4725 points
By This is SG (@sahil-gagrai)
By Malenayu

Is anyone having trouble with the last item for the Halloween costume for Red? The hook found in Piggywood studios level 1-16. It is on the left lower part, hanging from the middle ceiling. I am unable to break it, no matter what I do. I tried even with Shockwave, just wasted it on nothing.
Any thoughts?! :)

By Malenayu

I just tried with the Eagle, and I did it. Only works when the Eagle passes right through it. I think it should be manageable in other ways too, but at least this worked :D

By Fjas

Having the same issue, unable to break the hook..

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

Go to Piggywood Studios 1-18 and drop the hook in the lava pit- not only will it be immediately destroyed, but you can take out your vengeance on it however you like

By Flyingdragon

It’s actually piggywood studios level 1-13 (the level that opens when you’ve earned 12 stars) …. knock the hook into the lava and its destroyed and quest is completed

By Kathy Garvin

Need some hints on getting the feather in hammier things 1-12!

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