Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Summer Tournament Level 4 Week 66 which began the week of August 19th, 2013. Our non power-up strategy for this level is to drop Orange bird between the two towers, and inflate upon impact. The score in the video below is 78,920.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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My strategy for 92K points with power ups. Wingman SS and KS:
SS/KS Wingman, and aim straight at the structure on right. 92K
No PU. Orange Bird High arc between both structure. Blow manually before it felt down. 95k
You want to hit the piece of wood that extends just a little bit into the gap. Inflate manually to detonate the TNT.
yes, @traneric and @f91jsw have described the exact high scoring strategy i discovered. with luck and timing you can take nearly everything out without PU on this level.
Thanks, exactly as you said – 96,290.
not sure what week, but this is a repeat level
Yes they are, all six of them.
No powerups, 1 bird, Works better on mobile- High arc orange bird between both the towers, and wait for it to detonate, should blow up TNT and with two birds left 96K
4 video, 1 bird, No PU’s: 85.960
Did you still use 1 bird and no p u for your new high score @revol ??
Yes @f2sc …same strat, only difference was the platform, on mobile this particular level gives more points
Thanks @revol its the only level i’ve been using my mobile for this week :-) I’ll keep trying then! ;-)
Maybe top score at no power-ups!
Congrats @revol!
Ty @thee-michelle … yeah, was a great score :)
Yes I couldn’t do it on PC but was able to finally get the TNT and a good score no PU’s on my iPhone. Launch bird directly from back left corner of platform, that gives a perfect trajectory into the “slot”.
Same exact strategy on android platform score 98,460
I did 96830 on ipad without power ups. Orange bird must land at the base of second tower to detonate TNT. Can not repeat it on laptop.
This is a repeat from week 54, level 4. This is my vid from that time for 99k: http://youtu.be/_-9bIUqJR0c
However, it seems this time the best strat for this level is just the dumb WM+SS+KS aka Hulk Smash: http://youtu.be/SdzWDFSLlyg
Score: 101k
Nice one @dmitri :-) not quite as lucky as you though!
Great score @Dmitri!! Very well done!!
WOW! after watching your vid i tried so hard…. and almost managed to beat my orange bird score lol…
Finally!! After spending as much time on this level as on other 5 togather i was finally able to pull out a 100k score.. A bit similar like in Dmitri’s video.. but not as lucky the stone flew further and destroyed only 1 triangle.. doh..
Thanks guys :)
I do love a good hulk smash lol
You do at that!! First time I saw it was from one of your posting’s!!
Nice shooting! :O
I think it’s a shame that scoring can vary so much across different platforms but I guess it is what it is. I’ve repeatedly been able to complete this level using no power ups, and only one bird. The issue for me is that completing the level with one bird causes me to get score in the 60k range. I just don’t understand why. I arch the orange bird up nice and high landing him between the two structures, hitting the wooden plank just right that’s sticking out a hair. Now with this last part I’ve done it both ways…I’ve allowed the orange bird to blow open on his own whereas I’ve also done it manually just 1,218 Nano seconds prior to when it would pop open on it’s own as well. Both ways got the dynamite to explode taking out the entire board doing quite some extensive damage along the way. (Now PLEASE!!I hope that no one just sat there saying to themselves..oooh 1,218 Nano seconds, that’s the trick!) haha But if you did, all I can say is good luck timing out 0.000001218 seconds in your head.
On Android mobile the orange bird takes a lot longer to blow up non- manually than it does on a laptop! Don’t know if anyone else has noticed this??