Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 1-8

Poached Eggs level 1-8 can be done with one red bird. Fling the red bird and try to hit the middle wood square as hard as possible so that the glass block flies over the boulder popping the pig on the far right. The red bird should roll back and pop the first pig and the large stone boulder should slowly move and roll off the right edge popping the last pig. The score in the video below is 56,600.

Golden Egg #6 Alert!

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Comments (42)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 57,380

I bounced lil red off the boulder and he bounced back hiting the wod block and glass which rolled down and goyt left pig, theboulder and 2 rocks took care of right pig. Gl:)

By Bob

I used an arced path flying my bird up then it went down, hit the boulder, bounced back, and the boulder killed other pigs

By Nathan

I did what Bob did but how do you get the chest in the middle?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 56,870

Click on the Golden Egg alert to see.

By Randy

Hi!can you help with breaking open the chest & is there really an egg nside? I went thru all 27 golden egg walkthroughs but cannot find the correct one to solve the egg-zle!! Which g/egg alert were you pointing us to?

thanks so much, I am fairly new to the Birds, I have finished all of the games with three stars on all levels! Looking forward to new Angry Birds!

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 57,050

The link is above the video: Golden Egg #6 Alert!.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6195 points
By rdnzlrips82 (@rdnzlrips82)Score: 58,680

Here’s Bob’s strategy explained a little better for exact targeting:
Zoom all the way in on the slingshot. Behind the base of the slingshot there are two short pieces of grass and two taller pieces of grass. The taller blades of grass are the key. Pull the sling down and line the black part of the sling the bird sits in up with the rightmost tall blade of grass. Now, pull the sling a smidge more until you see the tiniest bit of daylight. Release and watch the bird smack the left side of the big rock, sending it down the right side of the structure. The bird bounces back left taking out the two pigs and the stack of blocks. As long as the big rock and little pebbles fall to the ground, you are looking at 57,000 or higher.
P.S. I don’t know if the background/scenery features are the same on all platforms, but I know this works on my Android.

Rank: Slinger with 1230 points
By SpyderVenom420 (@spydervenom420)Score: 59,060

Perfect description. After a couple of tries I increased my score 5k. Thank you so much.

p.s. I am using an iPhone 4 and it was spot-on.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6195 points
By rdnzlrips82 (@rdnzlrips82)Score: 58,680

Not a problem!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17465 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 58,290

Worked like a charm…per usual! Thanks @rdnzlrips82!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6195 points
By rdnzlrips82 (@rdnzlrips82)Score: 58,680

Not a problem. Take care of yourself and get mended quickly @burbman.

Rank: Deputized with 205 points
By oiklw (@oiklw)Score: 58,160

Thanks for the superb description. Added 1.5k to my score with that.

By Josh

Aim for middle of top boulder 59670

Rank: Sling God with 70560 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 58,760

Watch the bird in the sling as you pull back and hold it, Red Bird rotates his head down almost anticipating the hit with the rocks. It does not occur on every launch.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 59,730

Tips for eagle destruction on Chrome:

– Another tricky level. Use your birds to knock over the boulder(s) and see how far you can get them. Then put the can where the top left pig is and hope for the best.

Rank: Fling King with 4540 points
By Hidayat1999 (@hidayat1999)

Easier if you launch the sardine can at a high arc, popping the top left pig. Mighty destroys every blocks and those boulders while the other pigs jumped and pop.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 59,730

Top score alert… pax’s score of 65k is almost 5k above second place.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11120 points
By thetoddman23 (@thetoddman23)Score: 59,440

Yeah does seem a little high, maybe 55,940?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 57,050
Rank: Pig Leader with 11120 points
By thetoddman23 (@thetoddman23)Score: 59,440

Wow, possible 0-birder? or that boulder had to have done some major damage.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 58,690

Do they have a strat to go with it? I don’t think there is enough objects to score 65k with 1 bird method, and i can’t figure any other way.

Rank: Out of this World with 2925 points
By blue (@bluestar_127)Score: 60,230

I agree… I think this top score isn’t right. I got 60230 with only 4 pieces left on the screen. So what’s that? An extra 2k or 3k? I don’t see how anyone could get 6k higher without using PUs unless @Pax got a 0 birder (which I really doubt) or perhaps there is extra points for getting the golden egg? Golden egg + 1 bird? I don’t know. Just seems off!
Sorry for calling you out again @Pax. I saw your screen shot but care to share your strategy with us?

Rank: Out of this World with 2765 points
By luvbnmomy (@luvbnmomy)Score: 57,780

I see that admin has not responded to this thread… how come? There must be a glitch with that top score? It just seems impossible and his/her screenshot only proves to ask more questions than it answers. I too would like to see the strategyon this one… is @pax willing to share or admin willing to elaborate? :-)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 56,870

I see that Sal included the screenshot, and that Pax responded to my personal request for one. I think a 0-bird solution is the logical assumption.

Rank: Out of this World with 2765 points
By luvbnmomy (@luvbnmomy)Score: 57,780

Ok… then how does one accomplish this 0 bird solution? LOL

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 56,870

The same way one accomplishes any 0-bird solution. Reset Reset Reset.

Rank: Out of this World with 2765 points
By luvbnmomy (@luvbnmomy)Score: 57,780

Huh? LOL what do you mean reset, reset, reset? Is this a glitch of some sort?

Rank: Out of this World with 2765 points
By luvbnmomy (@luvbnmomy)Score: 57,780

I get it now… However, i think that a 0 bird score should be illegal and not be allowed on the score board. Just my opinion. :-)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 56,870

Then there are dozens of levels where I would need to remove hundreds of scores. That’s even less fair.

Rank: Sling God with 37890 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 60,090

I’m just revisiting this level trying to up my score but as others have said the high seems to be far and above what is possible. Slim is happy with it but I’m intrigued as to why there has not been a “no-bird” confirmation other than a screen shot showing the four remaining birds and the high score. Anyway for perusal here’s a picture with a puzzle.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 56,690

@mkjvanh — People are still interested in knowing if your high-score on this level was the result of total or partial self-destruction. Total self-destruction is defined as all the pigs pop (and level completes, hopefully with high score) without your shooting a single bird, thus a 0-birder. In partial self-destruction, some amount of damage is done and your score increases before you shoot any birds. Hopefully you can get a higher score than without the partial destruction. We have a forum on self-destroying and unstable levels, and I would add this, but you are the only one who might have seen it.
Comments on how you obtained your high score much appreciated.
Imperfect English or even a foreign language OK (please state which one if not obvious).

Rank: Master Slinger with 7015 points
By Hemma (@hemma)Score: 58,960

But why not make a simple rule, no bird strike, no score. It would stop all of those try hard “honest” people CHEATING.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 56,870

How is it cheating?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 59,730

I went at a high trajectory and (with a bit of luck) got 56,040.

My video:

By Big_Red_Bird

i hit the boulder REALLY hard and the impact caused the bird to FLY backwards,and the rock FLEW through the air, causing all pigs to die. score=56570

Rank: Well Traveled with 1510 points
By Zack Voyager (@zackvoyager)Score: 54,740

56,590 !! 1-birder with same shot as in the vid, but the small wooden block bounced the big stone, which destroyed right pigs !!

Rank: Sling God with 37890 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 60,090

Daily Challenge. :-( I have no idea how I ever managed 60k. Doesn’t seem possible in any way.

Rank: Sling God with 20095 points
By MicroMax (@micromax)Score: 58,420

Well, I just got 58k with the walkthrough method without too much effort, so stretching my imagination a bit I see it carrying all the way 60k. On the other hand @hoy49 may have a different answer?

I’m ever-so-slightly curious as to what happened to the infamous 0-bird score(s)? @amslimfordy … anyone?

Rank: Sling God with 36925 points
By Hoy49 (@hoy49)Score: 60,620

For the challenge I was trying the methods as per both videos. I got my high score with the high arc as per the video by @tnatiuk17piano. I was surprised by my score and don’t remember anything special about that attempt.

Rank: Sling God with 20095 points
By MicroMax (@micromax)Score: 58,420

Interesting, I did use high lob for my best score (very low) before coming to this page but I couldn’t find any consistency in it whatsoever. Probably should try again.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6345 points
By Triggerfish (@triggerfish)Score: 57,450

After much effort, I improved my score by an impressive 80 points! I’m stepping away from my i-Pad now….

Rank: Explosive with 2170 points
By FinBird212 (@finnbird214)Score: 56,860

I flung the first red bird into the first lower stone block, and the bird hit the leftmost pig and the rock took out the other two pigs. Got 56,860.

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