• DeeDee posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago

    Jeff, it’s DeeDee. I’ve searched everywhere for you guys and then saw your comment to oink. I’m currently in a great clan and don’t want to leave them in the middle of a battle. Turbo started a new clan? Are many of our old members there?

    • Hi DeeDee! Not quite sure how everything went down, with the stupid clan chat so much goes away so quickly. I logged in just in time to catch that everybody was leaving. Followed by a petulant rant from Johnny which made it pretty clear why everyone was bailing. I think you left a little before word filtered into the clan chat that Turbo had started the new clan. Yes we have at least 30-35 of the former BirdBrains in already. Oink has decided to take a break from clans for awhile unfortunately. But besides you, I think everyone I would have hoped to transfer to the new clan has. Sparrow, Speedy, and I are currently co-leaders with Turbo. Anyway I get not leaving in the middle of a battle, but once it’s done if you want to there’s definitely a spot for you!