Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Help Nepal Tournament Level #4 Week 157. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 152.800
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 164,870
Top 5 Level #4 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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FLW at the middle of the first rope. This takes care of the first two lower constructs and destabilizes the third.
Yellow bird at 60 degrees angle. The ornaments take out the first two pigs and the bird crashes the third one that explodes the remaining third lower construct.
3 birds to spare.
score 161060
I did BQ first then JS with KS aimed up the left side Like you (Ipad)
Sorry forgot to add that BQ should take out all tnts and then use WM KS with JS
nice strategy for this level 4! stuck on level 2…any thoughts?
I’ll post a strat in level 2 soon..@dcp77
2nd lvl 200,020 one bird no power up
… same on mobile 171,500
Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Red bird through the Pink balloons holding far left pig. Yellow bird through upper middle balloons. 2nd yellow bird if needed to upper right pig. 152k
Same strategy but with no special sling. 153k.
I know it won’t last but I don’t see much more… Bird quake followed by wingman and kingsling using jingle sling. Fire wingman up to second hanging box/balloon. Balls take out first and wingman continues on to take out third.
How do you post pics?
@kacobra I fixed your link. The easiest way is to select “direct link” in your album.
Thanks sir!
174,340 – Kindle
This was my strat also, except I aimed wingman just above first pink balloon. The ornaments take out first and second balloons, leaving WM to take out third.
The BQ should shoot cannon ball from first tower TNT through third tower TNT.
Same strat as I used above, just more flinging.
175,580 – Kindle
@rambleberry Nice score!
Awesome @rambleberry
Thanks @caryhedges and @cricketluv. Probably won’t last, but nice while it does. ;)
BQ should take drop all three stacks of lockers and get the points for all of the bundled lockers below. It if doesn’t, I reset and try again.
Diamond sling, WM, KS. Shoot diagonally up through the balloons suspending the remaining pigs & lockers.
Angry Birds Friends Tournament – Week 157 – Level 4 – 174,150 – Mobile/BlueStacks Resolution 1600×900
Strat only works on mobile, on pc i need second bird….
Angry Birds Friends Tournament – Week 157 – Level 4 – (UPDATE) 174,940 – Mobile/BlueStacks
Resolution 1600×900
no power 152.860 k – pc
Send balloons first bird to the pig , Send a bird to the second pig balloons , Send a bird to the last pig balloons ,
power up 164.590 k pc
bone Sling , birdquake , using the unique tree slingshot , king sling , wingman , Send a bird to the first balloon , Send the last bird to the pig
160,590 – No PUs – Mobile/ BlueStacks.
1. JS Aim red bird at the lower edge of the package to the far left side. That should cause all the TNT explode in a chain reaction.
2. JS Chuck going through middle pig and balloons to hit on the right the wooden base the pig is sitting on.
Three birds left…
140800 got me 3 stars.