Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up 3-Star walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2016 Tournament 220-B, which started on Monday August 8th, 2016. To compete head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
A big Shout Out to @rambleberry and @campingled for providing us with awesome strategies!
3-Star Walkthrough — Enter Your Scores
Level 1 – 224,597
Level 2 – 177,190
Level 3 – 184,029
Level 4 – 154,077
Level 5 – 180,216
Level 6 – 226,193
Power-up Walkthrough — Enter Your Scores
Level 1 – 302,154
Level 2 – 247,720
Level 3 – 265,346
Level 4 – 225,521
Level 5 – 262,854
Level 6 – 312,674
Top Flingers - Enter Your Scores
Level | Leader | Highscore | Avg | 3-Star |
Level #1 August 8th | CampingLEDRank: Pig Leader with 11315 pts Platform: PC* Certified Nester | 312,351 | 279,381 | n/a |
Level #2 August 8th | ALYOURPALRank: Gold Flinger with 8310 pts Platform: iPad Mini | 255,896 | 220,937 | n/a |
Level #3 August 8th | DILLIGAFRank: Well Traveled with 1905 pts Platform: Android | 278,873 | 238,011 | n/a |
Level #4 August 8th | SKinleyRank: Pig Leader with 11445 pts Platform: iPad* Certified Nester | 241,298 | 203,419 | n/a |
Level #5 August 8th | CampingLEDRank: Pig Leader with 11315 pts Platform: PC* Certified Nester | 283,048 | 230,245 | n/a |
Level #6 August 8th | frekwentflierRank: DaBomb with 455 pts Platform: Android Tablet | 337,127 | 278,301 | n/a |
@admins @mighty-red-1 — Not sure who is making these videos now, since they don’t have a name on them.
Anyway, there is no way in level 2 that I can get the chain to pop the balloon on the top structure. Any hints?
.@rambleberry & @campingled record the videos, I simply edit and upload them.
If you’re having trouble replicating strategies in the videos, try different platforms – the PC and iOS/Android versions of the game differ in terms of bird damage and structure behaviour.
@might-red-1 — Thanks for asking. I’ve noticed that the videos seem to be recorded on a PC. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I only have IOS devices.
@mvnla2 completely agree with you. I’ve tried multiple times and the chain (or rope?), if I can get it to swoop up, misses the balloon. @campingled, the chain that the icebox holding all the balls hangs from.
Seems like ever since they started 2 tournaments a week, most levels require some sort of power up just to get 3 stars (I’m on PC most of the time – don’t do Bluestacks – it was too invasive). Getting pretty tired of this. Rovio is losing a fan.
@mvnla2 I made the videos on PC using Bluestacks2 Mobile emulator. Lately the levels all favor mobile/Android/iOS platforms. I am not sure what chain you are referring to in L2.
Forgot to add that I make the Power Up videos.
There is a new strategy that one of my FB friends shared. FLW with Diamond sling, aim to top left tip of third stone triangle. 1 Birder, but because level is moving each attempt will give different results.
I used a différent approach: red high to cut the first rope and destabilize the upper structure (pig with hammer), which falls. First Chuck to cut the ice box and as many red balls you can, without destroying them. Second Chuck to pop the left over balloons. In ensuing mayhem, a bird bounced high enough to pop the upper balloons and everything went. Pure luck, and I am not touching this one ever again. 190k.
@mvnla2 I used a différent approach: red high to cut the first rope and destabilize the upper structure (pig with hammer), which falls. First Chuck to cut the ice box and as many red balls you can, without destroying them. Second Chuck to pop the left over balloons. In ensuing mayhem, a bird bounced high enough to pop the upper balloons and everything went. Pure luck, and I am not touching this one ever again. 190k
That’s about what happened to me also, lvmh. My score is 184,720 and I’m leaving it at that! (I’m on a PC.)
is anyone started a page where posters can see other strategies?
if not, would anyone consider starting one?
@doctorjonn — It looks like you did join, so you should get notifications. Welcome to ABN.
The walkthrough pages are where people post different strategies. Since all the levels are now on a single page, please be sure to mention which level you are discussing. Also, if you have an alternate strategy, you should click the box below that says “submitting an alternate strategy”, and it will give a light blue tint to your post.
I would love it if you had any different strategy for level 2, especially on an IOS device.
I’m in Diamond on league 3
I would love to know why the damage you inflict is much less sometimes than what I see in the videos.
I used to be in 1-3 on place most of the time
No I’m happy to get 4-6
I do Nanking enjoy the game as much on the PC.
I prefer playing my tablet.
Thank you
Jorge Anday