Angry Birds Rio Blossom River Walkthrough Level #20

Boss fight! Our strategy for Blossom River Level #20 is to wait for the hanging blocks to move a bit to the left, then fling a Yellow bird through their rope. The Yellow bird should continue onward to detonate the TNT on the far side, while the falling block will clear out a few marmosets. Launch the Black bird into the TNT near the slingshot, showering the level with pebbles. When both large marmosets are knocked out, the gate will open to reveal Nigel. A single strong attack on him should finish the level in explosive fashion. The score in the video below is 178,470.

Category: 11. Blossom River, Angry Birds Rio, Walkthroughs, Walkthroughs
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Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

2* = 170820

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18080 points
By steely59 (@steely59)Score: 187,890

172,950 also 2*

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 189,740

3* minimum must be 177k as shown because:

176570 is 2*

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

1st Bird like walkthrough, then wait for the bouncy marmosets to hop around. Within 60 seconds or so, they will kill themselves by running into debris. This will open Nigel’s bumper gates. Fling bomb bird into his cubby and watch the fireworks.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13040 points
By Lulu2all (@lulu2all)Score: 192,650

Excellent strategy @kelani! Thank you! : )

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 184,120

Nice, @kelani, worked for me the first time I tried your strat! Thanks.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@lulu2all @Steinbird Well, I’m glad it worked for ya, but I wish I could edit it. That part about bomb bird into Nigel was myopic and just a bad idea. Bomb bird into the TNT in front of the sling will blast the stone balls into Nigel. That little difference makes 188k+ almost a given, and 190k+ MUCH more possible.

Side note: DON’T aim at the lower TNT. If that one explodes first, it deflects the balls so they frequently miss Nigel, which truly sucks after a great 1st shot. :)

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 193,790

Excellent Strategy @kelani Worked like a charm for me. Never would have thought to wait and let the critters do themselves in!! I found it very repeatable. Thanks Again!! 193k

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8240 points
By DEDENAMIK (@dedenamik)Score: 190,600

Some tips which I hope to be helpful. Yellow bird as in the video. Hit at a point that the falling stones will not get destroyed, but stay on the red platform. You will find the hitting point after 3-4 attempts. If there is no debris remaining on any red platform, there is no need to wait, restart. If there is any debris then be patient and wait. Either the marmosets will destroy the debris or the debris will destroy the marmosets. Patience is the key at this level. As all marmosets are gone high arc the bb to the nest of Nigel. Booooom…

By Morph416

This is a crazy one, when going for the feather. If you try to take out the level first, you may only get around 63%.

Toss the tuna can so it bounces off the lower life preserver on the far right next to Nigel.. it should rest on the monkey, or fall below.. the eagle will do the rest.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7745 points
By Just Joan (@just-joan)Score: 188,780

After driving myself crazy trying to kill all the marmosets. I discovered that only the hopping marmos are the ones you need to kill. And they do that themselves bouncing in the debris left by yellow bird. I did not have to use the black bird. I threw it at the Boss. and all the non jumping marmos were in the the final Boss explosion. I must be a slow learn to just figure that out now . roflmbo

By William

Crazy level,only have some time to figure it out.

Rank: Slinger with 1140 points
By stephanie plum (@stephanie-plum)Score: 186,660

179740, should have been higher (I think) but I didn’t get any points for the 3 birds I had left. Does it happen to others as well?
My strategy is to shoot yellow bird straight into the tnt.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 193,900

Yes, I am getting better results going straight for the TNT too, though I am still only a bit better than average.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 193,900

Please disregard my comment here and see my reply to Whome below.

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By gramlord (@gramlord)Score: 203,070

A couple of times now the remaining birds have not been counted. And I’ve had the structure self destruct when the gates opened too.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 193,900

@gramlord, did the structure self-collapse for your 203k score?

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By gramlord (@gramlord)Score: 203,070

@bonneypattycat No it didn’t. I only saw the self destruction once and was also one of the times where the remaining birds were not counted so the score was quite low.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 189,940

I had the same thing happen to me twice now. It looks as if I am getting points for the leftover birds, but it (as in many other levels, like the golden anchor) stops counting before all of the destruction has been counted. With the 3-birder, the white bomber bobs around in the water as all of the debris is falling and the counting goes on, hence my 187. there were still things falling out of the sky when it started counting my spare bird bonus, then my battery died, to much waiting for the Marmies to commit sepiku.

I’ve used the TNT and the big crane payload method with +- 1K difference.

Rank: Sling God with 29535 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)Score: 192,190

@kelani Remaining marmosets aren’t knocking themselves out with such alacrity as they did on the first day. Hmm.. .

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@TomPuss Hmm. Perhaps they’ve felt the guiding paw of evolution? :)

For me, primate death depends on debris quantity & type. Stone blocks are best. One can kill both marmosets. Planks/stone balls kill one, but not both. Wood is useless. Also nice are the stone planks that fall to form a flat-topped triangle in the center. The left can hurt a marmoset, but always breaks. The right can kill both, eventually.

Best case, both marmosets slip and fall off a platform, then bash their furry heads trying to jump back up.

As far as score, I did 100 runs with yellow into either TNT. Then I did 50 more aiming bomb bird above the hanging blocks. It took 40 attempts to get a 2-birder, but the score was abysmal. Perhaps my birds weren’t counted, like you and @stephanie-plum I’d really like to know what @HKG did.

Rank: Sling God with 29535 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)Score: 192,190

Hi @kelani Yes, my first thought was that the little blighters were on a learning curve! As for my progress since then, I brought down the triangular thingie with Yellow bird and this time didn’t have too long to wait before marmosets KO’d. Then I bombed the TNTs and zapped Boss Bird with the stones – 192,190, it was a nice moment!
Certainly, debris is key to nuking the enemy.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@annie-leigh Excellent score! I have some serious catching up to do. Isn’t it fun watching those furry pests scramble around and die? Plus, that ‘I just fell off a cliff’ death yell really freaks out my cat.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but until last night, bombing the TNT to kill Nigel simply never occurred to me. Maybe it was the allure of hitting him directly in the beak with a bomb, but what a nice 8k improvement! Add a good 1st shot, and 190k is easily attainable.

Rank: Sling God with 29535 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)Score: 192,190

@stephanie-plum Yes it’s happening to me sometimes too.

By Whome

First bird same as video, but waited till hanging concrete was almost to far left of gantry. Lucky timing, concrete fell trapping first marmoset underneath it and wooden crates. He never escaped! Second marmoset eventually gave up the ghost on same pile of concrete. Shot bomb bird into double TNT stack balls went into parrot chamber. You know what happened then. 193590

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 193,900

I just had a “duh” moment. Of course, first bird up top to drop the stones, then send bomb bird to TNT. Still took a while to break 190k.

I vary the timing of the first bird depending on where the marmosets first jump to. If one lands in the center, I do like video so that stones drop on that marmoset. It may not kill him, but he cushions the stones so they do not break right away, instead they are hopefully left for a marmoset to slip on later. If a marmoset does not land in the center, wait for one to land on left platform, then sent yellow bird up. GL!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 193,900

PS Thank you Whome for waking me up!

By Whome

My pleasure, now if only someone could wake me up!!!!!! I do wish more levels would end as this one did, KA BOOM.

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By gramlord (@gramlord)Score: 203,070

New strategy. Do nothing. The jumping Marmosets killed themselves. Then yellow bird through the gate to bring the whole lot down. Score 203,070. I haven’t entered this yet because I’d like an admin to tell me if this is considered a bug and hence a bogus score.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

@Gramlord — I’m not an admin, so I’ll leave it to them to answer your question, but I do think this belongs on the list of self-destroying levels. Do you have any idea how frequently this happens? How long do you need to wait?

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@mvnla2 I’m gonna attempt to replicate this tonight. I can’t see how it could happen since there’s no debris to injure them, but stranger things have happened. If I get any results, you’ll be the first to know.

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By gramlord (@gramlord)Score: 203,070

It has happened 4 times out of the 5 I tried. Happens because sometimes they miss the ledge and fall in the space between, where they then hit the boxes etc. I’m on an iPad.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

@Gramlord — What model of iPad and IOS? I play on iPad 2 with IOS 7.1. Haven’t seen it yet. I guess I misread your post, because I haven’t been waiting 5 min, more like 2 or 3. So far have tried 8 times, and only seen any points twice.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 193,900

I play on iPad 3, iOS 7.1 No self-destructing marmosets here, not even after resetting.

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By gramlord (@gramlord)Score: 203,070

Oh, and you only need to wait, maybe, 5 minutes. Once it happened in about 2 minutes.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

@gramlord @Kelani — The big marmosets are known to be clumsy. There is at least one other level in which they kell themselves. I have seen some points accumulate, but so far they survive.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

@gramlord — As @Kelani said, you must have gotten your Marmosets drunk.
As for your high score. My suggestion is that you post it on the leaderboard. You will need a screenshot that you post in your album. It may not be allowed because there are limits set on each level. If it is not allowed ask @AMSlimfordy to increase the limit.
Good Luck.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

@gramlord @kelani — Gramlord posted in “Bugs and Glitches” that he/she has an old iPad with an old operating system. That could explain all! Kelani (iPad mini) and I (iPad) are playing on newer devices with newer operating systems. Kelani posted his results below.
I have a total of 25 runs, 14 of them for 7 or min (all except 3 more than 10 min). I have gotten ~500 pts 3 times, got 2050 and 8160 once each.
I doubt that partial destruction helps much, since everything will be destroyed anyway.
So if you have an older device with an older operating system, rejoice, and have at it.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

Should be 7 or more min. Grr!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

Also should have said that partial damage without destroying 2 large marmosets probably doesn’t help much. Destruction is always partial.
@AMSlimfordy — Maybe you can edit above so it makes sense? Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 198,370

@gramlord first of Congrats on the trophy; ) @mvnla2 I can confirm that the marmosets In fact Do hurt themselves beforeflinging a bird so far in the first 5 minutes I’ve got 650 points and they are jumping fast as @rat9 has mentioned they do that before they die.I’m gonna watch it but i believe the score is legit! is not how i got my score though i used rat9 strat below.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 198,370

ohhh and mention left tnt just exploded on it’s own! !@mvnla2

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 198,620

I’ve been able to duplicate this self-destruction, also on a 1st gen ipad running ios5.
The big marmosets randomly slip off the platforms after landing on them, they end up falling right down to the ground & get stuck underneath, so every time they jump they hit the platform or even some of the crates & planks underneath & get damaged. There’s no debris on the platforms to make them lose their balance, they just slide off.

Tried to grab a pic of one falling, you can sort of see it –

The 1st marmoset self-destructing, caught under the right platform –

Followed by the 2nd marmoset the same way –

Final score was 198k, you can clearly see the 4 remaining birds –

Out of 15 attempts only 1 failed, meaning after 15 min nothing had happened so I reset. Other 14 tries gave me scores ranging from 186k-198k.
The timing really varies. For the 1st marmoset to go, I’ve seen it happen in 40 sec, or take up to 4 minutes.
Total time for both marmosets to go has varied from 3-9 minutes.
Most of the time they were caught under the right platform.

@AMslimfordy if this is a glitch unique to not only a device but also an old OS, I’m not sure about posting my score? Doesn’t seem fair somehow.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 183,820

It doesn’t really sound like its OS-unique. I think scores are fine.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@AMSlimFordy FYI, I ran this level through 5 days of auto-testing on PC. I ran 7,244 attempts at 5 min. per. If points accrued, it took a screenshot. I had 103 instances of a marmoset hitting a box for 440-580, and 32 where another box fell for 2250. I think it’s a safe bet this won’t happen on PC.

You may be right, of course, but given the frequency which @Karen68 and gramlord encountered this, and the absence of reports/scores from every other OS/platform. IMO there’s just not enough data yet to prove it either way.

Admittedly, I’m no ios expert. I don’t see how an older device/os version could even cause this. If I install Rio on ios5 and compare the code to a copy on ios7, aren’t they identical? Put another way, Is there anything about how ios interacts with Rio that could affect AB physics?

It just seems odd that deep in ios5 lies a line of code that sometimes lowers the coefficient of friction for a marmoset’s paw. :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 196,890

@mvnla2 @karen68 @kelani @amslimfordy

It looks like self-destruction of 2 big marmosets is possible on newer iPads as well, see screenshot below. The score before I got bored of watching the leftover monkey jump around was 36,450 and it just needed another hit do die. It happens once in a blue moon though, unlike almost every time on older iPads.

Big marmosets almost commit suicide on iPad 2, iOS 7.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

Thanks @fenikus — But I’m not going to try again. I did get up to 2000 once (see below).

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 198,620

@fenikus so it can happen on a newer ipad.. I’m curious, did it take a long time for the 1st one to go? And I’m guessing that it took you a lot of tries too? Your screenshot & score look a lot like my successful runs at this.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 196,890

Hi @karen68, yes it took quite a lot of tries since I’ve been trying to better my score on this level the “regular” way. But once in a while, marmosets slip up very quickly, even before I have to setup YB for the first shot, so you kinda know whether to wait and see what happens.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 196,890

p.s. And just to clarify, it did NOT happen for me, the second monkey never died even though it was ever so close. I just wanted to report this since no one else on newer iPads reported getting more than aprox. 2K.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@fenikus Do you remember if they slipped off the #5 (far right) platform, or clipped a box to the left of the #3 (center) platform? I’m curious if the first one’s slipping is leaving debris for the second marmo to hit, or if the second is also slipping.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 196,890

@Kelani, it was the far right platform. One of the marms slipped and pushed the boxes to the middle platform. The second one broke the boxes in the middle and started slipping toward boxes on the left but unfortunately recovered. In any case, his slippage was cause by debris, he was not suicidal like his comrade.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

Aside from slipping on the same platform, that sounds pretty different than @gramlord‘s scenario. Congrats on being the only new ipadder to replicate it, er close enough. Given your perfect record with transient phenomena this week, might I advise buying some lottery tickets? :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 196,890

@Kelani, I don’t know, just the day prior I had 4K+ after the depressed monkey went off the ledge and started flailing when it changed its mind about suicide. I didn’t think much of it because I incorrectly thought you guys had that happen many times but now I see it was only 2K max. So maybe it happens every 100 times or so.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@fenikus @karen68 Is this an accurate breakdown?:

1st gen iPad/iOS 5: Occurs quickly post-reset in 93.5% of attempts. Two Reports, both w/multiple instances.
Newer iPad/iOS 7: Occurs quickly post-reset. Beyond rare: Of 68 ios players in Top 100, One report w/two instances.
PC: None
Android: None

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 198,620

@kelani it looks about right. Just gave it another go & got the self-destruction 4 out of 5 tries – I reset after 12 min of nothing on the unsuccessful one. Didn’t score higher than 189k on any of them though.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@karen68 thank you. :) I think I’m gonna velcro my ipad to my arm and walk around resetting every 30 seconds until I can get this to happen.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@fenikus @karen68 @mvnla2
I finally replicated fenikus’ iOS7 near-miss. First marmoset slips on the right platform and turns left. He starts jumping into the boxes. One tilts onto the center platform, which makes the second marmoset slip and face left, and so on, except the little bugger won’t die.

In ~1200 attempts, I got 2050-6910 damage about 3% of the time. 33.8k/1 dead marmoset was .04%. 2 marmos could be possible, but iOS5’s 93% success rate is just nuts in comparison. Based on my PC tests above, I don’t think it’s possible on that platform.

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By gramlord (@gramlord)Score: 203,070

Hey all, I’ve uploaded a 3 minute video to YouTube showing the self-killing Marmosets. Sorry about the poor video and audio quality.

Here’s the link:

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 193,640

Thanks @gramlord for the do nothing strategy. Let the jumping monkeys self destruct. Did this one and it still works for a better than average score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@gramlord must have drunk marmosets :) Thanks for the details, btw.

@mvnla2 In 200 attempts, all I got was 3 instances of a marmoset damaging himself. Every ~50 attempts, within 30 seconds of reset, the left marmoset jumps from platform 1 to 3 (1=far left, 5=far right) and his tail clips the wooden box to the left of platform 3; for 440-580 points. I got this to happen 3 times. Each time I let it run for 20 min. with no additional point accrual.

I’ve noticed when these marmos jump from one low platform to another, i.e. 1 to 3, 3 to 5, they will infrequently take damage from items or debris beyond the left edge of the #3 platform, but not the right. (curious note, with debris left of platform 3, jumping from 1-3 will eventually hurt them. Jumping from 5 to 3, they’ll bounce off harmlessly. Debris on the right side never hurts them.)

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 185,670

Thanks @Kelani! I did a hard reset and have been restarting off and on this morning. Have seen ~500 or 600 pts; once probably after 30 sec, but nothing more. I did see 2000 pts once yesterday (see SD Forum).

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 197,220

@Kelani Like @Mvnla2, I got 2050 once and let it run for 15 minutes without any increase. But I haven’t tried but about five times.
BTW, I think the points above 190k come from the destruction of the concrete balls. I could be wrong, and frequently am, but every time I’m able to get most of the balls destroyed, my score is higher. Just a thought. One of the best ways to help with the ball destruction is to hit the wood plank on the upper right to bring down the concrete blocks. This leaves the TNT available to destroy a few on the second shot. Placement of the second shot is also a factor.
All this will be mute once everyone gets the zero birders.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@rat9 @mvnla2 Ok, old ipad makes more sense. I was unable to play today so I left my ipad nearby and restarted it every 5-10 mins. Didn’t get a thing other than that one random marmoset hitting his butt on the box.

Rat is right about those balls being key to 190k+. I was stuck at 184k until I stopped firing bomb bird directly into Nigel. Neat idea on the wood plank. If nothing else, it makes them fall with less damage on them, so they last longer.

Did you attack it directly, or squeeze some weird angle through the hanging blocks?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 197,220

@Kelani I shot high at the hanging blocks as they get close to the left side. Then let him start to drop before activation. You get the hanging blocks to drop on the left boxes or a marmoset and the upper concrete blocks to drop, hopefully, on a marmoset on the right side.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@Rat9 …assuming you can hit that stupid plank! :P Pretty hard shot, but it sure cleans out a lot of stuff below. It also taught me something: Those stone balls don’t always hit Nigel.

I just tried your shot, then failed w/ bomb bird, finished with white bird and got 187k! Did the math. Screamed loudly. Kicked stuff. etc.. :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 197,220

Ha ha ha ha ha. Nice try @Kelani. That’s the problem with using bomb bird to destroy all those balls. You still need at least one to kill the parrot.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

Just to update, I too finally got a pre-1st bird 2050 score, but it was all from the box left of center platform. No slipping marmosets or anything.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 197,220

@Kelani I have a better Whiiinnnne story for ya. I cleared everything on my first bird. Shot bomb bird into the lower TNT and accelerated the concrete balls faster than I ever have before. All of them disintegrated except for the one that hit Nigel in the middle of his chest. When it hit his chest, it too disintegrated. But Nigel stayed firm. I shot the third bird and still scored 195k+. Sure wish the ball would have pushed Nigel. Ouch!!!!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@Rat Aw man, that sucks. I’ve had that with white bird, dropped egg in front of Nigel, then she bounces over him. Never fails to annoy me.

Sorry you missed that awesome shot. Knowing you, you won’t let it get away from ya again.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

@Rat9 I had all of them left, they just missed the stupid bird! :P Semi-made up for it a few shots later, though. I’ll have to practice that shot more when I am awake.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 184,120

@slimfordy, I experienced a true bug. I had 167,000 points after killing the parrot and blowing up everything with the boomerang bird, I had 167,000+ points and still had YB left. But it immediately cut to the screen where the points are totaled, and did not give me the 10K for the remaining YB (which would have given me 3*!). I don’t know if anyone has experienced this, I could not find it in the Bugs pages.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 184,120

iPhone 4 platform, v 6.1.2

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 197,360

It’s not just you. @stephanie-plum and @gramlord also reported that happening (6 posts below yours on my strategy). I’ve had the last YB appear to be uncounted a few times as well, but my scores were roughly what they should have been, so hopefully it’s just the 10,000 bird points graphic being skipped?

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 194,760

I’ve had the explosion stop half way through, the structure and all remaining marmosets just disappear into thin air!
Which isn’t helping my current appalling score………

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 197,220

First, short of a zero birder, you need all the marmosets to die on the first shot to attain a 190k+ score. After my first shot I’ve had high scores that resulted in low final scores and low scores that resulted in high final scores. Other than clearing the marmosets, I don’t think your score after one bird is super important. What I have seen make a difference is how many concrete balls you can left. They don’t self destroy after you kill Nigel. You must destroy them with your second shot. To this end, I do two things.

1. Don’t explode the TNT behind the blocks. Leave it to destroy concrete balls on the second shot. I shoot my first shot in a high arc as the hanging blocks are approaching the far left. Then I activate at an angle to hit the wood support under the blocks on the far right wall. This leaves the TNT intact. (Plus I find it more fun) You also get fairly consistent clears on the first bird with this approach.

2. Shoot Bomb bird in such a way as to accelerate the balls. They will disintegrate when they hit anything if you get them moving fast enough. The upper level balls that are moving slower in a high arc will be destroyed by that TNT you left earlier. My favorite approach to accelerating the balls is to shoot Bomb bird just under the upper green platform with the TNT on it. Activate just prior to hitting the TNT.

*Word of warning: If your not perfect with your position on the second shot a couple of bad things can happen. You can destroy too many balls and not have one left to kill Nigel. Ouch! Or you can have the balls fly in a direction where they don’t kill Nigel. Ooops! Practice the shot. You’ll find the sweet spot. Good luck from the “Space Rat”.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 198,370

Yahooo Thanks @rat9 Pa I did it!! thank you for such a great strat! !

Rank: Sling God with 46680 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 197,460

You can also have to much destruction after the first bird:
Finished the level with the bombbird to Nigel: 192k

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 194,760

For what it’s worth I had 18k of self destruction on iPad 3 iOS 7.1
Some debris fell on the lower platforms, but the sneaky marmosets crushed it without slipping off.
I’ve played this level literally hundreds of times, and it’s the first time it’s happened.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5675 points
By WandaK (@alicerice)Score: 187,880

A strange thing happened when I was playing this level last night. I killed all of the marmosets, but the door did not open to let me shoot into the cage. I waited and waited. Still nothing. Then I decided to simply take my white bombing bird and explode it into the door. The door did not open, but the entire platform disintegrated just the same as it does when the doors do open. The problem is that it changed my score to zero then. Why did that happen?

it’s okay because I played for a while and eventually won back a score slightly better than I had before. But I have just never seen this going back to zero behavior.

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