Below you will find our Highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #2 Week 101.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 113,720
Our non power-up strategy for this level is to loft Matilda between the first two towers. Then send the Yellow birds towards the far right pig. Then clear the first tower with the White bird. Finally, destroy the remaining pig on the right with Yellow.
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 128,480
Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:
- Golden Slingshot + King Sling
- The Wingman
- BirdQuake
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
My strategy for 140K points with power-ups. Birdquake, white bird and wingman SS:
same shots without BQ and with KS+JS
WB a little bit higher, try to drop the egg over the small cubes and push the bolder and WB into the vale.
Loaded WM very close to the top of the 2nd mountain, it will hit the 3rd one.
No Power Ups – 3 star
More points to get
Get everything down to go from left to right. I think it’s possible with less birds.
102110 is 2 star
103680 is 3 star
Gold Sling-No P/U’s. White bird to near structure, dropping bomb on small wood balls, pushing boulder to right, and into pit killing pig. Yellow bird to horizontal plank in middle structure, pushing boulder and debris right, knocking out far left pig. Lots of debris left, score could be higher. 115k
Great strategy. I got 133,610 this way.
level 2 : no power 123,210 k
power up : 149,180 k
@ghazal1 @amslimfordy @sal9
Tntbomb, very nice score! Thanks for sharing your video and strat. You are obviously using Leethax in your videos, which gives you an unfair advantage over the rest of us who play by the rules and pay for our power-ups.
Enjoy your toaster oven :) –MB
No power-up 127K. 1st bird to drop bomb just left of centre mountain and to take out its top and sometimes the right as well. YB to clear remaining of right. BB drop on small pile of wooden blocks left and to take out 1st structure and the remainder between the two first mountains.
130k no PU or slings. There is a two-birder hiding in this level and it requires a fair bit of luck but: 1st bird straight ahead dropping egg on the many small pieces of Wood and bird taking out 1st pig, while sending boulder to take out 2nd and 3rd pig. Chuck to vertical Woods around 4th pig and continuing to take out vertical Wood holding 6th pig’s platform AND sending Boulder above 4th pig rolling Down right to take out 5th pig and tnt (this is the difficult step!!!)
2-Birds JS/GS No-PU’s 135K
@dysted post basically the same strat I’ve used abd as he post it 1st… I’ll say no more.
BUT: For the record, 1-bird is possible, did it 4-5 times. Sadly, no big score. But I’m sure there is a pixel-for-aimin that should trigger masive destruction.
@tienshenlong well, now I just have to get that 1-birder ;)
…and 1st time I tried I got 135k (still no special slings) – thx :)
Feedback is most welcome, @dysted
“Fling long and prosper”
And thank you for all your helpful strategies :)
128.750 so far no p.u golden sling..matilda drop egg on small number of little square bits of wood while she will hit the 1st structure knocking boulder over and getting the pig below and pig to the right…chuck to pig in middle…matilda to do destruction as much as possible and again chuck very high arc and come crashing down thru wood to tnt killing off rest of pigs…but think this cud be done with 2 birds if u can push the bolder in the middle over to the right with chuck while killing middle pig too…more expermenting needed
Just an interesting note, was able to 1-bird this level. JS shooting Matilda low over first pig + boulder, firing egg over center of first canyon (over 2nd pig) so as to send Matilda into top center boulder above the 3rd pig, knocking the boulder down to the right and into the 2nd canyon. If you time everything right, ornaments take out 1st pig and boulder continues down to right into first canyon, taking out second pig. Matilda has taken out the third pig, and when she bounces off the second boulder, she flips into 5th and final pig on far right. Second boulder has taken out 4th pig, and sometimes it will even set off the TNT. I did not get a very high score with this strat (about 105K, because not very much collateral damage was done), but I did 3* and it was interesting.