Our strategy for Big Setup level 9-3 is to launch Big Brother into the horizontal blocks of the first tower. The goal is to have him skim along and into the other tower. This make take a few tries, but it is well worth it. The score in the video below is 42,760.
Version 2022:
AMslimfordy video for ABN appears to be the basic strategy. There maybe a “sweet spot” where Big Brother just goes through the glass blocks with more force. Zoom in and line up the bottom of BB with the top of the second leaf from the bottom on the left side of the tree. Minor adjustments between the leaf’s and BB’s edges made to obtain a better score. It seems the destruction of the glass blocks and stones provide the best score. Gained 3K in point.
I got a boost in my score by aiming to hit just the top of the horizontal beams of the first structure. The bird slows down when it hits the wood beams, so I avoid them. By just hitting the glass and then hitting the concrete beams head on, I was able to take out most of the glass and the beams and the bird bounced back to knock over the wooden structure for a few hundred extra points.
I don’t know about lining up the bird before release, but I can say that hitting just the glass (no wood) and the upper part of the horizontal beams head on did give my bird more power.
Thanks wrw01
Sweet spot is pretty wide. Got my score without toppling the wooden structure. Same launch, little higher, Bird took out most of the front glass, all the middle stones, flew up through the upper stones and glass, taking all of it over the ledge and breaking most everything. Front wooden stuff untouched.
was aiming as in the video, i.e. just missing the bottom-left glass block. frequently this makes terrence speed up in its usual spectacular fashion yielding scores maxing out at around 48-49k, i.e. the value of everything that’s in the middle and right structures, which is high but not optimal. i think it’s better if it doesn’t fly through, instead both pushing almost everything over and rolling back/down.for my current 49.5k score, the first part yielded 46k (not frequent, usually more like 42k) and the roll back added 3.5k to it (usual, though i’ve also had 5.5k for similar roll backs, so i guess 51.5k should be possible).
Nothing special. Just hammered the sweet spot and wait for the result.
Here is the trajectory: http://oi57.tinypic.com/qyirzt.jpg
Terrence is coming back to finish the job after breaking the right structure into pieces.
Here is the result for my highest score: http://oi58.tinypic.com/2yzeg7l.jpg
And this is the highscore screenshot: http://oi62.tinypic.com/23qzasl.jpg
Hope it helps.
52230 with one bird.
Same strategy for the Daily Challenge.
Here is the final result.
And the highscore screenshot.