Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Tournament Level #4 Week 165. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 208,250
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 209,280
Top 5 Level #4 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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1 bird!!! Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Yellow bird through the balloons, accelerating, just before yellow balloons, should make it through to right side. 205k
Same here for 212k!
Same strategy 211k
I think that’s in this level the only correct strategy…
@tommy-de I got 211,230 using FLW and Diamond Sling on PC. Aimed at the 4th pink balloon.
no power 208.730 k
use 1 birds
Send to a bird pink balloons
power up 209.140 k
use 1 birds
using the unique tree slingshot , king sling , power potion , Send to a bird pink balloons
213,650. Yellow bird no powerup. Popped all gallons and everything fell. Odd thing is you can do the same destruction multiple times and score anywhere from low 200’s to what I scored at 213. Odd!
I believe the difference is on how many of the little rocks, that are in the middle of the top structure, are actually destroyed.
JS no PU. Random scores as mentioned. Think I managed to get through couple of balloons on left, all the balloons on the middle lot and through part of the wooden structure on the right.
The key as mentioned is getting the little rocks to fall and get destroyed by the TNT.
Anti Cheat Level?? It could just be a huge coincidence, but the players sitting in the first two spots, by a big margin, on every other level in my diamond league, can’t get into the top twenty on this one level!! Could it be because it’s a legit 1 birder?? I wish people wouldn’t cheat so I didn’t have to wonder about things like this!!
Don’t even get me started. I’m in 8th or 9th place overall in my Diamond League this week. The person in 1st has 97,000 more than I do. I can see that gap from 1st to 30th but not first to 8th! A hundred thousand across 6 levels? What could he possibly be doing to get almost 20k more per level? Now, as for this level specifically, I’m in 5th place. Only ONE of the top five overall is beating me in this level. One of them is as low as 24th place. I’m convinced the first place player in my league is dishonest. SO frustrating.
@maiasatara Unlimited power-ups wouldn’t help you on this one. Pure skill…. so it shows that these players that are 1 birding every other level are cheating but Rovio can’t seem to do anything about it.
Yes. We are saying the same thing (I didn’t mention power ups in this discussion.). I just added that the 100k discrepancy across the other five levels proves the cheating theory. They can’t touch a solid non-cheating player in this level because they only score so high in levels where unlimited powerups or cheating DO make a difference. I like that when it comes down to skill only, some of us who really fight to play a good honest game get to show off good scores!
Same here. This is why I don’t purchase coins anymore.
First time ever – I am unable to get three stars!!! Brought everything down with one bird numerous times, but cannot get above 204,460. Used every combo going. Aaaargh!!
I could not do it on my PC, but switched to my Android app and got 210,000 first try.
One-birder. Jingle sling. Aimed yellow bird at second pink balloon and accelerated just before touching the balloon. Should take out all balloons. 213,980