Angry Birds Golden Eggs Walkthrough | All 35 Eggs

Welcome to the most complete Angry Birds Golden Eggs guide on the web. By following this guide you can unlock all 35 Golden Eggs and enjoy some fun — and sometimes challenging — new levels! Using this guide is simple, just match the number on the image below to the instructions further down the page. Remember there is a video walkthrough for each Golden Egg that shows its location (how to unlock it) and how to obtain the star. For a complete list of the update history click here.

Angry Birds Golden Eggs Selection Screens with Numbers All 35

Golden Egg #1

Golden Egg #1

Pause any level and press the "?" (help) button in the bottom left hand corner. The Golden Egg will be on the White Bird instruction screen. Note, you have to have unlocked the White Bird before the White Bird instruction screen will appear.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #2

Golden Egg #2Mighty Hoax Level 5-19 (Rocket Ship)

The Golden Egg is located on the right side off the screen directly above the rocket ship. If you zoom out and throw a Yellow Bird in that direction you will see it when the screen moves up a little. You can reach it with either a Yellow Bird or with the White Bird. If you opt to use the White Bird drop a bomb to the right of the wood sticking up on the first tower and the bird will take off and hit the Golden Egg (probably easier to use the Yellow Bird).

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #3

Golden Egg #3Poached Egg Level 2-2

Just destroy the beach ball.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #4

Golden Egg #4

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Poached Eggs.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #5

Golden Egg #5

On the main screen press the "i" (credits) button and watch the credits all the way to the end and the Golden Egg will appear under the White Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #6

Golden Egg #6Poached Eggs Level 1-8

Tap the treasure chest (I had to tap several times).
PC & Mac users: To open the treasure chest, depress the caps-lock key then click and hold the left mouse button over the treasure chest and then type open.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #7

Golden Egg #7

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mighty Hoax.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #8

Golden Egg #8Mine and Dine Level Selection Screen

v3.3.0 and higher: Currently obtained on the headlamp of the smaller pig in the Mine and Dine Level Selection Screen.

v3.2.0 and lower: Originally obtained on the episode select screen double-tap the sun below the levels (bottom center).

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #9

Golden Egg #9Mighty Hoax Level 4-7

Zoom out and Golden Egg will be on top of the cliff on the right. Aim and hit it with the Yellow Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #10

Golden Egg #10Danger Above Level 6-14

Break yellow balloon under the treehouse. You can bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #11

Golden Egg #11Danger Above Level Selection Screen

Once on the Danger Above Level Selection Screen, drag the screen to the left until you can't go any further. You'll see the Golden Egg hidden on the right past the last group of levels.
PC & Mac users: You have to click inside the window and then drag.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #12

Golden Egg #12

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Danger Above.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #13

Golden Egg #13Danger Above Level 8-15

The Golden Egg is under the slingshot platform. To get it just bounce a Yellow Bird off the trampoline on the bottom right across from the Golden Egg or use Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #14

Golden Egg #14The Big Setup Level 9-14

Zoom out and if you look closely you will see the Golden Egg on the bottom right hiding under a hard hat. Use a Boomerang Bird to hit it.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #15

Golden Egg #15The Big Setup Level 10-3

Smash the duck underneath the bridge.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #16

Golden Egg #16The Big Setup Level 11-15

Zoom out to see the whole level and you will see the Golden Egg to the left below the slingshot. Hit it with the Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #17

Golden Egg #17

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of The Big Setup.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #18

Golden Egg #18Ham 'Em High level 12-12

Destroy the trophy in the middle of the level that sits between the two piles of jewels. This one is not easy to get!

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #19

Golden Egg #19Ham 'Em High level 13-10

First zoom out. Now launch a white bird and at the right time tap the screen to launch him up in the air to hit the Golden Egg.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #20

Golden Egg #20Ham 'Em High level 14-4

First zoom all the way out and you'll see the Golden Egg on the top of the cliff to the far right. Launch a yellow bird at a high trajectory and tap him at just the right time to arch him up and over to the Golden Egg. Note, on PC/Mac this was formerly Golden Egg #22.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #21

Golden Egg #21

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Ham 'Em High, including all the three Facebook levels.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Super Bowl / Rio #22

Super Bowl / Rio #22Ham 'Em High level 13-12

Zoom out then shoot a white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the back side of the hill. We were the first ones to find this secret Golden Egg. We have a much more detailed walkthrough and post about this level here. Note, on PC/Mac this was formerly Golden Egg #20.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #23

Golden Egg #23Mine And Dine level 15-12

Zoom out and you'll see the Golden Egg sitting on top of ridge. Aim a yellow bird at a high trajectory (click for screenshot) and time the speed burst to get the Golden Egg. You can also get it with a white bird, though it might be a little trickier.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #24

Golden Egg #24Mine And Dine level 16-9

Zoom out and the you'll find Golden Egg is sitting on top of the cave on the right. You can use your first yellow bird to take out the stone structure above the slingshot. This makes for a slightly easier shot, but you don't have to do this. Aim the second yellow bird and hit the speed burst at the right time to nail the Golden Egg. Timing is tricky, so it may take a couple times. When in doubt, just watch the video walkthrough.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #25

Golden Egg #25

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mine and Dine.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #26

Golden Egg #26Mine And Dine level 17-12

Zoom out and you'll see a treasure chest sitting up high on top of the second rock ledge. Burn your red and white birds and then shoot a yellow bird at a very high arch so it clears the front ledge. Time the speed burst so it clears the first and second ledge and nicks the top left corner of the treasure chest.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #27

Golden Egg #27Birdday Party Cake 2 Level 6

Zoom out and you'll see the Golden Egg sitting up on a ledge on the top right hand side of the level. Burn the Blue Birds and nail it with your Yellow Speedster.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #28

Golden Egg #28Birdday Party Cake 3 Level 14

The Golden Egg is not visible, but it is certainly in this level. To reveal the Egg, destroy the TNT cake on the left side of the structure. In doing so, the Egg will appear behind the slingshot platform. Use the last Boomerang bird, flung backwards, to reach it.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #29

Golden Egg #29Red's Mighty Feathers level 24-8

The Golden Egg is not visible, but rather hidden in the motor suspended high above the level. It's a very tricky shot to reach, but the Yellow bird is your best bet for cutting the rope holding the motor.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #30

Golden Egg #30

Obtain 3 stars on all classic levels of Red's Mighty Feathers -- namely 24-1 through 24-15. You do not need to 3-star the Egg Defender Levels.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #31

Golden Egg #31Short Fuse level 26-15

The Golden Egg is not visible, but rather hidden under the slingshot platform. Use the Boomerang bird to enter the cave and obtain the Egg.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #32

Golden Egg #32BirdDay 5 Level 30-15

The Golden Egg is high above the level, out of sight unless you zoom out. A well-shot Yellow bird can reach it, if you dare.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #32

Golden Egg #32BirdDay 5 Level 30-15

The Golden Egg is high above the level, out of sight unless you zoom out. A well-shot Yellow bird can reach it, if you dare.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Special RED Golden Egg (#33 - iOS Only)

Special RED Golden Egg (#33 - iOS Only)

This special Golden Egg level was added in support of (RED)'s fight to end AIDS. The level is unlocked by simply tapping the Golden Egg that appears at the bottom of the episode selection screen.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #34

Golden Egg #34Golden League Sticker

The Golden League sticker Golden Egg is found hidden in the Golden League sticker in the Angry Birds Mighty League.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #35

Golden Egg #35BirdDay 7 Stickers

The BirdDay 7 Golden Egg is found hidden in one of the BirdDay 7 stickers in the Angry Birds Mighty League.

Video & Star Walkthrough
King Pig Level

King Pig Level

In the v2.2.0, a new "Golden Egg"-like level called the "King Pig Level" was released for iPad (other platforms in v2.3.0). This level is unlocked by obtaining three stars on all levels up to and including Birdday Party. For more information, read more in the v2.2.0 release post.

More Information Here

Update Log

12/11/16 – Added 35th Golden Egg from BirdDay 7
12/11/14 – Added 32nd Golden Egg from BirdDay 5 (v5.0.1)
11/23/14 – Added Red’s Special Golden Egg (v4.3.1)
03/04/14 – Adjusted chapter numbers (v4.1.0)
11/26/13 – Added 31st Golden Egg from Short Fuse (v3.4.0)
09/16/13 – Added 29th & 30th Golden Eggs from Red’s Mighty Feathers (v3.3.0)
12/11/12 – Added 28th Golden Egg found in Birdday Party (v3.0.0)
08/02/12 – Updated for the “King Pig Level” (v2.2.0)
12/23/11 – Updated for Birdday Party (v2.0.0) release on Mac and PC
12/11/11 – Added 27th Golden Egg found in Birdday Party (v2.0.0)
08/25/11 – Added 25th & 26th Golden Eggs from in Mine And Dine (v1.6.3)
07/25/11 – Added 24th Golden Egg found in Mine And Dine (v1.6.2)
06/16/11 – Added 23rd Golden Egg found in Mine And Dine (v1.6.0)
03/17/11 – Added 20th & 21st Golden Eggs (v1.5.3)
02/06/11 – Added Super Bowl Golden Egg!
02/04/11 – Added 19th Golden Egg (v1.5.1)

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Category: Golden Eggs, Guides, Walkthroughs

Comments (1,104)

By Mike

I just did some search and found this. how to win golden egg # 17

I going to try it

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That video is also available on this site here.

By Emma

Can anyone help….
On egg #13 I’ve completed the level but it is still not showing the star on the egg! Any tips please?!?

By El Prepsi

Look at the solutions at the top of the page. To complete the level does not automatcally give the star.


So, I’ve got the star on #17… What’s next? Any updates anticipated, A-B 2 ?
Replaying the won *** games seems kind of pointless just to get to the astronomical high scores shown on Crystal or completion of all achievements. Any similar games to A-B ?

By Paul Shah

what happens if uve missed no.11 with an update? so there is no coming soon screen?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you tried scrolling past the levels anyhow?

By Paul Shah

yup, that worked, many thanks, now I have 15! 2 more to go!

By neil

How do you complete golden egg 4?? the one in the centre of the first page im tottally stuck apart from this got all 3 stars and every egg completed except for number 4

By neil

p.s never mind got it two minutes after posting this

press birds group, catapult, tnt, black bird, then helmeted pig on bottom

By Abb

Even though I shot the 16th golden egg. It dosen’t appear on the golden egg page?

By vivien

Yeeeha got every star and 17 eggs :)

By Garry

Got the 17 th Egg but any tips how to shhot the bird to get the star?

By Angry Bird Player

I have eggs 14 and 16, but don’t know how to complete them. Any help would be appreciated.

By Suhad

Hi everyine… I have missed the egg #11 – “Danger Above level 8: On the “coming soon” screen”.
Is there anywhere else that I can get it from? This will be my # 17 egg.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

It shouldn’t matter. Keep scrolling over and you should see it.



Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)

You have to unlock them before you can play them. Also don’t yell at us.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

This is over a year old. Might as well let bygones be bygones.

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)


By hoov

Help please. On egg #8 (or to the left of the middle egg), I finished the level, the gold star appeared but the star doesn’t appear on the golden egg level page.

PS I was going to go as an Angry Bird for Halloween but I didn’t have the money. So I settled on an Angry Bird Lite.

By nokiawiz

stars do not appear on the golden egg screens. Only Golden eggs appear there.

Hope this helps.

If you have a jailbroken iphone, you can go to “” in which you can download both versions.


By nokiawiz

To Bird Leader….

Just to check and confirm is there an #18 golden egg on page 2 of the original Angry Birds Golden Eggs’ screen? Currently only showing Golden Egg #16 & #17.

Kindly concur and revert, thanks.

I am using v1.4.4.

By nokiawiz

Addendum…#18 was spotted on the top left hand corner of the 2nd page of the Golden Eggs Screen which should only appear Golden Eggs #16 & #17.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hey – How do you unlock this egg?

By nokiawiz

I am asking that person to vet thru and let me know. Once I have that info, I will share it with all.


By nokiawiz

I searched the net as well and someone claimed that if in Big Setup, you hit over 400,000 points, the 18th egg will show.

Not sure if its a joke or hoax, I am testing it out myself to proof it or bust that hoax. Others are welcomed to test it out as well and keep us all updated.

Also, I am still seeking information from the other source about it. Will keep all of you posted.


By sterling

400,000 seems a little low. i have 3,708,190. did you mean 4 million?

By David Noyes

How do I Clear egg 17

By tweedledeedee

how do you get the star on egg # 17…???

By lol

good question!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

If you are on an Android OS there seems to be a bug. If you’re on the iOS follow,


By taping the red bird and the sun at the same time I can get him to rock back and forth, must be done when just starting, works everytime, if not, back out an try again, keep messing around, might figure it out sometime… any other ideas?


Erm, on android I should say…

By skijewels

All of my golden eggs have a star except #8 (on my iPhone). What’s the deal? My iTouch has a lower score on #8 and it has the star. Can’t figure it out.

By NeilA

Cannot get a star to appear on the egg #8 on egg screen #1. however many times I complete the task. Getting frustrating, methinks a bug…

By Tony

I have completed Golden Egg level 9 but the star doesn’t show up in the egg. Anyone else get this and know how to fix it?

By KongOman

You’re actually missing a golden egg there on the screen. In the midle of 5 and 7, you have not gotten that one.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I believe that’s golden egg #15, which is in the write-up and videos. That’s an old screenshot.

By Hoser

I don’t reneged where I saw it, but I saw a picture of the second page of the Golden Eggs there was a second egg there. It was just below left of the main egg in the middle. How does one get the egg?

Thanks for he great walkthroughs you saved me a huge amount of frustration!


By Kat

How can I get the 1500 stars? I have all golden eggs with three stars each, all 3 stars in all levels… including now the Halloween version… and I haven’t gotten the 1500 stars? And then, I haven’t played for 15 hours (and of course nor for 30)… ah! And I haven’t smashed 500,000 blocks! HOW ON EARTH!????

By Mchamp

Ok. I have 1500 stars. Everytime u play a map u get starts. It counts Everytime u play a map. So to get 1500 u just have to find a map u like and then play it over and over.

By Kelly

How do you get stars on eggs 4 & 5??? Thx!!!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)
By Danny

I have an extra egg that isn’t posted here.. I don’t remember how I got it, but I just wanted to put it out there that one more exists. It’s a small egg that goes between eggs four five and seven.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I won’t believe it until I see it! It would be cool if you could find us some proof.

By Justin B

I have this one as well.. I got it in one of the big setup levels. Just don’t remember which one. I think that is egg 15 they are speaking of. If you notice the screen shot above doesn’t show egg 15.

By Amanda

In reply to Danny, I too have gotten the small golden egg that sits between golden eggs 4,5 and 7. It’s a row of boxes of tnt held up by balloons above a small pile of little pigs who in turn are sitting on dynamite which is housing a big pig in a helmet. Like alot of people I am having trouble with #17 but I have the android system and think there is a glitch for that level. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.


I have 15 eggs along with 15 stars on the eggs……..I have completed all 195 levels with 3 stars on all levels…………….this leads to a second egg page with one egg on it and 1 bird that disapears and re-appears every time you touch the bird or the spot where it was……………..ANY HELP OUT THERE?


I also think the egg……#15>>>>>>is on level 10-3 you have to destroy the duck

By sterling

quick question… I have all the golden eggs beat on the first screen. (1-15) and i have 16 beat on the second screen. I also have all 3 stars on all the levels of The Big Setup. but still no 17th golden egg??? any suggestions?

By sterling

nevermind, just figured it out, was missing the 16th egg. but now…. any new word on how to get the 18th??? if there is such a thing.

By nokiawiz

At the current moment, there’s only 17 eggs.

By amek

Help!!! I really, really want a star on my 17th golden egg (on android). Can’t get any rest for my soul without it!

By rach

For the 17th egg all you do is fill up all the rows and move the red bird to the far right :)

By amek

Not on my android.

By stefan

What is wrong with my #17 egg? All that is there is a lonely bird, when I tap the screen it disappears. Using the android-version.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

There is a bug in this level on the Android. It will be fixed in the next update.

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