Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2016 Tournament Level #6 Week 195. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 275,320
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 289,080
Top 5 Level #6 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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This one i want to share…
JS No Pu => 286.460
The key to success is the first bird, you have to shoot him into the glass tower, BUT the balloon under the first wooden tower should also be hit. Then this wooden tower will fall to the left, making the stone tower also collapse. (best scenario is is some glass of the first tower, hit the first balloon under the stone tower, and something hit the first balloon under the wooden tower… They both will fall to the left, doing some damage on the glass on the ground, on the left side.)
With the 2nd bird you should be able to hit the first balloon under the 2nd glass tower (and if possible a balloon under the 2nd stone tower).
3th bird slightly aiming down, and dropping the egg on the glass just after the sling. This should hit the last standing wooden tower, dropping the tnt on the right glass side.
2 birds left, 286K.
Used the same method, got 272k with 2 birds left.
Me, too. Same strat. No PUs. 3 birds for 293k. 2 birds left in quiver. This is a fun level because you don’t need to use any PUs to consistently score well in the 280-290k range. With three well-placed shots, you get get over 290k.
On iPad Mini:
1) Blues+JS into first ice tower in sky. Debris should also bring down the two towers after the ice tower;
2) Chuck on medium-high arc and accelerate through balloons under the next two towers to bring them down;
3) Matilda on slight downward angle and drop egg-bomb right away on ice on lower left. Matilda will then ricochet up to get balloons under remaining rower, which should come down and get remaining pigs and debris on lower right. Tough shot.
I just don’t get how you shoot the 1st bird. Been trying all sorts of angles, splitting early and whatnot, but am only able to bring down the first two towers and not the wooden one.
Shoot through the ice tower. I split just before impact. The idea is to blast something through to pop a balloon under the wood tower. 296 on Android.
I understood the comncept allright but couldn’t just get the shot right, but looks like I grasped it finally. Took whole lotta tries :)
290K PU, PC ->
303k using bluestacks and following 3 birds strategy:
1.) BS + FLW – Sling FLW up at between 35-40 degree angle such that it passes through some upper ballons and bounces off the far right angled ledge to take out upper right wood structure and falls back down to take out ice on far right.
2.) JS – Sling Chuck to take out the remaining floating balloon structures.
3.) JS – sling Matilda down at about a 30 degree angle to destroy remaining ice and any close by piggly wiggly.
2 remaining birds for 20,000
On iPad Mini, I got a lucky 1-bird for 303k using Zeek’s strat. Thanks, @dcp77 ! :)
Awesome aiming Makin Bakin! (@dseufert)…the days of one birders seem/are few and far between especially with such a richly dense playing field such as this level…i.e. the one birders in the past seemed to be under 200K or so.
@rovio…. Thank you for making this week’s tournament a reality of what a company like Rovio actually wants. Cheaters and us who have spent lots of money out of the league. It is a disgrace this week’s tournament. We are 7-8-9 stars players and we are falling just because we aint cheating. Really a shame for Rovio. I am never going to spend a dime for this game. Unbelievable.
I am getting creamed in gold level, and I’m hitting all my shots. I agree that it’s disheartening to play against people spending cash on power ups, but that seems to be the way of it, and I can’t fault Rovio for wanting to make some money on the game.
However, I would love to see perhaps a separate tournament played without power ups, more of a level playing field for those who chose to play that way. Hard to see a business model that would support that, though.
I am new to this tournament, still in the bronze league.
Am currently being beaten by almost 100,000 points, and in 19th place.
Are all or most players ahead of me using power ups?
I have never used them, and basically don´t know how.
Still learning.
BTW, Rovio has a lot of problems in AB2 with cheaters and big spenders also.
Thank you and kind regards!
maybe i didnt make myself clear. i AM spending money on power ups. Since i can do it, why not. I am saying that there are people cheating and Rovio doesn’t do anything about it. If this keeps going on, i will not pay for any power up again. Why use them , since i am beaten by cheaters.
the same here with me. now i didnt have any power ups, and i do not buy new power ups. I see no reason for this repeatedly spend money to ultimately be in each level to position 38th :-(
How can they possibly be cheating?
Are they hacking?
Has Rovio said anything?
@cyborgaa, @kedar22:
Let’s clarify a few things. Using power-ups is not cheating. Buying a lot of currency and power-up / spells / whatever is also not cheating. You either choose to do it or you don’t. For AB Friends, ABN has chosen to allow power-ups on the Friends leaderboards. (Power-ups in some leaderboards ARE forbidden though.) If you chose not to use power-ups, that’s YOUR choice and you shouldn’t lash out at those who do. If you want to start your own PU-free scoreboard website, go for it.
I was a long-time holdout on power-ups but I now both use and occasionally purchase them for Friends when I choose to play it. I stopped playing for a long time because it was a bit of chore at times to keep from loosing ground in the leagues. I started up again with the shorter Carnival tournaments but now that they’ve gone back to a full week, I’ll probably stop again. I’m currently 4th in my league and #1 is about 25k ahead but would only be about 35th on the ABN leaderboard, so there’s no cheating on in this league. I have regularly seen scores that seem way too high get removed so there is some monitoring going on.
In AB2, yes there has been outrageous cheating in the leagues but it looks to be not as bad as it was. The higher scores look to be ego-driven because it’s certainly not cost-effective to spend so many gems for the paltry rewards. I have a 2nd and 3rd place, but normally I end up in 5th-8th place.
I see the buying of gems / spells / lives as basically a tax on impatience. If you don’t want to wait, it will cost you. To me, the permanent extra life in AB2 is a great investment. I have only otherwise spent money twice in AB2, once when it first came out and once recently when I was two gems short of extending a particularly troublesome level. Before AB2 went through the big points change, I wrote a post about how to get to 100 million points without spending any money. Even since the change, most of it is still valid for how to get to 1 billion points. You basically need to be consistent and persistent, and follow a few tactical tips.
Could not have said this better. Although I am having trouble with a couple levels and came on here to check scores and see some players have more than 30k over me on a couple levels which is rare. Namely level four. Would love to see how people are getting here big numbers:) have tried almost everything. Reaching out to rovio literally does nothing. By the way…thanks for the walk through you post. You are an amazing player!!
@kedik22 I do not know the way they are cheating. Rovio does. And many times Rovio kicks them out. Has happened several times in some of my leagues where suddenly the first 4-5 players disappear from the league. I am using powerups, but as @tommy-de said, i see no reason continuing to pay if no matter what, i am beaten by this way. And i m no rookie. I am a 7 star player.
Hi, thanks for getting back.
Just started with AB Friends, still in bronze league.
But I have seen your name in a lot of leaderboards.
Seems we have playing this for a long time.
Cheaters are present everywhere, I guess you have heard about the mess in the arena in AB2.
Would it be ok to befriend you in FB?
I am a FB newbee, but I could find a way.
Kind regards.
Dear friend. I have been playing ab since its creation… Visited angrybirdsnest on 2014 i believe but i didnt always posted scores. Only on 9-10 tourneys. Fortunately i only lost 2 points in the last tourney and i still am at diamond 7 stars. I am still pissed off with the last one and i dont know if i will participate this week. Eitherway, send me a request via message and i will add you. ;)
Great news.
I have been posting scores since 2012 and also played since this first one!
Well send you my FB name.
Like I told you, really do not know nothing about FB
I believe my other FB did the work, but I will give it a try.