Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Tournament Level #2 Week 173. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 153,840
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 158,750
Top 5 Level #2 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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easy one actually..with spots
I guess that 150K is 3-star score. Got 150K couple times and then 152K. Kind of hard one without PU’s and special slings. Bomb bird at the upper stone square and through it and let it settle at the stone with small pig. Explosion left two lower stone squares from middle and popped first balloon from right. Now the blue bird near the upper balloons and split so that you get three farthest balloons and first one remains and same time lower bird gets balloons from middle. The falling metal balls bounce and push over last remaining structure with pigs. Maybe there is easier way but didn’t get it yet.
If you get lucky then maybe first explosion leans outer row at the middle wood slate which is above balloons and it pushes all it down. Then its easier to get metal balls down and push last remaining structure over.
146,900 – 2*
151,010 – 3*
This is quite a big gap but I’m going to guess that 150,000 is the likely threshold. The problem here is that you need to get everything cleared with 2 birds to guarantee the 3* score but it always puts you well over. You can clear with three birds (if the metal balls knock over the far structure and everything in the center is already gone. The problem is you only get 10k for bonus which is NEVER enough to put you over 150,000. I’ll be back to this but there’s another nightmare waiting…level 6.
Correction – you can clear with TWO birds if metal balls knock over far structure and the center is clear. You need THREE birds when stragglers remain (quite often) which is when you get only one bonus bird.
149K is still 2 star score, confirmed.
I suppose this takes the fun out of it, but on my friends list there is a 2* 149,980 and a 3* 150,080, so 150K would be the threshold.
Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Black bird to mid section of stone tower. Blue bird to steel balls,(balloons_. Yellow bird to far right structure. 150k
156K BQ Power Up
no power 153.350 k
use 2 birds
Send a bird to the first tower , Send to a bird balloons
power up 161.960 k
use 1 birds
birdquake , using the unique tree slingshot ,wingman , power potion , Send a bird to the center of the first tower
Got a lucky bouncy with 2nd shot and got the last tower after the metal balls hit it :) 155k
Zeek, how did you do that?
@benny123 my strategy walkthroughs are verbal (not videos) so kinda hard to explain sometimes but this one is somewhat simple. Here is the strategy done on PC:
1.) Bouncy sling + wingman + power potion – aim towards the bottom of the first structure. hopefully will take out most of the glass structure next to the first tall structure.
2.) Then bird quake (BQ).
sounds simple but it take some time and many tries to get your aiming point precise.
hope this helps.
sounds simple but take some time
Great strat 163030 with this method on 3rd attempt. Cheers.