Angry Birds Epic “Halloween” Special Event

Angry Birds Epic New Set Items

The Angry Birds Epic Halloween Event has started, and we are excited to share some details about it. The format is similar to previous events.

  • Mini Campaign: Accessible via gates throughout the main map.
  • Halloween Event: A linear campaign divided into five sets of nodes, each with a special item to be collected. Each section unlocks every 24hours. The event lasts 9 days.
  • Reward: a new Witch Class for Matilda!, for completing this heroic quest.
  • … and a Mysterious Golden Pig Dungeon


If anyone here has more info, a strategy or general thoughts please share them in the comments below.

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Comments (29)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9615 points
By Mp127 (@mp127)

One thing: If that event will be simillar to Chuck’s, next gates will opened in 48 and 72 hour delays, not 24h like in news.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17140 points
By burbman (@burbman)

A new benefit in this event is the watch video for a treasure chest feature, allowing for an additional way to obtain the items needed to earn the new class. Not sure how often the option will appear, maybe once per day?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17140 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Rewards wheel replaces 500 snouts in each slot where max mastery has been achieved. Quite a downgrade from the value of the mastery offered when converted to the cost of same in the dojo.

For example
6,000 mastery for all birds = 168,000 mastery points which would cost 23,520 snouts assuming full dojo discount taken
2,000 mastery for all birds = 56,000 mastery points which would cost 7,840 snouts
6,000 mastery for a six class bird = 36,000 mastery points which would cost 5,040 snouts
6,000 mastery for a five class bird = 30,000 mastery points which would cost 4,200 snouts

By Fishbulb

Is it too much to ask that Rovio not wait until the start of an event to unleash a huge, untested update? I’ve had more troubles today on event battles than I have over the entire last year. Deleting and reinstalling did not change a thing. About one out of four event battles causes Epic to exit. It doesn’t crash, stop, or lock, simply exits. This is on multiple devices.

The video for a free item is a nice addition, until you get stuck with a video that doesn’t register that it was watched. This happened during the update for the Sonic event, too. A bunch of new ad formats wouldn’t register they had been viewed.

I often wondered what Rovio could do to make Epic slower, more bloated, and consume more battery resources without adding anything entertaining or useful while at the same time making an already unstable app even less stable. They answered!

Rank: Champion with 3800 points
By coolgabber (@coolgabber)

The event didn’t show up. What can I do?

By Fishbulb

Uninstalling (create a Rovio account first to save your progress if you haven’t already) and reinstalling is the only thing you can do yourself. If there’s garbage in your Rovio account that’s causing the problem then you’ll have to e-mail them directly.

Rank: Shooter with 825 points
By edkang-TW (@edkang)

Witch Class only heal Matilda ??? Are you kidding me ??
Useless class?

Rank: Sling God with 36215 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I find the new classes are not really strong enough!! Red, Chuck and now Matilda..

By trusty

I have a question about angry irds POP. where is Luca in the pop game? and what is his power?

By trusty

I have a question about angry birds POP. where is Luca in the pop game? and what is his power?

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By Chuan Cheechen (@chuan-cheechen)

it is awesome

By Fishbulb

I’m already fighting people in arena with the Witch class. There’s no cheating still going on in arena, no sir. None at all. Naturally they’ve already gotten her new class up to level 12.

The effect when she strikes is hilarious, though. Whatever she strikes actually shrinks.

By Pyrobob

I got an offer to buy her new class yesterday after playing in the event, so I bet those people did too and pulled the trigger. She was discounted to 220 LC but I’d rather play the event. You might be able to buy her now for more than 220 as well?

Rank: Sling God with 36215 points
By Joey (@joeyba)
Rank: Gold Flinger with 8385 points
By Sonnykero (@sonnykero)


How the heck did you get 1,000+ Lucky Coins, 90,000+ Snoutlings and 900+ Friendship of Essence?!

Rank: Sling God with 36215 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

@sonnykero i play Epic every day since it was launched!
When we used to get lucky coins everyday, used to get them..

By Fishbulb

About two hours after I posted I finished collecting the second item and got the offer as well. I felt pretty stupid after seeing that. I thought people had hacked their app data to get the new class.

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By ryan.howell.1485 (@ryan-howell-1485)

Anybody else getting a notification iver a level? I found it after finishing the 3rd set of levels and was windering if anyone else has it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8875 points
By DuncTK421 (@dunctk421)

I have it too. Think it’s just a bug. The exclamation mark used to be over the Franken Pig before he was beaten.

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By ryan.howell.1485 (@ryan-howell-1485)

Might be right because when I replayed that level, nothing really changed

Rank: Shooter with 830 points
By monsterpighunter (@corporalpig)

before this update angry birds epic crashed a few seconds after it’s loaded but now it’s fixed :) however arena freezes and when I tried to watch a video it didn’t show up and then the game crashed

By Br


Rank: DaBomb with 375 points
By Ravinda Bulathgama (@ravinda-bulathgama)

Please still need some tips like I said before(about LC tips and the best classes and how to get all ingredients in the halloween event for the witch class)

Rank: Slinger with 1240 points
By Mohww3 (@mouh)

how i can get lc by getting facebook by calender in epic i try every day to get the 1 lc by getting in facebook by calender but i don’t get any lc is that happend with any one and how to get the lc by getting in facebook …. realy i need help in this point ( i used i phone 4 ) with many thanks guys for helping me

By Jayme

At the end of the Halloween event. The gate opened and said to collect 55 stars. I keep playing and playing and however you count within the tournament I collected 55 stars–by the end of level or individual stars. Is there a glitch or am I missing something in the rules?

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By ryan.howell.1485 (@ryan-howell-1485)

Just got the new class today. The regrowth ability certainly did not dissapoint.

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By ryan.howell.1485 (@ryan-howell-1485)

Giant growth*

By Kev

So, the final level before the gate to the golden clouds seems to be glitcjing. I click on it, but it will not play. I have three stars on all previous levels in this event, yet the final boss will not be played. Dissapointing.

Rank: Hardened with 630 points
By abcdefg (@abcdefg)

A few days ago I saw somewone in the Witch class in arena. The benifit to the Witch class is that Giant Growth provides a ton of health for high health birds and the banner. Somewone in the Arena was using a banner with 10,000 HP, so their banner healed 2,000 HP with Giant Growth. My birds dammage added all together equals less than 2,000. Also the other benifit is that Witch has a strong attack and can steal health from the target.

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