Our strategy for Hidden Harbor Level #4 is to detonate the TNT in the middle of the right structure with a Red bird. Then aim the Boomerang bird into the TNT high above the level, showering massive stone blocks onto the marmosets below. The score in the video below is 202,310.
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212220. First shot through the thin wall on the lowest part of the upper structure. Second shot back and up at about 11 o’clock and activate about level with the remaining upper structure.
Up to 216920 using the video’s first shot and my RSS shot.
Thanks, @dmsral, improved my score by 5k with your RSS!
@dmsral great strat!
@affemaedsche Wow, that is an amazing score! Any chance it is a typo?
@affemaedsche If your score is not a typo, I wonder, did you “call the flock”?
Thanks @bonneypattycat
@affemaedsche score removed (234810) until proof is provided.
@kelani I also found this to be the best strat. I shot just onset the front Marmoset clipping the top of the cage and continuing on to break though the wood with the upside down Marmoset. This gets rid of most of the bottom structure so that when the blocks above come crashing down you have a better chance of the most destruction. I see many more points to be had;)
A year later …..
@bonneypattycat @sal9 as I’ve been traversing these scoreboards, and having had it happen to me (thanks @sal9 for clarifying mine, I was soooo excited for that score but knew it was too good to be true) I am becoming an expert on identifying the dreaded DCB.
Classic – probably what was a really good score of 214810 (better than mine) with two bonus birds, exactly 20K on top of that, and an untouchable and impossible high. I don’t think your could get near that even with a call the flock or any other powerup.
I see that the user was removed and blocked not too terribly long after this, my guess is a history of super-high scores, no proof, and no written justification for the score.
First shot flat over the big TNT and through the wood leg on the bottom right structure. This clears out half of the structure, so when you drop the blocks, you don’t get so much stuff bouncing harmlessly off other stuff.
Second shot like @dmsral It’s easier than straight on, especially with this easy aiming trick: Zoom out full and aim at the CTF button. Trigger when Boomer is directly behind it, or a bit higher. The shot doesn’t require much precision.
Finally, a good use for that stupid button! :D
I thought I was the only one who thought that button was silly! It does make a good aiming point for this level.
@annem302 Glad it worked for you. You’re definitely not alone in that thought. Every Rio player in the Bloated Pig despises it and all the evil little powerups it contains.
You’d think Rovio would remember all the complaints they got for adding a similar button in Short Fuse.
Ooops @kelani look up↑↑↑ not sure why my reply landed there ?
I found a variation on this strategy that works better. Instead of aiming for the wood plank at bottom left of the big structure (in front of the upside-down marmoset), Aim Red to smack the left end of the stone plank that marmoset is hanging from. Most times, it decently collapses part of the structure, but sometimes the plank breaks, and complete levels the structure. That sets the stage for a lot of stone-on-stone violence in shot #2.
First shot through the carton directly on the tiny TNT in the middle of the lower structure. This enhances the possibility to make the rightmost TNT blow up. Because thats what has to happen for high scores. 2nd shot RRS as nicely described from @kelani and @dmsral
I think that tiny TNT is the key. anything that drops a lot of structure and then gets that tiny TNT clears the way for the Stones From Above to do their work and get down to the platform. every 210+ fling I’ve flung has had that tiny TNT go off and clear the top of the right structure.
Finally got reverse shot to work, I toss up to the pause button on my tiny android phone (the screen is just shy of the size of a business card). with such a small screen I couldn’t even tell the tiny TNT was TNT!
For what it’s worth, I used the red bird to shatter the leftmost hanging plank (which isn’t an easy shot), dropping the first load of bricks and TNT onto the left lower structure. That usually gets somewhere around 32k, unless the red bird or a piece of shrapnel takes down the left side of the larger structure, which can give you around 50-75k. Then comes the high, reverse boomerang bird shot into the main hanging parts. Most of the time the rightmost part of the structure with one bird cage and maybe that hanging marmoset are left. If it does take everything out, the score is usually in the low 200ks, but at least once it got me a pretty good score. I think that time the upper materials fell in two parts, with the first block setting up the remainder on the ground for better destruction by the second wave. The main reason I started that way is that I thought it would give the boomerang bird better access to the hanging materials, and it does, but a well placed shot will knock everything down even without it.
@snoid I believe you are correct on the “second wave analysis”. if you can get it to fall in pieces as opposed to one big catastrophic dump, the first pieces better clear the way for the ones to follow. I got fairly capable at repeating by clipping the top left stone on the platform that the first tiny TNT sit atop, as opposed to hitting the tiny TNT directly or whacking the bottom left stone (which tends to blow up the TNT as well). Downside is that often you break that stone and don’t blow up the TNT.
Exactly as in video: https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/members/bernersenn/album/picture/10512/
@cajunmuddog congrats to your highscore. Could you please explain how you did it and upload a screen with your score in it?
Cc: @admins
Late to these levels & I was struggling being stuck at 207290 on iPad after having tried a variety of alternate methods. I should have tried ABN 1st, as I just managed to finally get my above average of 214880 by Walkthrough. @bernersenn
certainly executed his shots better than me; I’ll have to adjust my shot #2 as you pic looks to be quite higher or a steeper arc than I used.
I generally look at Walkthrough text score & read the comments & go to highest scoring comments’ strategies 1st, but this time the ABN Wakkthrough is what finally got me above average. Thanks Slim, Sal or whomever : -(
Sorry for the ‘posting’ delay; health & other adventures have delayed me :-O. Btw, THANKS so much to @kathy for encouragement …. & to YOU, @bernersenn as well(!!!) … during a very rough time for me. I worked on this one for a long time; it seems like no matter what combination of strategies I used, they were all to no avail :-). Finally I used your strategy, @bernersenn as regards the first shot…making it pretty much like what was in the video. However, for the second shot, after much experimentation, I decided (for 2nd shot) to focus on the reverse / boomerang bird shot …. so that ‘HAL’ would be as close to the top of the overhanging green ‘beam’ as possible The ‘glove’ in the snap….
09.20.15_00 AB HiddenHarborNo.04_reverse Hal strategy.JPG
….points pretty much to ‘RED’ – who is jumping up-and-down with glee – over the score caused by HAL’s (impact & following) destruction_TO 220,720. You can actually (faintly) see a white (shadow?) ‘path’ of ‘HAL’s journey – from sling to (HAL’s approximate) impact. I hope this helps others! ALSO, I wish everyone of ABN a very Happy Holiday Season and my best for the happiest of Happy New Years! :-) – with more best wishes & special thanks, once again, for all the kindnesses & support during the year from @kathy , @bernersenn , @hunnybunny , @kelani , @fenikus & ALL the countless kind ‘NEST folks’ !!! AND, of course my thanks to my advisor & ever faithful best friend, ‘OWL’ – my 15+ yo Siamese kitty :-)
_ OWL (helping with)_09.20.15_00 AB HiddenHarborNo.04_reverse Hal strategy.JPG
Oh, & just btw, the above MAY be a ‘new’ strategy :-) ? Best, Rogue :)
exactly as in video @amslimfordy thx
birst bird roll to TNT in middle, some stones in middle breaks a little bit.
second high loop, hit the top-left TNT
Love seeing the German text in the screenshot. Does anyone know how many languages are supported by Angry Birds?
exactly the same as in video @amslimfordy
six month later a little bit more points
I did the same following the ABN video, thank you.. The two square stones on the bottom have to be destroyed to obtain a high score. Played many many times but got lucky once to eliminate the two stones with falling debris. Fun level to play.
There are several more nice first shots.
A) going under like the video often propels some little blocks up into the next structure, causing some amount of damage
B) hitting the concrete block dead on causes the first structure to slowly fall right, and the ensuing damage completely destroys it, but rarely touches the second structure. good start for a solid low 200s 3 bird 3-star and simple to make.
C) my current high (only 210 but really close to “average”) was from striking the concrete block simultaneously with the box above, the structure shifts and the large TNT falls, upon detonation blasting (50% of the time) a box or the concrete triangle into the structure causing quite a bit of damage. My best first on this netted almost 90K and took out everything on top including all marmies. the one in 20 times I flub the boomer shot, of course.
I have to wonder if the backwards boomer described above might net more for some reason, I can never seem to hit it so stick with the lob, I have 95% success with that, unless of course I have that one awesome first shot.
here a alternative:
first bird like the video, roll to the middle TNT.
second like @dmsral , bird reverse to hit the top-left-tnt
here a video with 218k:
@admins – Can you please clarify the score to beat today?
221,070 is listed as the High Score, but that score is not shown for any player.
“Rogue” posted 220,720 back in 2015.
@meanguy comex beat his own high score, so it would be whatever his previous high score was.. @comex666 do you remember what that score was?
@meanguy @karen68
on Challenge-Side you can see the old highscore 221070.
that´s from me at Sept. 20, 17
today i beat a little bit more
@karen68 @comex666
Thanks !!!
Just like the video :)