Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #1 Week 95. Our non power-up strategy for this level is to fling Matilda over the first tower, and drop the egg bomb on the first balloon. This should clear the first half of the level. Then simply send the Yellow bird at the base of the third tower. The score in the video below is 121,920.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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My strategy for 137K points with power-ups. Wingman SS and KS:
114530 is 2 star
115370 is 3 star
Jingle Sling- No P/U’s. White bird at low angle, drop egg, and fly into first tower. Yellow Bird at 2nd tower. Follow up with white bird if needed. 113k
Shot first bird quite lower, just over first tower. Dropped bomb between first and second tower, white bird destroyed top of the second, landed between second and third and last two tower collapsed. Pushed first tower over with yellow bird. No PU’s and special slings, 125K so far.
Thanks, @sasilik, got a 1-birder with your method. Just missed right side of first tower, triggered JUST before impact; everything kept slowly falling over. I did use the GS.
1-birder, no Pus, normal sling: 133770.
Shoot white bird low enough to just clear first two towers, then drop the egg when low enough so the bird hits the third tower.
Screen capture here.
Sorry, 131,770. Too early to type…
why can’t I never see a screen capture ?
“Either this url is not valid or picture has restricted access.”
i havent won a single tournament since sw ended getting 3stars no problem…..just cant compete against people with these new slings…..think im gonna have to invest in these new slings…..
it is possible 1 bird this level it isnt easy to do but if u plop the egg at the right place with matilda shooting off diagonal as she does,well she is able to hit the bit supporting the 3 rocks at the top…..
Hi @stevieboy, I have noticed that on this week’s tournament the regular sling is as good as the Gold Sling (which is a combination of all the slings). This week is more about strategy than strength. But many other times, you should have a Gold Sling and especially a Jingle Sling, the extra “ornament bombs” can really help clear things out or kill an errant piggie that you’d otherwise have to use a whole bird on.
My strategy 120,820 point,without PUs first bird to the mid of structure and the second on the bottom of last structure
On an iPad Mini with PUs, 1-bird for >138k:
1) using JS, loaded WM on slight upward arc to lower, hollow stone block of the rightmost tower.
UPDATE: Nevermind :) It’s a 0-bird! Use BQ only. Thanks, @sumikam ! See Sumikam’s post with video below.
131,980 NO PU -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONHZdHRCbmM
I improved my score to 133,220 using jodelson’s method: no powerups, no special sling, one birder:
Power ups Highscore 147,350
@Sumikam – which platform and OS? Tried BQ on Android/Galaxy S4 and the only tower that fell was the right one. The other two separated but didn’t fall. So BQ plus one white bird for me.
I do WinXP, Firefox. Tried BQ 20 succeed.
Sorry: PC
OK, and I now see that this is the same as @jodelson‘s method. It is the way to go.
I bird no power ups. Jingle sling. Matilda in between 1st and 2nd tower and drop egg. Baubles takes out 1st tower.Matilda then then blows debris off second tower into 3rd tower. Score 137400. Nice!!
NO BIRDS….just the “quake.” Scored 141,930.
Ditto. Got 143k I think.
I didn’t use any birds for this. I used the “quake” power up and scored 141,930.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mComMe_p5OE BQ only