Another “Hairy Hut” level. We were able to clear with four birds and a final score of 90710.
The First bird is sent to the vulnerable wooden support on the near side of the upper right structure, causing the roof to collapse and killing the pigs within. Next, Stella goes just over that pig sitting on the edge of the well, through the bucket, and lifts up enough to drop the stone on the TNT. This takes out almost everything to the left, so now we concentrate on the right. We send Matilda low to bomb the hay and 3000 point gem on the left of the hill, and her carcass sails over and into the remains of the hair barn. The far right pig still remained, so we lobbed OB into the middle of the remains, clearing out more debris and tossing it on the last pig..
Feel free to leave comments below, but don’t just post your scores – that’s what the leaderboards are for.
84,240 = 2*
85,390 = 3*
@steely59 got it, thanks
98K, using same shots as walkthrough!!
109910/5 with the same idea as the video strat but reordering (2nd and 4th bird) to reach that goal. 1st low, straight to take out both cows and the middle pig. 2nd (medium) high arc, toward the left stack of stones, activating a bit to their left so that they are lifted (partially) over the right stack (this needs precision but is doable), hopefully getting some cakes. 3rd low bombing to get gem so that carcass goes to top-right, i.e. same as in the video strat. 4th toward pool, activating the bird at the top-left to zap it completely. for this score, one of the pigs on the top-right had survived. if that’s the case, use a reverse shot for 5th to take that pig out, hoping that the bird rolls down to do some more damage (not infrequently more than 10k because of some cakes having rolled down). 100k+ easy and 115k/4 should be doable.
@vuelva, thank you, thank you, thank you. This level was making me nuts! I needed a new strat to try. :)
Thanks @vuelva. I have been using pretty much the same strat but couldn’t get over the 100k until now. Your confirmation that it works kept me at it.
@vuelva, brilliant strat. 100+ wasn’t so easy, but did finally get this to work. And then noticed that at 110180 had eclipsed your score. So, shining up the trophy waiting for you to prove your 115k hypothesis. Thanks for sharing!
And 111050 using this, many thanks to @vuelva for the strategy.
115K and more with 4 birds. Took hundreds of throws and finally…
4th bird landed on something and kicked right; rolled up to the stone pile on the left. When it expanded, it blew everything off the screen and took out the 4 cakes as well.
wow @r-l-l impressive. (@captrec happy that my hypothesis was proven correct by someone else; albeit in a different way, apparently)
Zounds @r-l-l! Hit @vuelva ‘s estimate and then some. WTG!
@r-l-l Awesome score! Could you elaborate a bit. I can’t see one can get the cakes on the right after expanding to the left of the stone pile on the left. Do you mean the leftmost stone pile up on the platform? That seems more plausible.
the bird rolled up to the left side of the rightmost stone pile and then expanded. I had already taken out most of the other stone pile with a prior bird.
That second shot is the money shot
Thank you for sharing your strategy. I was able to compete what you described but could not obtain the higher scores, I am satisfied with 105k..
Found that after launching the pink bird, had to do a quick launch of the white bird and bomb bird because of the quick time out of the session if all the pigs were destroyed.
???????? Sling shot with rock
first like walkthrough, low, break the woods
second low, activate before impact
third for crystal and cakes
fourth on the edge of the stones, activate after impact
here my video: