Angry Birds Rio Beach Volley Walkthrough Level 11 (5-11)

Beach Volley level 5-11 is one of the most difficult levels in Angry Birds Rio. Our first strategy is to fire the Red bird into the top of the left structure. Launch Blu & Jewel at a similar trajectory, speeding through the top of the middle palm tree and into the right tower. The key to proper destruction is to take out the sand blocks in the bottom-left, clearing all marmosets. The score in the video below is 110,120.

Hidden Melon Alert!

We’ve seen a lot of folks are having trouble with this level so we’ve combined a few strategies seen in the comments to create another way of achieving 3 stars on this level. We’ve also included notes in the video to hopefully help describe what needs to happen in the strategy. NOTE: YouTube notes and annotations don’t show up on all mobile devices. The score in the video below is 114,630.

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Comments (141)

Rank: Deputized with 170 points
By angrybird_55 (@angrybird_55)

FINALLY!!!! AFTER NEARLY 45 MINUTES I GET 114,880. Used a mix of strategies to get it done. Only used the red, blu and jewel and the yellow birds.

By AliG

YES!!! Took hours and hours of rewatching the walkthrough, and I finally got it! :-) Went from sitting on 109,650 for AGES to 119,770.
I’m never coming back to this level.
Somehow I ended up knocking a lot more over with the first red bird, leaving the blue birds to knock down the middle section, and if I hadn’t stuffed up with the yellow bird, that would have taken out everything else.

By Sebastián

Hello, excuse my English. First to break the first palm with the red one, then with the two blues break the sand base of the first structure to the left. Then with the yellow, break the sand base of the second structure. I did it with 3 birds. 125,420. May you have to wait until the first palm tree is totaly broken.

By Paula

This one drove me nuts ’cause I couldn’t get all the crates on the first structure out of the way. Finally, after red bird took out palm tree and double blues took out first structure I used yb to destroy remaining crates. Then used wb to power thru the sands blocks causing entire second structure to collapse! It only gave me 111,060 but that’s enough for three stars. I may come back to beef up score but moving on for now. (I realize most have finished rio but posting this for any who left rio for last as I did.)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 136,940

1st bird under the sand to clean up the left part, if you are struggling to get the 2nd bird right just aim it high so it can be shot properly under the tree it works just as well :-)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,710

How to get red under sand beyond palm. tree is not happening. for me @crivit how did you do it? ty for help:)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 136,940

hi @kathy, np. I made a screenshot of how I aim my 1st shot, you can find it in my album.
Mostly the red bird gets stuck in the leaves, but sometimes it goes faster and goes through all the sandblocks. When this happens, at least on pc, best chance that everything collapses. If this happens twice in an hour you can consider yourself lucky, but u will have a great chance for a 2 or 3 birder.
Hope this will help you, good luck!

Rank: Champion with 3935 points
By greatleo (@greatleo)Score: 121,910

Talk about a low percentage shot! Twice now in the last 10 minutes I’ve managed to take out all of the sand blocks under the crates, and the structure STILL DIDN”T FALL! Arrgh!

Rank: Champion with 3935 points
By greatleo (@greatleo)Score: 121,910

Make that THREE times!!!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 120,490

I didn’t get that close to highest score, but I hope some of these details might help.
I think this is just additional details to shots that have been previously described. Strat follows 2nd video, but if you want 120 or above, it has to be done with 3 birds. First 2 are most difficult.
1st bird, draw back exactly horizontally, and then lower by 3 to 5 pixels. Bird needs to hit sand block just below second palm, and tack out righter sand triangle under 2nd palm if you want whole 1st structure to fall. This almost never happened for me, but you can get 120 without 1st structure falling. It helps if palm falls further to left to leave room for second shot.
2nd shot, aim B&J nearly vertically: Jewels beak should be hidden behind post of slingshot, and eye should be mostly covered by sling. Exactly how high you aim depends on how much space you have between second palm and wood crates. As said in video, you want B&J to come down as far as possible [maybe]. Having them hit furthest left wood crate, or maybe upper edge of that crate (essentially between that one and top large crate seems to be best.
Second shot must clear entire first structure, leaving bare sand below 3rd palm.
3rd bird Aim in low arc and accelerate to follow right slope of sand under 3rd palm. For 120+, this needs to take out everything else.
If not, use WB to take out remaining, but not clear if you will get better than average.
Good luck. I’m taking a rest from this level.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 120,490

Should have added that I would appreciate these kind of details from anyone who got more than 120, especially 130 and above. I think the higher scores must be 2 birds, with the first bird taking out the entire first structure; something I haven’t figured out how to do yet. Maybe I should follow Crivit’s suggestion, which implies that the first bird should be aimed lower.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 126,800

@mvnla2 I don’t know if it will help, but did you see my very, very old comment on the previous page? It certainly lacks detail, and I haven’t been able to repeat it today. Admitedly, though, I’ve spent hours on one level of Piglantis, instead. I know that I’m much more detailed in the suggestions I make over a year later.

I completely agree with you about appreicating detail from people with higher scores (and I made a plea for such detail on Pigltantis 2-15 a couple of days ago).

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 120,490

Thanks! Actually, may have missed that. Sounds like a different approach. Will have to try a couple of times before giving up on this level.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 120,490

Correction — First bird is 2 to 3 pixels down.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 136,940

on youtube there is an example of a 2 birder. I indeed shoot my first bird one pixel lower than that video, it works better for me. My 2nd shot is very high even higher than in the 2nd video on here, somehow this gives the blue more momentum flying through the sand under the tree.
Oh and I can assure you everyone with a score of 130k+ is very patient ;-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8830 points
By Andy (@andy2510)Score: 124,890

Thanks for the advice – got a decent score because of it!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 136,940

@kathy here is a screenshot of how to aim the 3rd shot when u managed to destroy the left side with two birds instead of one. With this strat u will have a score of over 120k. With luck of destroying more of the trees 130 is even possible
With this help I really expect you to beat the average score :-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 136,940

this is more clear wish I could change my comments so I don’t look like a fool all the time @slim ;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,710

Thank ypu @crivit I really appreciate all your help.on.this one :)

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 123,220

Got my score using 4 birds, took three to get the first tower down, although I “wasted” the first red taking out the 1st tree (3k+ points there). Once 1st tower was down, I used one of my favourite shots – the “bloated bird” – tossing the white bird under the centre palm tree and through under right tower to bring it all down. I found I got more destruction without dropping the bomb. Not that impressive a score overall, but I’ll take it, this was one tough level.

By anne

O.K. My approach is rb lobbed to back structure just grazing through leaves of tall middle palm. Takes out all of far right. Then b&j through second palm to take down front and rest of monkeys. 115k and I ‘m done! I just couldn’t duplicate the other way.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 131,110

Per request, I have re-done Rio Beach Volley 5-11. Video 112,470.

(Apologies: Video has max quality of 360p since I am at the office right now and don’t have video editing software. I will try to upload a 720p tonight.)

A few tricks and tips here:
Red bird (7k+): He should pass through ONLY leaves 3 & 4 of the first palm tree (counting clockwise). While the crates can cascade from the first shot, it is not necessary. If it DOES happen though, you are in pretty good shape. The second palm tree should always fall based on this shot, and ideally there should be AT MOST 2 sand blocks supporting the crates in the bottom-left. (Worst-case scenario is seen at 5 seconds. If you are in any worse condition than this, I think you’re in an unlikely state.)

Blu & Jewel (46k+): When aiming, you should barely see daylight between Jewel and the slingshot. Having the second palm tree “flat” (as in horizontal and sort of out of the way) is better, but as you can see in the video, you CAN overcome an unfriendly tree. The lower into the gap between the palm tree and the crates, the better. It is BEST to attack the crates low, since they are more likely to cascade. I actually got quite lucky with Jewel here, I’ll admit that: My 2nd shot was not as far as I wanted it to go and I was forced to attack high. (See my video at 19 seconds. If you are pretty close to this image, you have a very good chance at earning 3 stars.)

Yellow bird (86k+): The strategy here is pretty obvious, I think. Straight ahead, cutting out the sand block under the middle palm tree and continuing downward through the sand blocks next to the crates. You can honest-to-goodness clear the level with this shot by getting the crates to cascade again, but I’m not quite that lucky, it seems. Worst-case, you should be somewhere close to what I have at 30 seconds in terms of damage and points: 1 marmoset, mid-80s, and a few blocks.

White bird (102k+): I was very indecisive on this shot. One idea I had was to be greedy: Shoot the White bird short of the Palm Tree, bombing it to smithereens and hoping she ricochets into the last marmoset. However, as the video was designed to be informative and semi-repeatable, I decided that wouldn’t be wise. So I’ll cross that out since it’s not helpful unless you want to be greedy. Instead, I loft her way over that palm tree in the middle and bomb to the left of the marmoset. There’s plenty of debris here and it’s easy to compromise the apparently-stable structure. It’s not the prettiest ending, but it works.

Red Bird (112k+): BONUS

Rank: Hardened with 545 points
By Gracie (@gracie0211)

This is amazing!! And you did all of this while at the office? Amazing!! If ever I’m meant to finish this level, it’ll be soon and it’ll be because of this.

Rank: Hardened with 545 points
By Gracie (@gracie0211)

Sometime within the past week, I received downloads to update all of my AB – I have Original, Rio, Seasons, and my least favorite, Star Wars. (The updates are a little frustrating for me because if I don’t go and look for them, I would never know they were here.) When I ran the updates something definitely happened to the game (Rio) because everything is different now. I think this was the way it was supposed to be. I don’t have birds hanging in the air anymore nor do I have them still perched somewhere after the dirt under them has disappeared. Also I think the scoring has straightened out. I used to watch the birds hit things on certain levels and I would get 200 or 250 points for it after watching things crumble all over my screen. Now if the same thing happens it’s A Scoring Event where I might be 75,000 points better off. I really think this is how it was supposed to be. However, just to share my frustration, last night I had three birds left over, scored 91,350, but only got two stars for my efforts. Today: Two birds leftover, scored 108,730, only two stars. A little while ago I used two birds, got a score of 108,900, and was left again with only two stars. THAT is frustrating!! (My secret is to go up and not across. I get a higher score when I toss things up in the air than I do by throwing them sideways.) Question to AMslimfordy: Have you also used ME?
I wish I could say this was still “fun” but frankly, fun left the game a long time ago on this level and I haven’t seen it again since. Maybe it’ll come back around once I get off this level.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 131,110

The video I recorded was on the most up-to-date version of the game.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 131,390

Thank you @AMslimfordy, the new video was immensely helpful! There’s something to be said about arriving late to the party ;

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 131,390

Oh dear.. I was referring to myself coming late to Rio… I always manage to step in it don’t I?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 131,110

Haha, no worries @bonneypattycat. I love to help if I can, and its nice to hear from valued members that we really are providing a service.

For the record, I’m having a pretty bad day, and this made me smile. So thank you for that :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 131,390

Glad to have brightened your day a little @AMslimfordy.

Oh hey, I just noticed I have a new ranking today with the little rocket…not sure it looks…um, appropriate under my avatar though :)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 131,110

Oh geez…. I’m not sure how much better the diamond will be, which is your next rank.

Rank: Sling God with 45665 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 135,160

similar like @amslimfordy many thx
here my video with 2 birds and 135k:

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 115,140

Thanks @amslimfordy for the post and @comex666 for the video. Challenging level to play and obtain a good score.

Rank: Hardened with 545 points
By Gracie (@gracie0211)

Well. After investing several MONTHS of my time, as well as a good deal of my husband’s time, a half hour or so of our daughter’s time, all with much screaming, yelling, and gnashing of our teeth, I have fairly, legitimately and legally won Angry Birds Rio level 5-11. I will happily move along to the next level and very patiently await the next one that will cause this much grief and anguish. Incidentally, I won this with two birds and 121,250 points, I believe. I got there by throwing my two birds up in the air and letting them fall somewhere where I thought they might do some good. Beyond that I had no strategy at all other than ending this nightmare as well as my fatigue with this part of the game. (I will continue to believe that whatever was wrong with my game was fixed by the download that came sometime over the past week or two.) I say good riddance and am moving along.

Rank: Fling King with 4195 points
By TrueLiz (@trueliz)Score: 120,250

I can completely understand this! After trying this level on three different days the past few weeks, I could improve on my original score from last year, of 86,000, but could not get above 106k! I tried this method repeatedly (just shooting the birds all over) and finally tonight, by (very) loosely following video 2, I got 113k with 4 birds. I will take it, and I am never coming back to this insane level!!

By Gracie

I can certainly relate to those thoughts!

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By butters (@butters)

Waited far too long to check walkthrough on this level, it was killing me! 2nd vid/4 birds/113k…same results!

By stephen

Option 2 works!!! thanks!!! I was really hating this level.

Rank: Out of this World with 2835 points
By eggsit9 (@dustyd)Score: 116,010

I’m a late comer (and lazy score poster),that said, has anyone noticed that the right hand structure partially self destructs when left on it’s own for a couple of minutes (or is that new) ?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 120,490

@dustyd @zebung — Dustyd — Don’t know if anyone else noticed it. It really seems to be more like 2 min? Anyway @zebung mentioned it in the Self-Destroying forum recently. If you do see more self-destruction, please mention it there. Thanks.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13570 points
By gordo402 (@gordo402)Score: 142,360

Since my score got deleted, here is a screen shot. Hope this helps.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13570 points
By gordo402 (@gordo402)Score: 142,360
Rank: Boss Hog with 13570 points
By gordo402 (@gordo402)Score: 142,360
Rank: Boss Hog with 13570 points
By gordo402 (@gordo402)Score: 142,360
Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By Elkku (@elkku)

I got 3 stars when I destroyed most of the sand blocks when the marmorsets were destroyed and the building fell so I got 115690 points.

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