Big Setup level 11-2 is a little challenging. Our strategy is to launch the first Big Brother into the bottom-left of the first tower. Fire the next one head-on into the middle tower, pushing it to the right. With a little luck, the ice planks in the middle will give way and pop the small pig in the trough. The score in the video below is 115,120.
Version 2022:
Sometimes, the wood and stone blocks under the right section of the bridge collapses after the first shot. If that happens, you could get a decent score when you hit it.
I see what you mean, it worked.
O use 2 shot and got 114k. I hit the second stone block from the top down and it collapsed both sides of the tower. 2nd bird into the other side and get as much destruction as you can get.
First BB straight on to the bottom stone block or just hitting the top of the triangle and then the stone blocks to the right. These two options cause BB to react differently but the goal is to obtain a score in high 30k into the 40k range. The glass planks on each side of the first structure need to be eliminated.
Second BB to arc high and aim for the stone rectangle underneath of the stone triangle on the right structure. This takes out the right side and have achieved a 2 bird solution with this shot.
Third BB to the big middle pig if still present and for debris point accumlation.
It seems that the luck factor comes into play with the debris destruction.
Ok his one was frustrating but fun! If you follow @wrw01s instructions your going to get above avg for sure! Just keep working it! And thanks for the strat @wrw01! :) gl
@kimmiecv Happy to assist. What makes me feel good is that you obtained a better score in the process of application of the tip, technique or strategy.
Your the bomb @wrw01! Thank you :)
@kimmiecv You make me smile kimmiecv
Yoi ain’t. Kidding @Kimmiecv this is sooooo frustraing been at it all day and night..if I don’t hit that stupid triangle in front ..and I make first shot..then the first piggie doesn’t die..if the first one die the last ones stay..arghhh…
I know @Kathy! That’s all I had to do was see which one your working on! Keep at it if I remember it took me a while too but when it happened it was a beautiful thing!! You so can do it too, go kathy goooo!! I’m your cheerleader :D
Ty @Kimmiecv I’m a trying..:(
I hope I look good with a bald head!!! I’ve done exactly what @wrw01 said..2 birds ..only 108k…whinnnnnnneeeee @Kimmiecv :(:(:(
Okay first of all you won’t be the only bald chick in ABN @Kathy, I’ve made many a bald comment myself LOL Now the other thing I remember about this evil level is I got better scores with 3 birds. Every time I got it in 2 birds my score was to low! Don’t give up, this is good practice for (I’m so sorry to say this :(. ) the other evil levels coming up, some took me DAYS to get above avg and if my sorry self can do it I know you can for sure! Alright Pep talk over now pop those evil piggies and don’t let em win that’s what they’re counting on!! :/
@kathy Keep at it. You need to destroy those glass planks on either side. Also as wrw01 mentions that a score in the 30-40k range should be there. Use Terence as bowling ball and aim a bit higher so that you analyse the debris points.
Thanks @iamMighty
.I will try
.lol I am good at that may be my strength here:) didn’t see it that!!
I kkeep getting the 7-10 split @iamMighty
Ty @Kimmiecv I think I was gonna move on and save this.
but now* biting nails.*.it gets worse?
Erm well not All of them @Kathy only a very few, no really just a few!! ;)
Wooo Hooo!!! Finally ..above average ty @Kimmiecv for cheering me on!!! Thanks for strategy @wrw01 you are a Godsend mwahh..xoxoxo :)
@kathy nice going and look at the great score. Congrats to your patience and never giving up. WTG!!!
this level has always been my nemesis. always difficult for me to get into the top 100. i wish i knew the secret. you must NEED a lot of luck.
1st shot, i dont even bother hitting the top of the triangle. i just go straight into the bottom vertical rectangular stone. the next few shots the same as wrw01 described.
frustrating, @kimmiecv???? try INFURIATING! this level is about to make me throw my phone across the house!
Ok deep breath!! @spdlives I know just how you feel and as you can see up above there’s lots of us!! Take a break and come back, you’ll likely get a kick erm kick piggie butt score when you do! Kathy sure did! But whatever you do Don’t Toss Your Phone at the wall, it only dents the wall and gives you a new headache having to then fix the dent And get a new phone, not to mention still having to come back here to continue the fight!!! LOL ;D
i was actually hoping this was one of those times when you pee and moan and then it happens. so far, no. lol
@kimmiecv … FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! the griping and moaning worked. barely.
Nope jack the whine factor didn’t work for me either!! LOL Good luck to you!! :)
Well there you go! Even before I could finish, your Finished!! Hahahaa :D
Good going @Kathy you did it!! Bravo my friend I knew you’d pull it off, nice little break and you came back swinging :D
-First Big Brother Bird-Launch him into the middle of the first tower causing the rocks to break apart flying forward taking out the middle tower.
-Second Big Brother Bird-Launch him into the remaining rumble, taking out the last pig(s) left.
[Hint- Even if you have to use all three Big Brothers you can still receive 3 stars if the ending score is around 110000 or higher.]
*My ending score the first time was around 110260 or something like that, but the second time I use this way it was 117910. I’m not trying to brag about my scores, just wanted to show you the range of the ending score for 3 stars*
It has been so long since I got my current score of 117k, I can’t remember how I did it. What I do remember is fighting tooth and nail to get it. I would love to hear from those with higher scores, hopefully their memory is better than mine ;)
I must have used the strategy described by @wrw01. Using it just now, I added 20 points to my score.
2 birder shooting first into bottom block, it went through and also took out little pigs to the right of first tower, second aimed at wood horizontal to the left of second tower, it went through horizontal, the small pig dropped and the large pig rolled then it took out the three pigs on right of second tower
I got my new score today (122K) with all 3 birds. I played the same way as shown on walkthrough video, but the leftmost little pig survived. So I sent the third bird to kill it, and the bird has done quite a lot of additional damage, so in the end I was suprised with an improved score.
I have to say that looking at the scores on the leader board I am stymied as to how a score of 125 is possible. You would need to absolutely destroy the level in one or two birds. I would love to hear how to do it differently.
I do not know very well most of the ones at the top. I will just say this, I was only able to come remotely close to 125 and above with powerups. My top powerup score is 130k with one bird.
As it is, I achieved my score, which is *just* barely above @eweber ‘s who I consider one of the best there is, with two birds and many many many days and nights of flinging.
I agree with you @swellD, some of these scores are incredibly high. But then I am not a fan of Terrance. He seems too inconsistant for me. The Big Setup is probably my least favorite episode for that reason.
When power ups came out for ABo, I copied the entire leaderboard that day and the high score on this level then was 127,850. I still have no clue on how to even break 120k
@swellD @sparty83 – I agree with you both! I played this level for many hours first time around and just about managed to get above average (114+). With today’s challenge, having played a lot more games now, and despite having played for most of the day, I seem to be averaging between 115k & 120k. I did get a one-off score of 121+ with 2 birds, which I thought was pretty good considering I had finally beaten Yuri’s YouTube video score, but then having come here to post my score for the challenge and seeing the current high score, I’m thinking ‘how?’ – the mind boggles!
For me (and I’m not the high scorer), I played during my breaks and lunch hour at work. Time after time. I increased to 118K this morning. Then I got home and shot a few times and managed 124030. Did nothing different that I noticed. I guess just right shot right time. I remember this level. I found it tough then, and find it tough now.
I just had a look at the improved scores for today’s challenge, they range from 110k to 125k, suggesting that the top 3 ‘might’ be suspicious- @AMslimfordy ?
They look ok to me.
First bird bounced off triangle taking out upright stones in first structure. Second bird flew right through the rest taking out all pigs and a lot of debris. 117,290 with one bird left.
Many hours of play.
@whoosher, at first I thought you were joking about bouncing off the triangle, but after fooling around with the shot for awhile, I have gotten it to go almost all the way through to the end, only drawback is the amount of debris that remains after the last bird, so I would have to surmise that it is definitely a 1 or 2 bird kill that would work best for a high score. Thanks for sharing.
I’m here to say that 125K is possible, since I just did it! I went for the bottom block of the first tower with the first shot. This took care of nearly all of the left tower and the pit to the right of it, and the rebounding bird and falling blocks nearly cleaned out the pit on the left. I then went for the hollow block near the top of the second tower with the second bird. This cleaned out the right tower and the middle bird and the structure it was in fell into the center pit. I had been stymied at 118K for days using this strat before I got this one. There was still some debris left over…a number of the glass plates to the right and several sundry pieces across the rest of the area.
Has anyone ever had any success arcing Terence through the glass into the center pit? When I tried, it cleaned out half the level reliably, but the points just weren’t there.
Potentially a fake score by FootballBirdie96LovesMessi – top of challenge, second overall, and only score on ABN entered.
Wins the prize of longest ABN name though!!
first: a little bit over the triangel
second: higher and hit the top hole stone on second structure
try, try, try and good luck
Thanks @comex666 – that’s helped me a lot!
Same here. I reversed the shot, so can’t hit the 3rd structure hollow square block as directly, but every few shots, 50-55k first bird with near total destruction is possible. The next shot? I have no idea. Not found one that works reliably to clear the left side.
and here a video:
I wish you got points for making the big piggie’s hard hat land on your bird. I’ve done that 6 times today. Looks hilarious, too.
125590/3 currently using a strategy described above. pixel precision sufficient and necessary for its repeatability, but then very good scores are so as well, both with 2 and 3 birds (my previous best of 124910 was obtained with 2 birds). to be pixel-precise:
1st) through top of triangle such that it continues to base of tower. to that end, i let three ‘steps’ appear in the fork of the sling with a tiny bit of space to the left of the first step, when taking aim. it is essential that the triangle is damaged (for the 3rd), the glass blocks in the pit are taken out or at least partially so (for a good 3-bird final score; typically by either the bird or some debris of the tower falling into the pit), the first tower is brought down/lowered (for the 2nd), and that any debris left on the platform of the tower should be heavily damaged (for the 3rd). scores vary a lot, but good ones are typically 40k or up. repeat until you get that (1 in 5 with my precision);
2nd) through top hollow square. to get as much consistency as possible (tower will be shifted each time differently by the 1st), i take aim using the first dot in the trace left by the 1st. i lower the bird until there’s only a small gap left between the bottom of the bird and the top of the dot. hope it takes out everything (cf. whoosher’s comment above), both the tower and the glass. if it does take out the right structures, typically either by the bird slicing through both the tower and the glass (1 in 20) or the latter being taken out by the tower falling on top of it, but some pig(s) in the middle remain (for, say, a 95k+ score with 2 pigs remaining; 1 in 10) then also throw the
3rd) through the triangle (or where it was) onto the platform, hoping it gets top spin, slices through the debris on the first platform and in middle pit, bouncing back from its right side. to that end, i pull the sling straight first and then raise the bird a little bit until one ‘step’ is in the sling, visible in its lower edge on the right (and possibly also one step on its upper edge on the left).
tough level imo, but the above is repeatable. got four 124k+ scores with it thus far, and based on situations obtained during play i’m sure that 128k+ (current top score) is reachable with it, both with 2 and 3 birds (the latter will need almost total destruction, but that’s possible i think although thus far i only succeeded in emptying two of the three pits at the same time, in any combination). 115k+ scores easy (every few attempts). 120k+ scores frequent (every 5-10 minutes).
Another tough level. But this method is as good as any ~ Thanks for sharing.
Wow! This one was totally unexpected!
I was just trying to claw my way through the ranks using 3 birds for, what, around 3 hours when it happened.
Even if it had been described step by step, here are the visuals.
I started with the first pig, to the tip of the triangle.
This is the trajectory.
And an above than average damage result (around 40k).
Then this is the trajectory of the second bird.
And a good but not great result for it (around 95k).
Then there is the third bird trajectory.
Note that the bird must gain speed from hitting the glass/ice.
And then, out of nowhere, the bird was speeding through all the debris to this result.
I know this is not the final result, but there was still some activity after this screenshot and half a second later, the level ended so fast that I got this instead.
Anyway, here is the final highscore screenshot.
Hope it helps.
As @whoosher with obviously more luck on the second bird. Quite a lot of R&R. I don’t think a 3 birder will get this high, maybe a 2-birder could freakishly add up to 2000 more.
Apologies that there is no proof of the high score, not sure why not. Maybe at the time it wasn’t first in the list? I am away from home with no chance of uploading it until tomorrow. I can confirm that it was not a Classics score.